Friday, May 30, 2008

Another Weekend Coming........

For the first time since late March, and the last until late baseball for me. The State is down to it's Regional Finals so just another week(8 days) to go and then it's on to ACME and American Legion ball.

Actually I do have a game scheduled for tomorrow...but that ain't gonna happen...I am scheduled to do a AMCE(Summer High School Baseball) game at Delphos Jefferson tomorrow at noon...BUT! Jefferson won their Regional Semi-Final yesterday and will be playing for the right to go to the final 4 in Division IV tomorrow...Good luck to the Wildcats..that program has come a long way the past 5 years or so...also left from my area is Coldwater, the Cavs in baseball, like football(where they won a state crown last fall), have been a dynasty, although they have not won a State Title since the 1990s...they are always there, they take on Marion Pleasant today for the Division III Regional Championship.....

On the Girls Softball side, The Celina Lady Bulldogs won their game 10-0 yesterday, and play tomorrow for the D-2 Regional Championship...and Rockford Parkway was a 5-0 winner in D-4, and play tomorrow as well, for the right to go to State.....good luck to all those kids.

Hal is back working at Celina Moving until Grad School starts in September. He is in Indiana today, stops by tonight for a change and a bite to eat, then heads out later for New York City, and a couple of jobs there....Sam is somewhere(Cincinnati I think), and then heads for Chicago to take in a Cubs game this weekend....needless to say, it's been kind of quite around the old homestead....yard work yesterday, waiting to see what the weather(storms in the forecast for tonight) brings up before I make any outdoor plans tonight.

On a sad note...after naming my favorite movies...Harvy Korman of Blazing Saddles and "The Carol Brunett Show" fame, passed away at 81....I'll always remember him as "Hedly Lamar", the evil sidekick of "Governor" Mel Brooks in "Saddles"...what a great cast and movie(see last entry) that was.

Have a great weekend to all.....back later>>>>>>>>>>>>>
photos-Harvey Korman with Mel Brooks and "Froggy" in Blazing Saddles....and me in action at a ACME Tournament in Coldwater, Ohio, a few seasons ago.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Movie Favorites!

Since the late 1950s when brother Mike and I would head to the Venice Theater on West Venice Avenue, in Venice, Florida, I've always been a movie buff of sorts. I honed that talent later on in the 60s watching the late shows on Channel 7(WHIO) in Dayton on weekends...sometimes managing to stay awake until the daylight hours on Saturday morning, and paying the price, sleep wise, for the rest of the day.
Now, don't get me wrong, I could care less about Hollywierd, and today's mostly left wing idiots, cinema sluts, and gay blades, that parade these days on the boob tube, and the big screen. An occasional good movie, or at least watchable movie does come along...and Patricia and I pick and choose the half dozen or so we see per year.

This afternoon, with Anissa away, Sam in the Cincinnati area, and Hal off to Indianapolis to work, we walked the 6 blocks to the old movie house in Celina....we plan on seeing both the new Indiana Jones flick and the latest installment of the C.S. Lewis/Chronicles of Narnia series, this one being "Prince Caspian" at the 4:15 showing I elected to take in "Indy 4". Harrison Ford is getting long in the tooth, and at 63 comes along as the aging "super hero" these days...but none-the-less, the film was enjoyable, albeit corny and far was an entertaining 2 hours. On Memorial Day we watched "The Best Years of Our Lives" on Turner Classic Movies, this 1946 post war drama is one of my favorites...even with the almost 3 hour time ticket. I have this one, and most of my favorites, on DVD....the past couple of days got me thinking about my favorite movies of all time. I could name at least 20 or 25 that I could watch a dozen times or more and not get bored....however, given the fact that it's now 11PM, and this post would be way to long...I'll break it down to 5 of my favorites.

In no particular are 5 flicks I could watch day after day:
American Graffiti 1973:

This movie starring Ron Howard, Richard Dreyfus, and a great supporting cast lead by Paul LeMat, takes place at the end of the summer of 1962...I related to it because that was the time we were getting ready to move from Venice, Florida, to Celina, Ohio.....the characters and the music made this show....I throw it into the DVD player at least once a year....the movie soundtrack has been in my collection for over 30 years.

Blazing Saddles 1974:
This Mel Brooks comedy was actually the movie that Patricia and I went to see on our first "real date"....we jumped on my Kawasaki stopped at Pizza Hut, then went to see this hilarious racial and slapstick laden farce....even the boys love this one...stay away from the edited TV version, and watch the original uncut version on DVD.

