Sunday, May 31, 2009

Random Weekend Ramblings

I finished up my Spring Baseball season with a Regional Game on Friday afternoon....Toledo Christian defeated Hopewell-Loudon 5-1, but then went on to lose the Finals to host Patrick Henry by a 8-4 count yesterday. I took the opportunity to stay at my old horse training buddy Tom's place in Deshler, Ohio, about 2 miles from the High School. We had a good meal, a few or more beers, and I had a chance to visit the horse farm/stables where a dozen or so Trotters and Paces live. A most relaxing place for sure. I headed the 75 miles south after that, got home while Patricia had already started the limb and branch clean-up of the yard. I helped out a little with that brush pile, then hauled out the Chain Saw and proceeded to do a George Washington on one of the Evergreen Trees, an 8 footer that had been affected by an Ice Storm last winter....with the dirty deed done, the result was the pile of limbs, trees, and vines, you see in the photo on the upper left....The City of Celina does brush pick-up on the first Monday of the month in our neighborhood, and hopefully they will get rid of that pile, so we can start on another one for July First.

Blogging Buttheads____

Like the rest of the real world, the world of Bloggers has it's fair share of a-holes and folks that leave you scratching your guy, who I will leave nameless(except for a passing shot at him via first name) as not to give him anymore readers, I had put on my Right Wing-Best of Politics group. The guy was a little hard core, and seemed semi-racist(whatever the Hell that might be?), but I agreed with much of his postings on the political scene. Sure he was a southern fried separatist, but usually an interesting if not complex read. He is always looking for self gratification it seems...he would e-mail asking for comments on his blog(in fairness I have sent out notifications of certain postings of mine, but seldom seek comments, I let those happen if and when the readers wishes). He asks, "Don't e-mail a response, make a comment on the blog so we can comment and all can see".

Well yesterday he was ranting about a store clerk shooting at and eventually killing one of 2 robbers(a jewelry store in Oklahoma I think)...Seems the clerk after shooting one of the crooks, went back and got another gun and plugged the guy laying there 5 more times....the Blooger, albeit it a fan of Guns and the Second Amendment, called it murder, and said the guy should be prosecuted(which he is being for first degree murder)...I disagreed, while not condoning the store clerk's actions, I did not call what he did murder either....well this set off a firestorm on the Blooger site...he managed to erase all I had written(except my original post) thus giving him free rein to bash me and my opinion without leaving my thoughts on the matter on his site(except the original one)...he finally made the grand gesture of "Banning" me for much for this guy's value of other's opinions. So Fred, here is one final "fickle middle finger of fate" award to you....I've got news for you. You are Nuts! You might want to see that shrink before you lose it all together...before long I expect you to be posting "Obama 2012 for Messiah" posts on your blog. That's how far gone you are. You are no Conservative, you are a pathetic excuse of a "Cyber Bully"...and that crap doesn't make it with folks like me.

As the old saying goes, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but not all of us all of the time" . And Fred, the only fool appears to be you.

The Week Ahead_____

I actually have 2 days between spring and summer baseball...even with the State Tournament games ahead this week, locally Coldwater makes their 16th appearance in the State Tournament on Thursday, no rest for the weary. I am back at it Monday afternoon at Crestview for a double header....June is stocked full of games, between ACME and American Legion ball.....I won't be around much...this is the busy month, and I'm really not sure if I'm up to it...but will give it a go!

Back Later>>>>

Enjoy what's left of the weekend.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rained Out!

The small berg of Mendon, Ohio, received about 5 inches of rain late yesterday afternoon between 4 and 5:30. Celina got very little at that time, but did receive a good soaking overnight.

Mendon is located about 8 miles north and east of Celina in the northeast corner of Mercer County....things started off with a tornado warning, then a large red blob appeared on the radar, and did not move....Mendon sets on the banks of the St. Marys River and reports had roads closed near and along the river, including sections of 2 State Highways. As I watched the radar, the other storms in the Ohio-Indiana area moved along at a steady clip, but the Mendon storm which also included the Spencerville area, stayed put and became a hail and wind storm of significant proportions.

More Rain Storms______

I woke up this morning and a lite rain was falling, and it was obvious that we had a pretty good soaking overnight(although nothing like Mendon)...the radar looked like the Hamler-Deshler area about 75 miles north had received a good share as well. Patrick Henry, where the Baseball District I am working is located between the 2 small towns, and I was prepared to leave at 11am for our 2pm game.....looking at the weather I figured it was less than 50-50 of getting the game in today, so I called ahead and talked with the Tournament Director and he confirmed he was getting ready to make the call...the games would be pushed back a day. Not a bad move, Friday and Saturday both look sunny and in the 70s, perfect baseball weather.

So tomorrow I'll head north, do the first Regional Semi Final between Hopewell-Loudon, and Toledo Christian...then meet up with Tom who now lives about 3 miles from the ballpark, where he trains and cares for the trotters and pacers for his new outfit. Will have a few drinks and supper there, stay overnight at his place before heading home on Saturday. Told Patricia this would put a crimp in my night fishing with Nick on Friday, but plenty of time to get that activity taken care of before summer ends.

Getting ready to paint______
Patricia and I headed to Lima yesterday looking at Lowe's for paint and other items needed for the House Projects...really didn't buy anything(the paint chips from the house were not large enough to test ??) back we came and checked in at Menard's. The paint was more reasonable, and Patricia got some seeds she was looking for.

I've got enough paint to start the backside of the house...then will wait for the Amish Crew to do the main roof, before moving onto the sides and upper portions of the house. Hopefully this painting will last another 5 years(the paint is supposed to be good for 15, but with 86 year old wood, and direct sun to some locations of the house, that usually doesn't happen). Either way, it looks to be my last time painting 60 the thought and chore of moving and climbing a large wooden ladder, isn't my cup of tea. But anyway, if the weather cooperates, I will begin the painting process, probably on Monday.

back later>>>>

Photos-(top/left)Norman Rockwell's classic umpires in the rain, from the 1950s. The Paint and Roof Project....although with the cloudy skies it's hard to tell...the porch roof was redone 2 years ago, and now we will have to abandon the 80+ year old slate roof for new stuff...not because the slate is bad, but the wood under is starting to rot from wind, rain, snow, and weather in general, rather that patch it, we figure one more expense might as well be made on the roof, hopefully the final roof work in our lifetime. The ladders ready for me to get the spirit to start the paint work on the back side of the house first....will work my way around counter clockwise...not looking forward to tearing out the Ivy on the top portion of the porch...hundreds of sparrows call this home, and it has become a mess...time for them to look elsewhere.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Post #500 and the Lost Weekend

I've just about reached the end of my rope with Google and Blogger. As luck would have it, my 500th post, this very post, ends up being a bitch session(or it could be) about the half assed/piss poor way Google and Blogger work, or better yet, don't work. But first things first.

