AND A LOOK AT THE PAST! ..... Sports, Dual Sport Motorcycle Riding, Politics, Nostalgia, Music, Photography, and a Healthy Dose of BS....
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Took a few days off....

Friday, September 26, 2008
Black Friday or Writing Checks Our Ass Can't Cover?

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Will the "Bail Out" Happen?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Kill the Bail Out!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Socialism 101/Early Fall Yard Work

Monday, September 22, 2008
Yankee Stadium=Turn Out the Lights!

I did a JV game at Waynesfied Saturday, and a Rec Department double header at Celina yesterday with Sam...the weather is back to dry, somewhat humid, and typical later summer/early fall weather.....now that the weather is supposed to cool down, can't see that in the near future forecast, I have decided to get out and do some "yard" work, and a little painting.
So, I will oil up the chain saw, buy a couple of new paint brushes, and once the humidity drops....start at it. A couple of evergreen trees have to go, some bushes need major trimmings and the Ivy in the back side of the property needs cut down. Then paint the east side of needs a re-do...that side gets a direct hit from the sun, and fades quicker. I will also do the back(south) side and some trim work.....the rest will wait until next spring, summer, or maybe early fall...after all, I'm retired, and can do it whenever I darn well feel.
Freshman game at Celina tonight. Anissa is home with me with a cold, so will work around the homestead until about 3.
Back Later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
photos-Me and brother Mike with the Venice Elks 1957....Childhood Hero Mickey Mantle at Yankee Stadium in the 1950s. And Yankee Stadium in the beginning.
Friday, September 19, 2008
9/20/08=Good Morning!
Off to Nappanee, Indiana

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Battle of Chickamauga-145 Years Ago

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008
Ike Blows Through Ohio
Photos-The wind and trees blowing through my back yard from "Ike"
Friday, September 12, 2008
Charlie Gibson American Assclown/Hurricane Ike

First on to the Palin interview...you have to ask yourself why "Team McCain" would allow their ticket star to be interviewed by this left wing ass named Charlie Gibson? You knew it would be a hit piece...Hell they might as well put her up against Keith Olberman, at least everybody knows that low talent dirtball is a tool of the DNC. Gibson is a lightweight when it comes to TV Anchors...but from what I've seen he did his best to discredit Palin, by asking questions none of the candidates including Half Breed Barry could answer.....Palin did pretty good in deflecting the continued hate from the Main Stream Press and the Washington elite. No bombshells here, the press is left grasping at straws.
53 days till election day, and the Dems are running scared, scared of a 44 year old self described Hockey Mom wearing lipstick. It's fun to see these jackasses squirm...I don't know who is going to win the upcoming Presidential election....my guess is, it's 50-50 at this point...the one thing I am sure of, if Obama gets elected, Israel will attack Iran before this half assed "Community Organizer" steps foot in the White House.
Ike on the loose
On a much more serious note Ike has taken aim at the Texas coast...5.5 million folks live in the Houston area alone, including my old Air Force Sky Cop buddy:
The way thing look{if they don't change in the next 15 hours} a wall of wind

Stay Tuned!
On the home front, we finally got some much needed rain overnight, this coming after I mowed down some weeds in the front and back yard....our wet spring and early summer has turned into a full mini drought, which looks like we will end over the next few days....even predicted to get the remains of "Ike" by early or middle of next week.After a rare off day{that's not a Wednesday or Friday}, I will be back at Football tomorrow in Spencerville, working a JV game, and working for the first time with Sam...we have done hundreds of Varsity baseball games together, but his is the first football contest where we will both be on the same field. We repeat that Sunday at a Rec game in Celina....next week looks pretty full as well.
Have a great weekend, and once again, pray for those folks in Ike's way.
back later>>>>>>>>>>
photo-Hitman Charlie Gibson interviews Sarah Palin/Hurricane Ike heads towards Houston/and the welcome rain finally comes to Celina.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Where Were You 9/11/01?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
4:41AM----Cat Fights/Football Fun and Grave Yards

So says my digital clock on my computer desk...what the Hell? Here I sit, Anissa is awake. Our daughter is an early riser due partly to the meds she takes for her various disabilities. She usually gets up at the 4 O'Clock hour, give or take 30 minutes. This morning it was me up early...actually since about an hour ago when 2 neighborhood "Tom Cats" were across the street doing a prolonged battle. After listening to these sonsofbitches go at it for 15 minutes, I donned the PJs, grabbed the baseball bat and walked across the street. Now these 2 didn't give a crap about this old man until I reached them, bat in hand, and took a swing....they hauled ass into the back yard of another neighbor, and continued their go around....should have grabbed the .22 and dispatched both of the miserable creatures....but why bring panic to the neighborhood, or the cops?
Well anyway, that woke up the dog, Anissa, and me.... Getting to bed at 12:15, rounds out to just a little over 3 hours sleep....once up, this old dog can't get back to bed, so it's a pot of coffee, and listening to the friendly nutjobs on George Norrey's "Coast to Coast" on XM Channel 165. Time Travel is this morning's show...."Beam me up Scotty"!
Without a doubt, the past few days have been pretty boring in this "Day in the Life"....but yesterday got more interesting.