Casablanca 1943:

One of Bogarts best...along with Ingrid Bergman, this is one of the great love stories and war stories of the 1940s. Bogart and John Wayne are my 2 favorite actors of all time. I could slot in High Sierra, The Big Sleep, or Key Largo, in here and say the same...."Boggie" had at least a dozen movies I could watch for hours on end....the 40s are still my favorite movie era, even though I wasn't born until 1949.

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 1962:

Ditto the above for John Wayne....this one was a classic western with Jimmy Stewart(another favorite) and Vera Miles...I remember going to see this one at the Venice Theather, shortly before the family moved to me 10 Wayne movies, mostly westerns, that I could put in here...count True Grit, Rio Bravo , and Hell make that 20 other John Wayne flicks to this list.

The Best Years of Our Lives 1946:

A true classic about 3 American War Heroes upon their return to Boon City(acutally a fictional Cincinnati, Ohio)...the cast and acting are among the greatest in American movie history....the story and movie(although 3 hours long) cannot be topped.

There you have 5, I could have named 25 more and not had a second thought......but these come to mind....and despite a few good movies put out these days, you will notice, nothing newer than 35 years....eithe movies are getting worse, or I'm just plain getting old!

back later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Top to Bottom: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 1962/Casablanca with Bogart and Bergman/Clevon Little(L) and Gene Wilder in Blazing Saddles 1974/The classic "Best Years of Our Lives" from 1946 with Hogy Carmichael, Harold Russel, and Dana Andrews/American Graffiti 1973/ and finally Steven Speilberg, Harrison Ford and the cast of the new Indiana Jones flick from 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Catching Up/Memorial Day Back Up

The weather for the holiday weekend was pretty darn good around west central Ohio....yesterday was supposed to be the weak sister of the week-end, but despite some clouds, it ended up pretty nice as well....we got some yard work in, I got a few cigars smoked and more than a few beers drank....all-in-all, not bad, I stayed away from the computer most of the time and kept busy and away from the boob-tube.

Patricia is finished with school until August, Hal is working at Celina Moving for the summer, before heading back to Wright State to do his Graduate(Masters) work in High School History Education. He is in Detroit working today, Sam took the time off between spring and summer baseball to make a RV delivery to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada...hitched up a ride with another driver, and is heading back to Warsaw, Indiana, tonight...I'll probably have to make that trip to pick him up around 1 tomorrow morning...could be a long night.

June is pretty well locked and ready for the PRH household....June 7th sees my niece(sister's middle daughter) marry a guy from Celina, both are in their early 30s, he was starting Center for the Ohio University Bobcats in Football, back in the 90s, and is currently on the coaching staff at Hillsdale College in Michigan...Molly was a track star at Celina, and a life long gymnast...if they ever decide to have kids, they should be pretty good athletes, if that is the choice. The next weekend, we head down to Dayton to participate and photograph Hal's graduating from Wright State....he was finished in March, but will do the march June 14th. Then the next week, Patricia and Anissa will fly from Dayton to Wisconsin so they can spend a week at Patricia's dad's at his condo in Oconomowoc.....that pretty much shoots the month of June 2008. Sam and I will stay busy with ACME(Summer High School) Baseball, and American Legion games through the end of the summer is spoken for, not sure with the prices of gas we will venture far for any vacation time we might have....time enough to think about that later.

With that said, today is cloudy, with temps dropping...Patricia's van needed new rear brakes and a Tie rod replaced...Hal's needs a new left front tire....those are getting done as I type...and lo and behold the thermostat needs replaced on the Intrepid....out of 6 family cars, only 2 are running today...but that will be up to 5 by tomorrow...and Hell, all 6 are paid for, why buy a new one?, especially with the uncertain future of gas and the economy.