The Lost Weekend_______

Nick decided to go with me to the Regional Final at Elida on Saturday, we would meet up with Clint, and after the Coldwater vs Marion Local Championship game we would head north to Mesick, Michigan, to meet up with Rick and Sons for our annual Mushroom Hunt for Morels. After Coldwater defeated it's county and league rivals 9-0 to secure the Division 3 District crown...I got dressed met up with Nick, looked around for Clint, no checked my phone calls...Rick had called and let us know that the National Forest south of Mesick(where they have camped for years) was totally infested with "inch" worms...if you have ever seen this mess, you know you can't camp, walk, or do anything without being covered with poop, slime, and paste from these things...they had cancelled and were moving north about an hour towards Boyne City and Boyne Falls in hopes of finding a better spot. Phone coverage was spotty and I left him a message.

Rick had apparently gotten with Clint and Clint decided not to take the trip because of the problems with worms and the extra miles....I was beat from the game, and the extra hour(making a after Midnight arrival a probable happening) we decided to kill the trip ourselves and headed home to Celina....a major disappointment considering we plan this thing out a year in advance. But home it was...Hal had arrived with his girlfriend Lisa just before I headed to the game, and they were still there when we a chance for a little talk, a meal, and I parked my butt outside when they left. The rest of the night was Miller Lite, a couple of Cigars, and lamenting if I made the right decision not to go.

Talked with Rick on Sunday, they had found a good spot, and had collected over 100 it seems next year, a new spot might have been found...if my mind and body hold out, I will give it a go....depending on baseball tournaments and weather factors. This year was a disappointment to say the least.

Spring Baseball Winding Down_____

With the Coldwater victory over their league rivals, The Flyers from Marion Local...I am down to one very big baseball game for the spring. That one will take place this Thursday(weather permitting, Friday rain date), when our crew that did the District at Elida, move on to Patrick Henry High School and do the opening game of the Division 4 Regional between Hopewell Loudon and Toledo Christian...don't know a lot about the Toledo school, but did do the Sectional at H-L with Sam, although the host school was not in the games we did there. Hopewell stands at 23-3 on the year. The game begins at 2pm, while up there I will hook up with my old buddy Tom, who now trains horses in the Deshler area(just down the road from PH High School)...and will probably have a beer or two after the game with him...may end up crashing at his place, and coming home in the morning. Will see how I feel and what plans Patricia may have. She is now done with classes at school, but does have some in service things to do before her and Anissa fly to Wisconsin around the 10th of June.

Summer baseball, American Legion and ACME, begin June 1st for area teams...that will keep me and Sam busy through June and July before taking another break before Football season begins.....In the meantime..........

Housing "Projects"____

Patricia noticed some edges on our main roof were looking a little today the Amish Builders who fixed our porch roof a couple of years ago, came over to check it out....we could patch or we could take out the decades old slate shingles on the main roof and replace them....will wait for the estimates, but I gotta believe a few thousand dollars are going to be required to make these repairs. One good set of shingles should take care of the entire main section for the rest of my life I'm guessing...although I hate to see the slate shingles go...they, while not pretty, last forever. It's not the slate, it the 86 year old wood beneath them.

Meanwhile I've got the ladders out, the paint cans ready, and will begin painting the sides, edges, and trims, over the next month....I have about 4 gallons of the basic green I use on the house, will get mixed and buy another 5 gallon can. A gallon or 2 beige for the trim, and another gallon of red for the small trim should do the trick. I also have some Ivy to take out, and a couple of evergreen trees to take down....between that and baseball, my summer until August vacation is pretty well spoken for.

So that is it for Post #500...This blog began in late July long it will go, and how often I post will depend on a couple factors.

(1) What the Hell is up with Blogger and Google, I do not have the patience or time to waste waiting on them.

(2) How tired, sore, or bored I am working on the housing projects, and from 90 degree baseball games and double headers.

(3) If I feel what I am posting is worthwhile.

Tomorrow, I will add some photos of the work needed done at the homestead.

Back Later>>>>

photos-The Flowers are going great guns around the fenced back yard....Ol' wait...Blogger is working halfassed as of 8:15am the flower photos go up. By "halfassed" I mean it allowed the 3 photos shown to update, but not the rest I had planned....go figure?

UPDATE[All-in-All Blogger is still really a mess, at least from this feed, others not having problems, but many are...I also see quite a few Blogs have been deleted by Blogger, back up plans are ready and waiting]

Blogger /Google is a Mess! Shutting it Down!

Blogger and Google(including my G-Mail) have become a mess....not sure if it is local or more widespred, but either way....I will not be back on until these clowns get their act in order. I have neither the time, will, or patience to slosh through this maneusha in it's current state.

Back Later>>>>>

{at some point in time}

Friday, May 22, 2009

Mushrooms/Baseball/Memorial Day

UPDATE! May 23, 2009...

Well Google fixed itself for now, so I dropped a few pictures in to go with the blog, before I head out to Elida and District Final between Coldwater and Marion Local...I'll be umpiring at 3rd base today, and immediatly after Clint, Nick, and I will be heading north to Mesick, Michigan, for the annual Mushoom, Miller, Cigar, and Bull Sheet Session up north...hopefully photos and stories when I return....probably back on Tuesday sometime.

Google and it's evil little sister Blogger have been acting up this better get this out quick: And because Blogger is in the crapper again, I can't add photos except from my I won't...maybe later.

Got the double header District in yesterday, with 2 Mercer County teams, Coldwater and Marion Local, both out of the powerful MAC, winning with realitive ease. The Flyers took out WBL foe Ottawa-Glandorf by a 10-5 count, the Coldwater run ruled Evergreen 12-1 in game #2 in a 4 1/2 inning affair....I did the second game behind the plate, and managed to take a foul off my left hand at the knuckles...and I've gotta tell you "IT HURTS LIKE HELL"...although it doesn't appear to be broken. Tomorrow if the rain stays away, we wrap up the Elida District with the 2 teams 10 miles apart doing battle...Coldwater won the league game earlier this season.

As soon as the game is finished(about 4 or so), Nick, Clint, and I head towards Mesick, Michigan for our annual Morel Mushroom Hunt...we will hook up with Rick and Sons, and hunt mushrooms, drink some beer, smoke cigars, and BS until we head back Monday, which is Memorial Day....the traffic should be a little worse than previous years, especially now that the gas prices are "reasonable"(albeit still 75 cents higher than in January).

Memorial Day 2009_____

Whether partying, picnicking, praying, or just hanging out...I ask you to say a word of thanks to the Men and Women who have served this once great country(and hopefully post Obama and Pelosi will be again), and especially those that paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Have a great weekend...I'll be back with a wrap up come Tuesday morning.

later >>>>
Photos-(1)Celebrate Memorial Day by remembering those that served and paid the ultimate special salute to my cousin Jackie Ray Poling of Scott, Ohio, and to David Kim Deeter, of Montezuma, Ohio...both men made the ultimate sacrifice in 1968 in the conflict called Vietnam.
(2) Marlow Beech(L) and dad, Stan Houseworth, on leave at home in Scott, Ohio, 1943.
(3) The Morel Mushroom(yellows). Hopefully we will find our share of these this weekend.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Baseball Umpiring 101

Things continue to be more summer-like in west Ohio. Yesterday there was plenty sunshine and 85 or so for the high, more of the same on tap for today, while a stray shower or 2 may give us a hit and miss on Friday and Saturday. Things will cool down to a more "normal" mid 70 range for the back end of the weekend...I'll be in Michigan, and frankly have not checked that the past couple of days, although it looked like upper 60s with a shower or two possible, last I looked.

