AND A LOOK AT THE PAST! ..... Sports, Dual Sport Motorcycle Riding, Politics, Nostalgia, Music, Photography, and a Healthy Dose of BS....
Monday, June 30, 2008
39 Years ago today.........Vietnam Arrival!

Friday, June 27, 2008
40 Years Ago Today!

I had to go down to the basement Antique Room and pull out my folder of old Air Force records just to make sure.....I remembered it was late in June of 1968, .....and sure enough after a gander, I saw the date: 27-06-68..June 27, 1968 for those never blessed with Military BS.
I had signed up with my friend Eddie Bonifas from Coldwater, and we were selected to go into Basic on the "buddy system"...first thing the Air Force teaches you is..."Don't believe a damn thing we say"...I ended up going in 2 weeks before Ed, although we both did end up at the overflow Basic Training facility in Amarillo, rather that the main basic roundup at Lackland AFB in San Antonio...some "buddy system".
My first ever airplane ride was out of Columbus, Ohio, to Amarillo via stops in Dallas and Lubbock. Arriving late at night, we were whisked away to these wood and tar paper barracks on base...finally getting to bed around midnight or later....I am sure of the time we got up though...SSgt Joe Prokop, my Drill Instructor(or TI, Technical Instructor, as the AF called them), came rolling though the sleeping quarters at 4AM...yelling some macho crap akin to...."Drop your cocks and grab your socks"...and smacking his sawed off pool cue on the metal edges of the bunks.....needless to say, this 19 year old country boy had no freaking clue as to what the Hell was going
I was 19, stood about 5' 9" and weight was maybe 135....I grew 2 inches and 30 lbs over the next 14 weeks between arriving at Basic and finishing up Security Police School later that fall at Lackland.....I would never be the runt of the litter again. Basic Training at that time seemed like Hell, of course looking back 40 summers later, not so much, after all I could have been at Paris Island or some other Hell hole, if I had chosen to let the draft take me....Army or Marines? and the choice would not have been mine....I faced 4 years of orders and bullshit, most of which I ignored or fought, but at least I had a bed and 3 squares a day...even in Vietnam, I still had at least 2 hot meals a day....
all in all, despite chicken dung and the so-called 'Mission"(or as we used to chant).."Mission?, Mission?, F**k the Mission"....my 4 years could have been worse.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Supreme Court gets one right

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Baseball Tossing/The Power of Blogging

Monday, June 23, 2008
George Carlin/Radio Days

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Weekend Outlook!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Sepia Photography
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Baseball Hazards and Summer Shots
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Stocking Up!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Weather=Breath of Fresh Air/Bachelorhood for 5 days!
Yesterday through the next few days will also bring cooler and maybe drier weather...although some showers may pop up(what else is new?) for tomorrow and beyond....should have walked today, but I haven't, should have taken Reagan the Airedale outside and given her a bath, because she stinks like a dog, but I haven't.....should have vaccumed the porch and indoor rugs, and swifted the hardwood floors, but I haven't.....maybe tomorrow! Today I will enjoy the cool temperatures, and head to Lima Bath for a game at 6PM.....that's about it.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Wright State Graduation and the Weekend

Sunday.............Headed up to Columbus Grove yesterday morning. Umpired at the Tawa Run American Legion Baseball Tournament. This well run get together is HQed in Ottawa, Ohio, and takes place every June.....I've been helping out for the past 7 seasons....but with the Graduation I was limited to 1 day this year.

back later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Photos from the Graduation and the Dinner--------Hal "The Graduate"...(damn tassel), Anissa, Hal, Patricia, and me after the ceremony, Hal and Sam, The Back 40 in Decatur, Indiana, the rustic entrance, Hal and Grandma, and Hal with his IPod.....
Friday, June 13, 2008
Waiting on the Rain
Turning 76 years old
{Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...
Schools in the area from Dayton to the south, to Putnam and Paulding Counties in the north, were shut down today...last nights rain didn...
The weather has stayed warm, in fact another record by tomorrow of 80 degrees....of course, in my case, not much chance to enjoy it....the ...