A look back at Memorial Day 2008________________

With my Heroes and Assholes post on Sunday I realized that I was making a statement that really had nothing to do with folks that served and sacrificed in the military....and yes, even in that culture, you had Heroes and Assholes...I served with both, and may have been the later myself. I know a few guys, especially some career types, would give me the later label. But regardless of my bad attitude, the Houseworth's and military service go way Genealogy blog has a list of some of the guys that served.
The included family members are 16 boys and men who served with the Union Army in the Civil War, and number of Houseworths who served with the Confederate Army in the same conflict. My dad, his older brother John, and my Uncle Bill DeVore(mom's brother) served in WW2, Bill was just 19 when he participated in the Battle of the Bulge. My brother Mike served with the Air Force as a Fire Protection guy in Southeast Asia(Thailand), and I was a Air Force cop at both Nha Trang and Tan Son Nhut(Saigon), Airbases in Vietnam. My cousin Jackie Ray Poling was killed in July 1968 with the 101st Airborne...he received the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and other medals for his service and ultimate sacrifice. My father-in-law, William Callies served in the Pacific Theater during final days of WW2....his brother Hal(whom our son is named after), served in WWII as well.

My day late SALUTE to all who served!
photos-left to right/top to bottom:
Gilman Houseworth(my Great-Great Uncle. wounded at Chickamauga in September 1863, his brother Henry was killed in the same battle while serving with the 26th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
Nelson Houseworth(Great Grandfather), served with the 186th OVI during the last days of the war, Feb-September 1865
Excellent Book on the Battle of Chickamauga.
Pat Houseworth-Air Force 1968 Cop School Mug Shot.
Stan Houseworth-(Dad)Army Air Force 1942 Lowery Field, Colorado
John Houseworth-(Uncle) US Army WW2 and all around on leave at Rehoboth Beach Delaware in 1943
Bruce Foust, Scott, Ohio, all around WW2 war hero Dad's good friend from hometown, wounded in the European Theater
Marlow Beech(USMC) and Stan Houseworth(AAF) home on leave in Scott, Ohio 1944

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial it looks in 2008/Heroes and Assholes

Memorial Day Weekend....just take a minute to reflect:

The America I grew up in is falling like a stone, and the vast majority of folks that surround us, don't have a clue. The Land of Milk and Honey won't be here for long...and if you disagree with me, well that is your choice, but it's going to fade fast, whether you choose to believe or not.

We as a country, have been blessed with heroes that got us to where we were at the top of our game(post WW2), we now are surrounded by villains, both in and out of politics, that are leading us to Hell in a Hand Basket.

I salute the men and women who fought and died for this country...including my relatives, those that paid the supreme sacrifice include my Great-Great Uncle, Henry Houseworth, who died at the Battle of Chickamauga in September 1860, and my cousin Jackie Ray Poling who died with the 101st Airborne in Vietnam in July 1968. Many relatives both Houseworth and others in my bloodline have put on the uniform of this country...I served 4 years, including a tour in Vietnam from 1968 into mid 1972....I was no hero, and I hated military service...however, I would not change one thing about my service.

The photos above include those that inspired and/or built this also includes the photos of 6 assholes that have you or have had you in their sites....those would destroy everything that has happened good in the USA over the past 400 years since those early heroes stepped onto what is now American Soil....but may not be for much longer.

Be Wary America, and keep your powder dry.

Back later..........................

photos-American Heroes and American Assholes....if you don't know which are which, just drop me a line,

Friday, May 23, 2008

Wrapping up the Week/Spring Baseball

Finished up the regular season yesterday with a make-up NWC League game at Columbus Grove.....Lincolnview scores 3 off a sluggish home squad in the top of the 1st inning and are cruising to a win when Grove decides to score 3 in the bottom of the 7th....we end up going 11 innings and 2 hours 40 minutes, the longest game inning-wise of my high school umpiring career....Lincolnview scores 2 in the 11th, survive a monster home run by Grove, and win 5-4, ending my Spring season.....Unless something comes up, I am off until the American Legion and ACME(summer high school) season starts May 31st...having done the plate last night in that marathon, my legs and back need the rest.

Meanwhile some other interesting local developments in the baseball season. My, and my sons, alma mater, the Celina Bulldogs had pretty bad season, don't know how else to say it....they finished the regular season 7 wins 16 loses(or something close to that)...and won only 2 games while dropping 7, to finish next to last in the Western Buckeye League. But that's why they play the post season....dropping from Division 1(the largest schools in Ohio) to Division 2, Celina was paired in the sectional and district tournaments with many teams from their the Sectional level, they ended up playing 2 teams they had lost to in league action...St. Marys and Van Wert...Celina wins both of SM 7-4 then run rules VW 11-1. That brings them to the Division 2 District at Archbold...Celina in the bracket with the top 2 teams in the WBL, Defiance the #1 ranked team in the state at 24-1 who beat Celina 3-0 during the league season, Lima Shawnee the second place team in the WBL with just 4 loses, and a good Maumee team from near Toledo.