Finishing up the Season_____

Last night Sam and I worked together for the second straight game. This time however it was some 85 miles south of the game the night before. {I am going to refrain from name of teams, towns, and coaches for this part of the story, the reason will be obvious as you read on}

The 2 teams, league rivals, whose schools are less than 10 miles apart had met the night before in a Sectional final, the outcome was 12-1 in favor of last night's visiting team....this team, from a school where the wife used to teach, moves into District Play in the southwest portion of the state. Meanwhile the home team was finishing out the string...they were done after last night...both teams started their seniors, including the ones who did not start on a regular basis.

Sam had classes, and would be arriving right at game time, so for the second night in a row, the Old Man would do the we had the coaches meeting Sam arrived, the visitors coach implored me to not go and toss out any of his players for violations that to him seemed trivial. Why? you ask....Simple, if you get tossed, you sit 2 games...and the coach didn't want to possibility lose a starter for the District Tournament. I have not tossed a player in over 5 years, close, but none, and told him as long as any violations were not intentional or malicious, there would be not problems.

So this guy proceeds to bitch about a play at the plate, which I called his runner out(he was, never touched home plate while sliding in), and complained about a call we didn't make on a batted ball that might have hit the batter's foot...maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Sam didn't see it, neither did I. You can't call what you don't see. I'm thinking to myself, "this guy might not have to worry about losing a player, because if you take this any farther, your ass is gone". He didn't and that team finished with a 5-3 win.

More interesting was the home squad...players playing out the string, the kids were in a good mood and did no bitching or complaining....the fun came in the bottom of the 7th with the home team down by that 5 to 3 score.

The first 4 pitches get by the visiting team's backup catcher....the sun was right in his and my eyes, and it was bad. The coach calls time and puts his regular catch back in....with the sun being a problem, I tell the replacement catcher to take 2 or 3 pitches...for safety reasons. So here comes some leather lung old fart(my age or older) bitching at me that I was not allowed to let a defensive replacement have warm up....I ignored him for a minute, but he continued to bitch and moan...I look back and say.."I can do anything I want, I'm in charge"{knowing this would piss him off, and that was the point}. He counters, "don't talk to me"....I say, "then shut your yap"...end of conversation with him.

Fast Forward: Game ends with no further runs scoring...I stop and drop the baseballs off in the home team dugout and talk with "their" catcher for a comes Assistant Coach #3...asking or demanding that I explain to him why I let the visiting catcher have warm replay was , it was a safety issue. He continues to rant that there was no rule covering such a thing...I tell him, you are right, nothing in the rule I can do it.." I am the umpire-in-chief and it is my prerogative". He starts to say something else...I say "This conversation is over coach, unless you want to sit the first 2 games of next season". Sam and I walk away towards the parking lot.

As I go up the stairs I see the leather lung fan who was giving me grief, high tailing it up the steps and into his car...guess that was best, although I would have liked for him to 'advise' me on the finer rules of the game, that I have been playing, coaching, and umpiring since 1956. I'm sure I don't know it all, but I can bet it's a hell of a lot more that this bozo. All-in-all that had to be the dumbest gawd damn argument I have ever been in about baseball rules and etiquette.....just shows you need not be equipped with a brain to work in baseball, whether it be umpire, coach, or fan.

More Umpire Follies____

Since Sam drove separate, from classes at OSU-Lima, I told him I was heading to Coldwater to catch the final game of the District Semi-Finals there....this was an offshoot of teams I had umpired in the regular and Sectional I wanted to see how these guys worked the 3 man umpire crew before my District games today.

Delphos Jefferson hammered New Knoxville 23-2 in the first game...the second game between Crestview and New Bremen would be much closer and controversial.

I watched that game with GM and Chuck, 2 veteran umps I work with during the season....the 3 man crew had some rough spots..this comes from most of us not working a 3 man that often. The real issue came at the end of the is how I saw it:

Crestview comes from behind to take a 9-5 lead going into the bottom of the 7th...New Bremen gets the bases loaded with no outs....2 outs later it is still sacks full and 9-5. The batter hits a sinking liner to right that gets by the right fielder. As the 3 runners are coming around to score, the hitter/batter goes to far at 2nd base, the Crestview second baseman makes what appears to be a diving tag. Problem is, no umpire is close to the play at second. The 3rd base ump runs over and makes a safe call. All Hell breaks loose from the Crestview dugout and in the stands.....they are hot, and probably have a right to be. The score is now going to be 9-8 with 2 outs and a runner on second, the tying run, with the winning run at bat.

At this point the home plate umpire-in-charge, calls the other 2 umpires together...after a 2or 3 minute conversation they call the runner OUT. This time it's the Cardinals turn to with fans to go nuts.....IMO they had that right as well. The game is declared over and Crestview moves on to meet it's league rival, Delphos Jefferson tomorrow night at Coldwater...GM will be doing that should be a good one, the last time they met, I had the plate in the 2 out last inning win 4-3 by Crestview at home.


Umpiring is a funny thing, and you can win no friends(or should you try) doing it....I just got off the phone with GM...and he tells me this same crew has a Regional game(like my District crew does) but they also have a State Final 4 game....I wish them luck, and hopefully things go smoother at Columbus. As for me, I just hope our District double header today goes without too many mistakes or controversial never know though, seldom does all go right.....

I'll report back tomorrow.....

photos-(1)If a coach would do this in High School baseball to me...he is gone!(2) Me, working the plate a couple of years ago at Coldwater(3)The Mask...even more important than "The Cup" to an umpire's safety and health.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Chugging Towards Summer

I see the forecasters have put a few "rain dates" in the previous sunny 10 day extended outlook. No surprise there, what with millions of dollars invested in equipment, why should we expect the Weather Channel gerbils and babes to get things right? Right???

It still looks pretty good for getting the games in, including the district at Elida on Thursday and Saturday...tonight Sam and I head south for a rare game in Shelby County, the wife's old school, Fort Loramie against home standing Houston. Last night our GMC Match up at Hicksville went smoothly and the front running Fariview team out of Sherwood won 5-2 to remain undefeated in league play, bringing up a showdown with also undefeated in league Tinora next week. Both of those teams remain in District play at this point as well.