Or at least the final 3 minutes from Hell....I traveled north about 35 miles yesterday, filling in at a junior high football game for another official. Since this takes me up to the area of my early youth, I go up there on occasion during baseball season. It gets me back to my roots so to speak. Anyway working a 3 man officiating crew with 2 veterans seemed harmless enough....and it was for the first 3 quarters and the first 5(8 minute quarters in junior high ball) of the final period. Then it got interesting:
{so as not to insult most of the fans who didn't act like rabid assholes, the names of both teams will remain ___________}
Game tied at 6 with 3 minutes left, when the visitors gained control of the ball on a fumble at their own 15 yard line...as the home team fumbled, and the ball was scooped up by the defense, I heard a whistle behind me. Knowing from my view, which was the clearest, I let the play go....the defensive player takes the ball back about 35 yards...which would have set them up in good field position. However, with the inadvertent whistle, the play was killed....I informed the Referee that the whistle I heard(blown by him) was post-possession(after the fumble and recovery). Now, this situation was not going to make either team happy, but it was the only "fair" and correct thing to do. We take the ball back to the A____________'s 15 and give them the ball.
A________ runs 2 plays and the clock continues to move, score of 6-6, I think to myself, well we are in for a tie game, no overtime in junior high, unless the coaches and officials agree beforehand...we hadn't. It only gets better!
On 3rd down, A_________,s quarterback tosses a floater down the middle. Intercepted by W________T________, run by to the A__________ 25...I look at the clock, 1 minute 11 seconds remain. So the home team, with no time outs left, and the score knotted at 6, has the ball deep in enemy territory. Long Story longer....the clock runs down to 19 seconds the home team QB launches one over the middle, one of the wide receivers grabs it....falls forward and is down at the 1 yard line. No time outs left, I set the ball, being the Head Lineman, I set the chain crew's marker in place and the Ref winds the clock....all Hell was breaking loose on the sidelines....in a 3 man crew, you can't see all, and who knows whether we may have missed a W_______T________ player run off late. Was there 12 men in the huddle( a 5 yard penalty)? I don't think so, but the visitor's fans were raising Hell in a big way....the home team sets the ball, a quick snap and a push forward....the line judge on the other side signals "Touchdown"....I glance at the clock...it shows 0.1{as in zero point one/one tenth of a second} left in the game. The extra point failed. Time for one more quick play(no kickoffs in JH ball in Ohio)...the game ends with the home team on top 12-6.
We head off the field to the parking lot past the visitors side of the grand stand. To this schools credit they travel well, and actually had more than the home team in number of fans. Many were not happy with this aging crew...I have to say at 59 1/2 I was the youngest member of the men in stripes....Hell we caught, F-Bombs, threats, and other entertaining comments were thrown our way. We walked to our vehicles.
As I went to pull out, a pick-up truck, gunned up next to my Intrepid..the driver, some hayseed about my age, began swearing and waving his hand at me like some idiot....I pulled behind him as we left the parking lot. He was turning right, then would go south on US 127....so just on a whim, I decided to pull up next to him and go left towards the back roads....his driver side window was down and as I pulled up beside, he continued his tirade....cussing, pointing, and telling me about our officiating crew and his thoughts on our ability. I smiled, waved, and mouthed a polite F____ Off in his direction. End of discussion, he "saluted" me one last time and pulled away...I turned left towards the back roads of Blue Creek Township.
In my years of officiating baseball and football, this was as ugly as I've seen...coming at the junior high level, these "fans" put another whole meaning to the word fanatics. The home crowd was well behaved and to be fair, so was the large majority of the visiting fans, except a few, who acted the part of fools...making this writing possible.
The Road Back Home
Taking the back roads the 40 miles(5 miles longer this way) to Celina, I head deep into Blue Creek Township...Blue Creek was the home of family members from 1870 until my aunt died in 1998. My Great Grandfather, Nelson Houseworth, had moved his family from Waldo, Ohio, after the Civil War...see story at my genealogy blog:
After the intense ending of the game, I decided to pay the graves of Nelson, and my dad a visit.....Graveyards are a place you must visit if you are doing serious genealogy work, and I've visited
Nelson S. Houseworth is buried in the old section of Blue Creek Cemetery, and as you can see by the photos, his stoned, marked with his Civil War unit, is pretty much at the southwest corner, by itself, near a dry creek bed. Blue Creek is dry this summer, due to the lack of rain the past couple of months.
After taking some photos, I headed south 4 miles, to just inside the Van Wert-Paulding County line...the cemetery is the Town of Scott Cemetery, which is the resting place of the bones of many other Houseworth family members, including my dad, his mom, both sisters, and the oldest brother...plenty of cousins "reside" there as well. The Old Man's stone is located in a non crowded spot at the southeast edge of the cemetery.....snapped a shot of his WW2/Veteran plate, and the stone itself, with my shadow towering above and over it. Kind of like that shot. The stone has mom's name on it as well, she is alive and well, Dad has been gone for 36 years this Christmas Eve.
On the Road Home
The visit got me in the proper mood to head on home....the game a distant memory, and the outcome{not who won or lost) actually brought a smile to my face....I knew it would give me a chance to bounce the decisions and outcome off my fellow refs at our meeting in Van Wert tonight.
Now I know, few people read posts when they are this long, and I see I've been at it for over an hour. The clock just changed to 5:45AM......now I can have my 3rd cup of "joe", take a shower and face the day.
Back Later>>>>>>>>>>>>
photos-Cat Fight/Football Scoreboard/Nelson S Houseworth at Blue Creek Cemetery and Stan Houseworth at Scott Cemetery
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A Final Look At Mersmans

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sunday Morning
Friday, September 5, 2008
Let the Games(Political) Begin

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Palin Hits a Home Run

You will find several 10 minute bits out of her rousing half hour speech....she was preceded by Rudy Giuliani...who bashed the Marxist Party(Democrats) with glee:
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The News Media Trashes Sarah Palin

Turning 76 years old
{Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...
Schools in the area from Dayton to the south, to Putnam and Paulding Counties in the north, were shut down today...last nights rain didn...
The weather has stayed warm, in fact another record by tomorrow of 80 degrees....of course, in my case, not much chance to enjoy it....the ...