Lo and behold, the Celina Bulldogs knock off the top ranked Defiance Bulldogs 3-2 yesterday...nobody saw that coming, meanwhile Shawnee edges Maumee 1-0 in a classic pitchers duel....the means Celina faces LS tonight in the District final...Shawnee is the 4th straight team that Celina faces in tournament action, that they lost to in the regular just never know.

Today I will take Sam to Warsaw, Indiana, to pick up a Class C RV destined for Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Not many RVs being sold it appears, I have semi-retired from the RV driving gigs, but will take local runs on occasion....Sam, who plans on heading back to college this fall, is picking a good time for it....I fear the US economy is heading for Hell in a hand basket, and it feels like 1929...while the idiots in Washington and the left wing environmental nutjobs still refuse to drill for oil on the home front, or even refuse to admit, we are in deep dung. They fiddle, as the US of A burns.....idiots! And guess what?, It doesn't make a damn difference which of the 3 Stooges gets elected, they are going to have a mess, and none are qualified to solve the massive problems we have ahead.

Enough ranting....I've got some time off, and I plan on enjoying it, getting into shape, but still drinking beer, and smoking a few cigars.

back later........................
Left to Right...WBL, NWC and MAC....3 leagues that I work, along with the Green Meadows, and Putnam County leagues.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Taking Flight!

The spring weather remains cool, cloudy, and windy....maybe 60 for a high today, and they have stuck a little rain in the forecast for Friday and maybe even Monday, after originally calling for sunny weather throughout the weekend....surprise, surprise...NOT!

Guess I was a little off in my prediction of the Robin brood taking flight....seems all but 1 have given flight a try....and he(she) appears to be moving towards that goal sometime this afternoon.....(see photos).

Sam and I will be going to the funeral home this afternoon...."Snip", our Dartball leader, passed away over the weekend, he had a stroke on his 82nd birthday, and passed away less than a week later....Snip had been playing darts for the Church almost 50 years, one of the stalwarts of the Wabash Valley Dartball League...he will be missed.

Sam and I did a varsity game at Sherwood Fairview last night...Fairview scores 5 late to pull out a 10-5 win over Paulding....The younger Houseworth, doing the plate, got into it with the Fairview staff over balls and strike calls....and was just about to toss a couple of coaches(a 2 game suspension)...they calmed down, and that was lucky for them...they are in the District Tournament this week, and the head coach missing that, would not have looked good. Next year coaches that get ejected, will not only get suspended, but fined by the OHSAA(Ohio High School Athletic Association) as the umpires some leverage, which most of us don't want....I don't want to be responsible for dipping into someone's wallet. So far I have never ejected a coach(several players though)....Sam, on the other hand, has no problem with tossing a coach if he feels the need.

Meanwhile I picked up another spring game before the season is finished...tomorrow at Columbus Grove vs Lincolnview.
back later>>>>>>>>>>>

photos-will this young robin take flight this afternoon? He nest mates already have taken flight.
The 5PM Update...way too much time on my hands....after returning from the Funeral Home....where the crowds honoring "Snip" were unreal, what a popular and well known figure about town.....I parked the Intrepid in the drive next to the basketball pole. Even though all the Robins have "flown the nest"....not quite on their own just you can see, the parent birds are still feeding the new ones, as this one sits on the car, trying to get it's sea legs in the 20 MPH winds....

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mesick Michigan Mushoom Hunt Diary part 2

Weather remains windy and cool, it's really been a pretty lousy Spring, so much for Global Warming, right, Horse's Ass Al Gore? Sam and I will be doing our last regular season Spring game tonight at Sherwood Fairview...contest between 2 pretty good teams that are still left in the tournament, Fairview vs Paulding. Then it's off until May 31st unless something comes up tournament wise.....The Summer ACME and American Legion season begins full bore in June.

I see Bush apologized to Iraq for a Army Sniper using the Koran as target practice...our Bible comes under assault every day in the US and this idiot(Bush) wants to say "I'm sorry" to these clowns....the Army guy should have used it for toilet paper after shooting the rag.

OK, enough of that, back to the Mushroom hunt.