Looking around the back yard_____

This morning I got up early and took both the Jeep and Intrepid up town to Wolfe's Tire to get the oil changed in both vehicles....both are in need of some "upgrades" especially the Jeep, and I'll get to that sooner than I really want...but something that has to be done. I walked around the back yard and took the attached photos of some of the May flowers that continue to bloom. I also noticed a patch of rabbit fur and tuffs out by the kennel....that can only mean one thing, the unwelcome neighborhood cats are killing off the wildlife in my yard.

Now I have a cat and she is strictly indoors, my alley neighbor has a cat and that old guy is 16 or so, and pretty he gets a pass. However, over the past year or so a half dozen or so feline types have moved into the area, including one under my porch it seems. Stray cats marking their territory doesn't make it...killing off my wildlife doesn't make it either. So I've got the pellet gun at ready, and the cats will be dodging pellets in the ass as I see more Mister Niceguy. I don't mind cats, but when folks don't take care of them and they invade my yard and garage(I have seen them coming out of that as well)...their butts are mine. Cats Beware, I'm Coming After You...the pellet gun might not kill you, but then again....

More lawn to mow____

Got some of mine done yesterday before heading I will finish off the homestead, then head over to Cherry Street and take care of mom's. Tomorrow I will begin packing for the Mesick Trip and then head to Elida to do the District Double Header beginning at Noon....Friday finish packing the gear, baseball and Saturday the finals and we head north to Mesick, in hopes of good weather and good mushroom hunting.

back later>>>>

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Glenn Beck-Foot Soldier Against the Obamanation

As someone, a limp wristed lefty no doubt, once reminded me, 'It's abomination'...."no, this guy is an Obamanation" I say...."not that there is much difference". Glenn Beck is now the unquestioned leader in the fight against "The Obamanation"...more on that in a bit.
The Weather is Looking UP______

A couple of cool but sunny days have been followed by frosty appears that we will now have a spell of warmer and thank gawd, dryer weather for awhile(but I still don't trust those extended forecasts). Sunny and 75 for today, followed by lower 80s for Wednesday and Thursday, and then 70s and only one day of a 40% chance of rain after than until May 28th. Things are looking better for finishing up the regular high school baseball season, and getting the District Tournament in without delays....not to mention, the Mesick, Michigan, mushroom weather doesn't look all that bad either for the upcoming Memorial Weekend.

Tonight Sam and I head towards Hicksville for a GMC showdown with rival Sherwood Fairview. Hicksville with 1 league loss, while Fairview and Tinora remain undefeated in Green Meadows play....last time me and the oldest son did Fairview there were some fireworks...I will try to avoid that tonight, but, in this intense rival and situation, anything can happen. It's my job to see that is stays within the rules of Ohio High School Sports....and I will do my best. Given the fact that Fairview and Tinora are still in the tournament and face the possibility of playing each other twice(league and tournament) next week, really gives Hicksville a shot at this one...they have nothing to lose, and a possible league title share to gain. Should be fun.....

Glenn Beck, the Foot Soldier in the War on Stupidity_____

I started to listen to Beck about 8 years ago, just about the time of 9/11. Beck was on a few dozen radio stations, including WOWO out of Fort Wayne...he was based out of Tampa and I listened to him while getting my morning paper work completed at the Health Department, before heading out on my daily inspections.

He was a typical right leaning talker back then, but has evolved into the Radio and Fox News voice of the anti Washington DC crowd...his 3 hour radio show from 9 to 12 Eastern Time is rated #3, behind only Limbaugh and Hannity...his 5PM Eastern Fox News TV show is setting cable records in that time gotta believe he is headed for a prime time slot, whenever Fox figures it out...hopefully he will take the 7PM slot(still to early for me to catch him on umpiring and officiating nights) from Shepard Smith...Smith has turned into a girly man in that time slot and his the lone babbling lefty with his own show. "Shep" would be a great fix for MSNBC or CNN.....just get his ass off Fox, he's a tune out.

Back to Beck____

Glenn Beck has been in the forefront in predicting the disaster that looms in the new Obama Economic Mess. He has also led the fight against government regulation and spending with his 912 project...9/12 as in the day after 9/11 when we were together as one nation:

He was also instrumental in leading the April 15th Tea Party bash across the country.

Beck is a born again Mormon...a recovering alcoholic and former drug abuser. The guy is loud, funny, and spot on in most of his rants......he calls himself a Libertarian, but with a few distinct differences with the Libertarian have got to know Beck is on every Liberal(see Keith Oldblowaman, Rachel Madcow, and MSNBC) and left leaning political site(The Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, Obama's Lemmings) Hit List.

If you are known by the enemies you make, Glenn Beck has passed Rush Limbaugh in the quality(or lack of) of those that hate him....Good Work Glenn, you are the man! Keep it up!!!
Some lawn mowing to do.....gotta get out in the sunshine.
back later>>>>

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Look at the Weekend past and the Coming Week Ahead

Yesterday I took the opportunity to post a rare Sunday writing about our Pro Late Term Abortion/Anti Torture Prez and his visit to Notre Dame. Only a far left assclown would support murder at the moment of birth, but be against waterboarding sonsabitches, who worship a pedophile.

But I deleted it...not because of what it said, but how I said it...As much as I have little use for Notre Dame and most liberal universities, whether private or slam probably clouded the lines between true Catholics and the likes of the "fake" Catholics and Christians that follow/worship "the one".

Anyway, Obama got his speech in, 40 patriots, fighting for the rights of the unborn, were arrested, and the world moved on. You need to take a look no further than the "mug shot"{above top left} of our illegal Kenyan born President than to know what a swami assed punk he really is. Looking all the while like he thinks.."Here I am America, I am your savior, more popular than Jesus Christ, I am". What an arrogant asshole this Chicago street trash is. But arrogance doesn't make one cool or smart, and this guy is neither.

The Weekend_____

Friday night I worked a 4 man umpire crew at Elida...first time in my career. They work 4 man crews at the state tournament level, but seldom any other time. Saturday I headed to Spencerville and did a late season NWC we finished the bottom of the 7th, in a Columbus Grove 9-0 win over the host team, the skies opened up and another round of rain hit us hard. But we got the game in, and the weekend continued dry after the 1 hour downpour. Sunday I basically sat around the back yard, planted some Mammoth Sunflower Seeds, and didn't do a Hell of a lot else. I guess I could call it "resting up" for the busy week ahead.

The Week Ahead____

The final week of regular season games(most make-ups) is this week, as well as the District Tournaments around the state.

Tonight I'm at Antwerp for a double header of the JV variety. Don't do many weekday double headers, but this one is designed to give the younger players some final innings before summer ball begins. Antwerp is about 50 miles north, tomorrow I go 5 miles north of there for a final GMC match up with host Hicksville and Fairview, one of the powers out of the Green Meadows...I think a Fairview win clinches outright first place(although they may have already clinched it)....promises to be a intense game. Sam and I will be doing this one together...last season there were some "issues" in a late game at Fairview High School as they readied for the District Tournament. Hopefully this one will go smoother, but sometimes egos and views about interpretations vary, so you never know. Fairview is poised to make another run in the D3 Tournament, but they won't have to meet Coldwater(who knocked them out last year) this season until the Regional, if both teams survive.