Saturday May 17, 2008

Despite the old guys being somewhat(or a lot) hung over, we headed out around 10AM for the second day of our Mushroom Hunt. A half hour or so into the hill climb, Clint and the youngest Pearson, Guy, became separated from the rest of us. You have to realize this State Forest is deep woods, with trails and hills that wind through out the area. Our camp site is located some 4 miles south of the town of Mesick. In these woods you can become lost or lose site of your partners in a minute or less.....and we did. The 4 of us in the main party had little luck, coming up with maybe a half dozen Morels. I was concerned about my back(and to be honest, the shape I was in from not working out much the past 6 months because of the back issues), so I decided to work my way back to camp....we all 4 agreed to take a less hill ridden way back, and arrived about Noon. You can usually follow you shadow back towards your camp later in the day, but at noon, with the sun high in the sky, not so easy, carry at least a compass or cell phone...Clint and Guy had neither.

We relaxed for about and hour when Rick and the 2 remaining boys headed back out to hunt for more Morels...I would wait back at camp, cook some Brats, smoke a cigar, and wait for the two lost souls, Clint and Guy.

Rick called on the cell about an hour into the second trip out to see if they had shown up, I tell him, still no show on the missing...15 minutes after Rick's call, and declaring Clint and Guy they come. 4 hours after heading out, getting lost, and walking who knows how many miles, they had found a well traveled road, just outside the Mesick town limits....and caught a ride back to our camp site. Lessons learned, take cell phone, take something else(at least a good compass) to help find your way "home".

After hearing the "war" stories of the trip gone sour, we all made several more runs out in the next few hours...Clint and I each out on our own stayed within shouting distance of camp, plus with the sun settling farther down in the west, it was easier to get your bearings, and make it harder to get lost. Sad to say, not many more Morels were found, Clint did get a few, as did the others(PRH getting shut out)...making a grand total of 60 or appears, with the cool and wet Spring, we had been a few days early....but next weekend would be Memorial Day, and the crowds would be outrageous, so our timing was directed by the need of being with fewer hunters to compete with, in the woods.

The rest of the evening was spent around the camp fire, eating burgers, dodging a few rain drops, and resting...very few beers were consumed the rest of the weekend, we(the older guys) were still "washed out".... and we were all in the sack by 10pm.

Sunday May 18, 2008

Up at 6AM we were, to break camp, clean up, pack up, and head into West Cadillac to have a BK Breakfast...I had not had a cup of coffee(the guys were drinking hot tea) since Friday and needed a shot of Joe....ordering a large cup of "Turbo" Coffee at Burger King....that to go with my Enormous Omelet sammy. Done there we filled up the vehicles at $3.94 a gallon and headed out...Clint and I would split with the others at Lansing...we headed down 127 back to Celina, and Rick and the boys down I-469 to 69 to Auburn, Indiana.

Great weekend of fun, despite, too many beers on Friday night and Saturday morning, and too few Morel Mushrooms...Clint and I figured out, between beer, food, gas, and whatever else, it came down to about $15 bucks a Morel....of course they sell for over $100 a pound, so, what the Hell? All-in-all another good time, and we will plan, God willing and gas under $10 a gallon, on being back next years weekend starts a few days later on or about May 22nd....hopefully if the spring springs right, we can hit the mother load! We hope to spend an extra day, and will bring along our fishing poles...Clint and Guy are avid fisherman, and at least the 3 of us will hopefully drop a line and catch a few.

Had fun guys, thanks for another load of memories!

back later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

photos-left to right/top to bottom---First 3 photos....4 wheel drives are a must, and we don't mean those SUV's the wife drives....they don't make it, you need a man's 4 wheeler to get though this stuff. Next, Clint, then Guy and Rick Pearson, the first night.....Saturday's high sun....this trip saw as much sun as the previous 2 trips combined, and when the sky is high, it doesn't help if you are lost...but it does make it much more pleasant to be so(lost). The hills, this one doesn't do justice to some of the major rolling hills, which I avoided as much as possible. Grilling my Saturday noontime meal...then breaking down the camp on early Sunday morning.
Finally, our resident back yard Robins continue to feed the brood, and they are growing quick...I expect them to be flying by early next week.