My(and Sam's) final regular season game is south at Houston(pronounced How-ston) against Shelby County foe Fort Loramie. That will be Wednesday at 4:30.

The District 3 Elida Tournament begins Thursday with the semi finals beginning at Friday, then the Championship game is Saturday at 2 O'clock. As soon as that one is over, Nick, Clint, and I jump in the car and head north to Mesick, Michigan, to hook up with Rick and the boys for our annual Mesick Mushroom this point the weather is looking pretty good. They are calling for highs in the 60s with not a lot of rain...time of course will tell. We will finish up sometime Monday and head home.

My high school season will end Thursday the 28th with a Regional Semi Final at Patrick Henry..then the summer ACME and American Legion season beckons the first of rest for the weary.

The Weather____

It appears that things will stay dry until late in the weekend here in West Ohio....and warm up a bit(80s for midweek). The truth be known, it could stay dry for a month and a half, and we would still be wet for the year....we can only hope it dries out for awhile.

I'm off to drop Anissa off at her day time habitat....back later

Today's Photos--Top Left-Our Own Kenyan Born Illegal Prez smirking like the arrogant ass he is, while getting "honored" by Notre Damn lackies. (2) Rick, Clint, and me, from last years Mesick Morel Mushroom Hunt (3) This years Mesick "logo"(4), (5), (6)...there will be at least 2 of the 3 consumed in large quanities, this coming weekend in Mesick. Good Cigars, Morel Mushrooms, and Beer, I'm betting on the first and last.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Predicting the Future

Weekend Comments____
Everybody wants to know what the future holds...whether it be "weather" or financial, political, etc, just want to know.

It's tricky business...take a look at the extended weather forecasts you get from the National Weather Service or the Weather Channel babes....things change every couple of hours, and seldom are they spot on until maybe a day or 2 before things actually happen, and even then they are hardly close to 100%.

Of late my main concerns about future weather have to do with lawn mowing opportunities and more importantly, whether I will get a baseball game in on that day, or what the conditions will be like come Memorial Day weekend for our annual Morel Mushroom Hunt outside of Mesick, Michigan. The shot on the top left is the forecast a week out for the Mesick weather beginning next Saturday....if this holds, I say "Not Bad". I can live with upper 60s, a chance of a shower, and decent lows to sleep in the tents and lean-to. But I'm not taking this early forecast to the bank, or Vegas.

Same goes for the District Division 3 Tournament at Elida(just outside Lima, Ohio)...we are schedule for a semi-final double header next Thursday...then the finals on Saturday, after which I will head north for Michigan. The forecast for the days preceding the Michigan trip seem to change with the hour. Right now Thursday looks sunny with low 70s for the high...perfect baseball weather, meanwhile Saturday looks "iffy" with 74 and a 30% chance of showers...but that will change multiple times before the middle of next week. You have a better chance of guaranteeing that Obama will mess up the economy and this country in general, than you do in predicting the weather a week or 10 days out.

Speaking of Baseball_____

I mentioned yesterday as a add on, that one game was cancelled(probably considering the situation, a good thing) and I picked up things went it was the final game for LCC(Lima Central Catholic) and Elida...both had been eliminated from Sectional play and were done with league make-ups. They hired 4 umpires(probably by mistake) rather than the usual 2 to work regular season games. All of us veterans and either State or Regional we had a good veteran crew and worked the 2 hour contest, with minimal problems. I came home in time to catch the finals of the D3 Sectional at Coldwater on radio, which would decide who would slot into the Elida District(which I will umpire) next week. Top Seed Coldwater at 25-2 defeated Parkway 8-0 to grab one of the 4 slots...but in the nightcap, a big upset, St. Henry(wife's school) went in as co-champs of the MAC(along with Coldwater) and sat at 19-5, they were playing their arch rival Marion Local Flyers(where youngest son Hal coached summer ball for years)...The Redskins had defeated Marion Local twice during the season...but third time was the charm for the Flyers, upsetting the favored #2 seed by a 7-6 count to move on to Elida.

There you have it..the 2 teams from the Coldwater Sectional, Coldwater and Marion Local, will take on the teams coming out of Patrick Henry(where I will do a Regional game later in the month)...and the schedule at Ed Sandy Field in Elida sets up like this:

Thursday May 21st...

2PM Marion Local vs Ottawa Glandorf in Semi Final #1

4:30 Coldwater vs Evergreen in game #2

Then on Saturday the 23rd the 2 winners will meet at 2PM for the District Title and the right to move on to the Regional. Should be a good district, and I look forward to working it.

Today, or rather overnight, more rains hit(what else is new or different?)..but as of this hour(9:45am), the game at Spencerville is still on, as they take on Columbus Grove in a league make-up.

So it's off to the shower, and then Reagan and I will feed the birds and Squirrels.....

back later...enjoy the weekend.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Lawn/Long Day

The Day That Was____

As I typed yesterday about 8AM the rain had just stopped and things were soaked around the area....didn't think much about the chances of getting lawns mowed or baseball tournament games played.

Wrong on both counts...the winds picked up shortly thereafter, and the sun began to shine by 10AM....I rushed over to Mom's and did her lawn about Noon, came home and got ours done by 2:45...just in time to get ready to do the D4 Sectional Finals at Minster.

JS from Geneva, Indiana, was my partner in the double header sectional last night...we are both about the same age, and have been around forever. I did the plate in the first game and it was an intense game back and forth between the host Minster Wildcats and MAC foe New Knoxville...NK came away with a mild upset win, 5-4, a game not decided until the last out. The night cap, once again 2 MAC schools, New Bremen and Fort Recovery...NB got a blast off the FR ace in the bottom of the first to make it 3-0, that pretty much sealed the deal, and the Cardinals came away with a 7-0 shutout to move on to District play at Coldwater next week...the 2 teams coming out of Crestview are still to be decided. Anyhow, by the time all was said and done, I got home at 10:30pm, took a well needed shower, and downed a couple of cold ones.

Tonight Sam and I are scheduled to be at New Knoxville...against Fort Recovery no less. This is a make up league game, that was moved due to the continued rain over the past {game was cancelled due to FR Senior Day and I have picked up another make up game at Elida vs LCC} month...The game will not mean much in the league standings(St Henry and Coldwater have clinched a co-championship), while NK will use the game to practice for the District, and FR is playing out the string...another fly in the ointment...RAIN! is scheduled to be back by afternoon, and again overnight, putting tomorrow's NWC contest at Spencerville in jeopardy as well. Things are looking better for next week, but I see the Weather Channel is hedging it's bet on that as well. What a Spring!!!


(a) The Economy

Chrysler is announcing their dealer closings, about 800, today....the local dealership appears safe...GM is dumping even more than that....wonder why they would wait until a Friday? LOL...of course, that way the ever sleeping Main Stream Media and the American dupes that still love Obama will be sure to ignore the coming "Perfect Storm" that will destroy the American economy....and yes folks the economy is going to be "deep sixed"....when and if it recovers is another question.

Meanwhile the stock market continues to support the "fake" economy, but rising slowly....look for a small rebound, and then the big crash come 2010...this nation cannot stand the coming debt, and we cannot survive Barack Obama's Socialist agenda, financially, the Military, or socially.

(b) Obama at Notre Dame

Barry Soetoro, our African born illegal President, will get an honorary degree after giving his controversial graduation speech at Notre Dame. Mainstream Catholics and other church leaders are up in arms. My question is..Why?

Let's face it...Notre Dame is hardly a "conservative" Catholic fact, other than folks like my uncle and a few million others who still think of Notre Dame as a Religious leaning higher education college, nobody believes that claim. I say ND and true Christians and Catholics have little in common. It like most other universities, is basically a liberal swamp, filled with 80% or more Marxist and far left why be upset that they offer a podium for our Marxist-in-Chief? I know anti-stem cell and anti-abortion protesters will be there in force, I agree with their efforts, but nothing they do is going to change the left leaning landscape at the school in South Bend, Indiana.

More Observations____

Walked outside today...fed the birds and the invading squirrels(who are much more fun to watch and interact with than the flying figures). The flowers are blooming, my 2 dozen sunflowers have popped up through the soil(I'm going outside when I finish this, and plant some "Mamouth Sunflowers" and see how they do as well)....despite getting out when I need to, and officiating some 150 sporting events per year...I am beginning more and more to enjoy the confines of my fenced area of the back yard. Great for beer drinking and cigar smoking.
Today's Photo Shoot___

---The flowers of May begin to come out in full bloom, all these taken from the borders outside the back yard fence...and a shot of the Squirrel/Bird Feeding HQ..a little corn, a little seed, and the morning grub grab begins, rain or shine.

Enjoy The Weekend

back later>>>>

Thursday, May 14, 2009


The rains began just after the Noon Hour yesterday and were still going strong at 8AM this morning...major downpours off and on throughout the evening and overnight...I know Patricia and I were awaken by one Hell of a lighting pop about 1:30 this morning. She headed downstairs to shut down the computer, and after a couple of minutes she yelled for me to come down and take a look at the radar...quite an impressive site on the computer screen...a major front of multi-color rain bands appeared on the radar...and the rains did come. They have ended for now, but by tomorrow night more on the way....then it looks like things will calm down for next week, or so they say.
My tournament was washed out last night at Lima Perry, with the switches, I am now scheduled to work a Sectional Final Double Header tonight at Minster...however, I am not counting on's going to take a heck of a lot of sun and wind to dry anything out today. I'm not going to Vegas with those odds. My schedule is pretty full until the Mesick Mushroom days from May 23rd to May's back home for the Regional at Patrick Henry, then the summer ACME and American Legion schedule begins...hopeful that it will be about 80 with low humidity and no rain for June...FAT CHANCE!


As you can see, I have changed the layout of the blog...part of being bored. I have also decided to go a little different direction in my posting. Of late I have been all over the place and frankly the stuff I have been writing sucks. Boring, repetitive BS, that has no flow or soul. It seems I sit here for an hour or more typing stuff that doesn't even hold my interest for 5 minutes, I cannot expect it to hold a complete stranger or friend's interest for 5 seconds.
So changes it will be...a little personal stuff, a little humor, a little politics, a few daily photos, and a look at my past life. The posts will be shorter, and I will try to do it at least Monday through Friday when I'm home or have something to say....the weekend posts will be only if I feel what I am typing is worth sitting down on a Saturday or Sunday to do it...We will see if that shakes things up.

You can bet I will continue to talk sports, daily views of politics and news, and will do it with on politically correct can count on me bashing our President and his henchman in Washington, bashing Islamics, and the left leaning talking heads in the media. A blogger friend of mine asked me when I made a comment on his blog to try "disagreeing without being disagreeable"....No Freaking Way! I will not sugar coat my beliefs or opinions...whether it be war, religion, sports, or politics. Those that don't like my style or view can just click off the blog or post.
I will continue to "Say What I Mean, and Mean What I Say"

Stayed Tuned...Back Later

Photos--This morning's view off my front can see the grass is greening up and the rain has saturated everything in site...including the rock and brick pile from the Old Mersman Factory, that the City of Celina has promised to move, the only thing the leaders of this City can do is raise utility rates, hire consultants, and talk bullshit. I expect that eyesore to be there for the foreseeable future, if it gets moved, I be the first to give them a salute with something other than the usual middle finger. (2) The annual Mesick, Michigan, Mushroom Hunt coming up May 23rd. (3) President Barry Soetoro, you can bet I will continute to bash this Foreign born SOB at every step of the way...Don't like it? Don't read it!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What's with Blogger?/Hal's New York Trip

Another sunny day yesterday before the rains moved into Western Ohio this morning....this looks like an all-day event, off and on, which will wash out games and move Sectional Finals back...the regular season games lost today will push the end of the spring season back even farther. Some games will not get made up at all. Looking ahead really no dry periods in store for us...including the District openers next Thursday, this is really starting to suck for all. Hopefully the Weather Channel folks are wrong(Again!), it won't be the first time.

Last night Sam and I headed for Convoy and did a regular season game with Crestview and visiting Antwerp...the home team Knights came out on top by a 10-1 score. Tonight I am scheduled to be at Lima Perry for a Sectional Final...but right now that is looking pretty "iffy" with the weather moving in, and probably sticking around. The Coach/AD just called and said he would keep me informed of the weather situation at Perry High School.

Blogger Sux!_______sometimes.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate Google's Blogger...but at times it can be frustrating. Take yesterday for example, I was writing a blastful, semi lunatic, rant about Florida politics, queer warriors, and the treatment of Miss California, by the NBC rump ranger Keith Oldblowaman and others, but found out I could not add photos from my files or document sections...well Hell, I put it in the save box, got to reading it last night and dumped the whole damn thing...some of the comments were even to radical for me.

So blogger sucks...but this time it ended up by me not posting something I would have probably dumped anyway...chalk up one for the Blogger Nerds.

Hal in New York_____

Last Thursday Hal and his girl friend flew out of Columbus(after their Dayton flight was cancelled) to New York City...I'm not sure if it was Lisa's first trip there, but it was our youngest ones for sure.

The took in the game at the new Mets Stadium on Friday...and as luck would have it, another area product from Defiance was the starter for the Mets...Jon Niese from the Bulldog class of 2004 pitched well...he joins former teammate Chad Billingsley in the Majors. Chad tosses for the LA Dodgers and is now the ace of that staff. This gives me 2 pitchers that I have umpired High School games for in MLB. Hal never faced Niese, but they were opponents when Hal was a Senior at Celina and JN was a Sophomore at Defiance.