Monday, May 19, 2008

MMMM Diary(Mesick Michigan Morel Mushroom)

Just around 50 hours after we left for Mesick on Friday, we returned yesterday afternoon. Kind of nice, even though we had a radio, we basically left behind the news and sports world...News like that fat loser Ted Kennedy surviving his latest overeating and over drinking escapade...The Reds taking 2 in a row from Cleveland and eventually winning all 3 with the Tribe, and the Red Wings letting Dallas back in the Western Conference Finals of the NHL....once you get away for even a couple of days...the real world just doesn't seem all that great...sure you miss the showers, the family, the dog, the running water, the toilet...but you survive.....I think I could do at least 5 days of this type of camping....not sure I'd want to do more, unless I could go into town and grab a cabin or motel for a night..but it was again enjoyable this year.

Friday May 16, 2008

Clint and I left Celina at 12:30pm, heading north on US 127....rather than the stupid Yahoo route(340 miles) we would take 127 north to Clare, Michigan, then US 10 to Michigan 115 past Cadillac, to the forest area just south of Mesick...this route was just under 300 miles. Now the Jeep Wrangler is always an adventure, but 300 miles is not usually a problem....I have driven it back from as far away as Yuma and Las Vegas to Celina...both well over 2000 miles. Rick and the Boys had left about 9 AM from rural Auburn, Indiana....this would get them there about 1 PM...and let them set up camp and get an early start on the Mushroom hunting....the camp set-up worked for me and Clint, less work for us...the mushroom jump start worked for the Pearson clan.

Stopping in Paulding for a bite at the DQ and we continued to head north, the weather was sunny and cool but nice the entire trip. Very little traffic got us to the woods right at 6:30PM....Rick and the boys(his sons Clay and Guy, and a friend of Clay's Brett) had the camp set-up and already had run into a batch of 40 or so it turns out, that would be the mother load for the weekend...PRH was gonna get shut out!

This was Clint's first trip north so we had to "treat" him to the usual first night efforts....this included Rick, me, and Clint drinking large amounts of Barley Brew, smoking a varied collection of good, but not overly expensive cigars, and BSing until all hours of the this would not be rare for Clint..since he was one of the "Gang of 7" from Celina that lived in the College Inn at Ohio University during the 1975-1976 schools years...and Clint was among the biggest of the Hell raisers during that time anyway...nothing was gonna surprise him, as it turns out Clint had a better memory of our days than Rick or me...anyway a couple of cases of beer a baker's dozen cigars and about 8 hours of bull hockey later, it was 3:30 AM and we finally hit the lean-too...the 3 younger hunters slept in the tent, no doubt amazed or bored as Hell of our stories, which I'm sure they had heard a dozen or more times each.

Saturday May 17, 2008
Despite not hitting the sack until 3:30 0r 4, Rick was up and cleaning up the camp by had rained just a little during our BS session, it always rains at least some during the weekend, this year less than usual. I finally rolled out at 8 or so...hung-over but I had felt worse. Rick fixed the breakfast, cut potatoes, sausage, and scrambled eggs, all mixed together in a large pan...everybody but Rick enjoyed it....seems the cook was just a tad hung-over himself, and not really in the mood for food.....

After breakfast we headed up the hills, and there are hunderds of hills...between the night before crimes and my back, I was wondering if I could make it....I was still wondering about an hour later when Rick, Me, Brett, and Clay, became seperated from Clint and Guy...a handful of mushrooms(not one found by me) and 2 hours later we made it back to camp....not a sign of Clint or the youngest Pearson.

That was enough for me for a few hours...Rick and the other boys headed back into the woods, I would "guard" the camp, food, and beer...this was 1PM and still no sign of Clint or Guy.

Tomorrow------The Return of the Lost!

back later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

photos(as always, click to enlarge)-left to right, top to bottom: Saturday morning breakfast before we mixed it together...eggs, sausage, and potatoes, all mixed together in one massive heart attack filled treat. A look at the classic sweat shirt and logo that Rick's wife Toni made up for all of us....nice touch that we had a chance to "fashion" for the camera. The Celina High School gang...Rick Class of 68, Clint, the youngster, Class of 71, and the old-timer, me, the Class of 67. Rick with the boys...Clay far left, buddy Brett on Rick's left, and Guy, the youngest Pearson, on the far right. The boys showing off the Morel Hunt Sweat Shirts...the trail heading up towards the many hills and valleys of the south of Mesick woods....and hanging around the campfire.
More Photos Tomorrow-----------

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...