They took in Times Square, The Statue of Liberty, and other sights while there. As I told Hal, they need to enjoy this time...I've been around the city, but never downtown or is it uptown? The got there sight seeing in and flew back on Sunday afternoon. I would do some photos of the trip, but not sure really how to get them from somebodies "facebook" to this blog. Maybe later down the road.

The Obama Economy____

Finally...Is anybody really paying attention to what the Hell is going on in Washington? I think not!

99 Trillion Dollars is the shortfall that faces our country regarding Social Security and Medicare...$99 Trillion, you gotta be freaking kidding me? 99 Trillion Dollars in promises that cannot be paid for...the population is growing old, freeloaders are invading our shores, and we have an Non-American Kenyan sitting in the White House playing President.

The country has gone mad...and 60% still love Obama.

You people are idiots, morons, halfwits, etc...America as a Republic is with it, I have, and you soon will too.

back later>>>
photos-America's Illegal Kenyan born President burning through the cash...and the founding father of our country might be weeping or he might be trying to climb out of his grave so he can arrest and execute the son of a bitches that are destroying the republic.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Weekend

Dry, windy, and cool over the weekend.

Dodged the drizzle on Friday at Delphos Jefferson, and got the game in there...Saturday morning Sam and I headed for Bascom(about 100 miles) and Hopewell-Loudon High School for the opening round of the D4 Sectional...couple of "blow-outs"...22-9 and 20-0...the losing teams were just starting or re-starting their programs and were no matches for the upper seeded teams. The winds were hacking at 40 mph or so, and a cloudy, cool, breeze, was present throughout the day.

Yesterday we headed over to sister Marty's place and had a cook out with mom and Mike, and the Hemmelgarn to admit I was still bushed from the wind and 5 hour double header on we stayed a couple of hours, came home a vegged out.

In other weekend happenings:

The IHL Fort Wayne Komets won their second straight "Turner Cup" on Friday night defeated Muskegon and winning the best of 7 finals 4 games to 1. In the NHL a couple of good fights and a nasty "sucker punch" highlighted the days activities...which saw Boston(down 3 games to 2) and Detroit(up 3-2) win on Sunday...Pittsburgh defeated Washington Saturday to go up 3-2, and Chicago with a 3-2 over Vancouver plays at home tonight.

The Cincinnati Reds had a good weekend against the Division leading Cards...winning 2 of 3 to stay within striking distance of first place, now 2 1/2 games out.

Can you tell I'm stretching to come up with material on this Monday morning?

I guess I could rip on our illegal African born President, or the whole damn gang in Washington...but I'm sick of the whole mess, and will take a day or 2 off politics.

Hey Postage Stamps go up another 2 cents to 44 cents a pop today...glad we got a few of the "forever" stamps left.

You know what? I've got a board meeting to attend at 11:30 this morning, have to leave for a game at 3pm for a game north to Continental, and some bills to pay.....I'll rack my brain, and try to come up with something of substance for tomorrow...

back later>>>>

Friday, May 8, 2009

Boycott Chrysler/GM/UAW and Federal Intervention of the Auto Industry

I managed to get the game at Minster in yesterday despite rain early and then another overnight downpour....was a mess it has been since the first week of April....and it appears we may get some more this afternoon, before a couple of days of dry weather. This has been the worst wet weather spring I can remember since mind may be a little cloudy, but it seems that was the last time we have had continued weeks of rain like this...guessing when it does dry out, we will get a long stretch of dry weather....but a guess that is.

Tonight GM and I are back at Delphos to do a NWC game between Jefferson and Columbus permitting. Sam will be on the other side of Delphos, for a JV game with St. Johns and Fort Recovery. We are going to need some sunshine and wind, and for the 30% rain/storm chance to stay away, to get those in.

Tomorrow Sam and I for the second straight year have been assigned the Division 4 Sectional Tournament at Bascom and Hopewell-Loudon High School. Originally we were to do the finals, but with the rain, things have switched a bit, and we will have the opening games tomorrow at Noon...hopefully the weather will cooperate. Bascom is almost 100 miles to the northeast of Celina, so it's a trip, but the game fees and mileage money make it worthwhile.

The next 2 plus weeks we will spend doing regular season league make-up games and backlogged rainouts...I also will have 3 District Tournament games in Division 3 @ Elida....and finish up my spring schedule at Patrick Henry with a Regional D4 contest there. My old buddy Tom now trains horses outside of Hamler, where PH is located, so I will probably spend the night at his place on the 28th....and drive home in the AM....downing a few brews and BSing in between.

I will sneak the Mesick, Michigan, Annual Mushroom Hunt in between games...although with the District final, I will not be going up until Saturday May 23rd, rather than the 22nd as previously planned....Rick and his boys will head up a day doubt picking all the "rooms" and leaving me with beer to drink and cigars to smoke...Oh' Well, somebody has to do the dirty work.

Boycotting GM/Chrysler and the UAW_____

Yesterday I mentioned that I do not plan on buying another car, at 60, hopefully I won't have to. Between the 1995 Intrepid, the 98 Jeep Wrangler, and the 1977 Buick, I should be able to do make them last until my driving(breathing) days are done. Patricia and the boys won't be so lucky...they will all 3, without a doubt, have to buy vehicles in the next 2 or 3 years. As I asked my wife yesterday, "Do not buy GM or Chrysler". Since all 6 of our family cars, 3 Chrysler Products and 3 General Motor Products, are made by those 2, it won't be easy...but I've never been a slave to any of the big 3 or the foreign manufactures anyway, so it will not be impossible.
"Ford(UAW worker alert), Toyota, or Honda", I asked her....hopefully the boys will follow suit...why? Well since you asked.

Anybody with a brain knows that our foreign born illegal President and his DC henchman have built a straw dog with the bail out of both GM and Chrysler(not to mention the Banks)....The Feds and the corrupt UAW now are majority owners of Chrysler, and GM later. If you buy a Chrysler product, the US Government is backing you warranty...nice! The standards of quality assurance will be garbage, like everything else the Feds stick their noses in(wait until health care passes). This straw dog is designed to do one thing...keep Obama's slave like union workers happy and with benefits...the cars and service will be junk. But the UAW gerbils will have their benefits and some jobs, and plenty of money to hand out to left wing Democrat candidates.....That is all you need to know!

Boycott Chrysler and GM!

And yes I have family that have worked for GM for a lifetime and family members still on the retiree payroll at GM....but the country and it's survival come first...right now we are at odds with the Obama Administration and his supporters for the soul of America...I can only do my part in the battle, and that will be to never buy another product produced by these 2 automakers or anything built by UAW workers.
Enjoy the Weekend.
back later>>>>
Photos-I love cars, I love Jeeps, and it pains me to know, I will never buy a another one produced in the Obama era UAW...Patricia and our 1976 Jeep Cherokee at the Hocking Hills in the fall of 1977, and me when I purchased the 98 Jeep Wrangler back in 2002...this was my "vehicle" when delivering RVs around the country...I have put many a mile on it, both driving and towing it behind the behemoth's still running pretty good today.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Adrift Without a Paddle-The GOP

Rained all day yesterday, temps hovered around the 60 degree mark...after the morning fog burns off today, they are promising a good round of thunderstorms and say some could be severe....I guess time will tell. Meanwhile another round of baseball washed out yesterday, although not being a league night(except make up games) most of these will not need to be made up. At Minster for a MAC contest tonight with Delphos St. Johns, Columbus Grove at Spencerville tomorrow...and Sam and I head north to Bascom, Ohio, for the opening round of Division 4 Sectionals on Saturday....of course these are all at the mercy or misery of the weather over the next few days.

The routine over the last few weeks is to not watch TV until at least 5 pm, of course days we don't have rain, I stay away from the idiot box until at least 9pm....that way the news of this miserable state of America is pushed aside...I listen to Glenn Beck in the morning between whatever else I am doing, when I get a chance. During rain outs I catch his show at 5 pm on Fox News, last night's with the ACORN Moron(who he finally ran out of his studio) was a classic:

One thing(of many) that Beck is spot on about is the death of the Republican Party, or at least the divide between Conservative Republicans, and the liberal and moderates in Washington. One thing for sure, the GOP will not survive without the Conservatives, or Christians...the GOP can survive without the pro choice and big spenders, after all, those folks are no better than Democrats(see Arlen Specter). Take a look at the buffoons the GOP has thrown at us as national leaders since Ronald Reagan left the scene. George HW Bush, Robert Dole, George W Bush, and last and probably least John McCain. Democrats in GOP clothing all. Sure "W" ran as a Conservative, but spent like a left wing loon. The only reason he won 2 elections was the morons that the Democrats put up against him. Al Freaking Gore and John "Hanoi" Kerry? Hell I could have beaten them with a few bucks in my pockets.

Thanks to Republican incompetence, we now have Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama running the country, as in running the USA into the ground. The guy born in Kenya to a white Kansas teenager and a African Muslim tribesman. The guy that won't show his US Birth Certificate(because he doesn't have one), is an avowed Marxist, and bows to Saudi and Islamic Royalty. Throw in speaking treason about America while on foreign soil... you have our new President, who while not a legal one, has managed to do more damage to the Republic in less that 4 months, than any person has done to US in the history of the country...Thanks Republicans, for putting out such a group of losers to run for the White House, thanks GOP for giving US Barack Obama, and the ObamaNation.

So where does the Republican Party go from here? They can go straight to Hell for all I care....unless they get back to their Conservative roots, the party is doomed, much like it was during the 1960s...nothing more than a party of "me to" or is it "me too"? The left leaning members, those that support unlimited abortion, those that think it's fine and dandy for every pervert that comes down the pike to be married like normal folks. Those Republicans that think like Democrats, need to become Democrats....they run the country, why not join them? Soon enough they(the Dems) will run the country into the ground, and who you gonna call? The GOP, aka Democrat Lite? Why would we want to vote for that group of fools?

I've switched to the Constitution Party:

Not that they have a chance of winning..but because at least they believe in something....that something being not just winning elections and keeping seats in Congress.

You can tell by your enemies how well you are doing....Sarah Palin, VP Candidate with Juan McCain, sure has them pissed off/worried in the media...when assclowns like Keith Olblowaman, the radical lame brained homosexual from MSNBC(former failed Sports hack from ESPN), Jon Stewart, the non comedic comedian from the Comedy Channel, girl friend beater and Islamic terrorist pal Bill Maher, and the Huffington Post(founded by the daughter of a WW2 Nazi sympathiser), hate you, you know you are doing something right. Palin, with her family, and especially her daughter Bristol, savaged by the left, is the lone shinning star of the Conservative base of the GOP... Hey Sarah, it's time for you to either join us in a 3rd party, or for the retreads like Romney, McCain, Mike Huckelberry, Tom Ridge, and the rest to get the Hell out of the way and the Reagan Conservatives take over.
The GOP is at death's door...and frankly I could care less which way it goes. The Democrats and far left are killing the country...who is going to be there to pick up the pieces? Or does the succession movement go full bore from here on out?
Boycott Chrysler and GM_____

Let em' die!

With 4 drivers in the family, my wife, me, and 2 twenty something sons, we have a total of 6 cars. 3 GM Products(2 Pontiac's and a classic Buick) and 3 Chrysler cars, including my 1998 Jeep Wrangler. All paid off long ago, and all well over 100,000 miles(except the classic 1977 Buick Landau with only 68.000 on it)...I hope to never buy another car in my driving lifetime(I know, never say never)...Patricia won't be so I told her this morning though...."Don't buy another GM or Chrysler product". I know it's her choice, but please I tell her, buy a Ford, Honda(made in the area) or Toyota(best pick-up I've ever had) not support Chrysler or GM. They are now totally controlled(and majority owned) by the UAW and Feds...2 more corrupt entities you will never find. And besides, when was the last time a marriage of Union and Government ever produced anything worth buying? NEVER IS MY ANSWER!

Let the UAW and the Federal Government choke on their cars....


Glad I got all that off my chest, I know a rambling mishmash of opinions which when I read it back won't even make sense to me....but at least I purged them.

back later>>>>
Photos-The GOP is a Sinking Ship, can it be saved? Does anybody care?/Sarah Palin and John McCain...the new and old of the GOP...McCain the ultimate RINO(Republican In Name Only)...can Palin win over the base of the GOP? Or will a retread like Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee take it left? A 1977 Buick and 1998 Jeep...these will be my last Cars from GM and Chrysler....let the UAW and the Government choke on them.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday Water Photos from the past

Not much going on...waiting for the rains to move back in from the south...which it appears they will.

I could bitch and moan about what is happening to our country under the so-called "leadership" of Barry Soetoro Obama...but plenty of time to do that in the coming days...or as I see them as "The coming final days" of this once great Republic....

Got our game in last night, a quick league game in the Western Buckeye League...Shawnee over St. Marys by a 4-0 count.
Living and Vacations by the Water______

I have lived much of my life near the the Gulf of Mexico when growing up in Venice, Florida....and near the largest inland lake in Ohio, Grand Lake for most of my adult life...vacationed near the water many times and spent 6 months of my 12 month tour in Vietnam stationed on the South China Sea at Nha Trang Air with that I will end this Wednesday's post with a few photos from the water I've been around:

Top: Sun Setting over the Venice(Florida) South Jetties, I fished off this point many times in my youth in south Florida(1954-1963). (2) The Beach at Nha Trang South Vietnam in July 1969...looking out at Hon Trey Island (3) A solorized photo of me standing on the shore at Waikiki Beach Hawaii on R&R in April 1970. (4) Standing in shallow water off the beach at Higgins Lake, Michigan, in September 1976. (5) Looking at the boat and sunset off the Pier at Key West, Florida, in August 1997. (6) Lake Tagamung, northern Ontario, Canada, on our fishing trip in September 1995.
enjoy...back later>>>>

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...