AND A LOOK AT THE PAST! ..... Sports, Dual Sport Motorcycle Riding, Politics, Nostalgia, Music, Photography, and a Healthy Dose of BS....
Poor Barry....Our Kenyan Born Prez is vacationing with his skinny legged wife Michelle Antoinette Obama and the kids this week, on the taxpayers dime of course, at that Liberal shithole, Martha's Vineyard....The dump the King and his Queen are staying at is only $35 to 50 thousand per week. Don't you hark en back to the days when GW went to his own ranch in Crawford, Texas? Of course the media and left loons bitched about W being away on Vacation while Iraq Burned...nary a word a word of complaint about Barry and "Shell" spending taxpayer's money to wine and dine with the Kennedy Clan and other white trash on The Vinyards....how soon we forget.
Of course Barry is also complaining to the press that they need to give him space, so he and "skinny legs and all" can get some rest from the political wars that the Obama's are losing...losing Big Time! The Rasmussen Report Sez:
Click on the Presidential Tracking Poll....
Yesterday Ol' Barry was down to a minus 14 in his popularity ranking{the all time low} with today being a -12....seems The Messiah ain't fooling everybody all of the time no longer...must be because he's black{or at least half black} and we are all racists? Right Barry! You Hypocritical Son of a Bitch, we despise you and your policies, not because you are black, but because you are a Marxist out to destroy the country for our kids and grandkids.
Of course losing your war in Afghanistan and losing the battle for Socialised Health Care tends to make you a bit cranky....how's that change working Barry and supporters? I have to say it's pretty sweet watching this pompous ass sink and his lap dog media worshippers not figure out how to stop the slide.
Scotland____with friends like this...
But enough politics...they are starting{and actually have been for awhile} to get boring...the majority of American voters elected this half baked Chicago Street Pimp as President. The weak kneed Republicans are hardly better, so what good does it do to bitch and moan? Time to kick back, fire up a good hand rolled cigar, have a nice drink, say "Screw It", and enjoy the ride.
I can no more do anything about the political situation in the country than I can about the fact that as I age, my body is not what it was at 25.
This doesn't mean I will stop speaking out against this Administration or against things I believe are wrong...but I will no longer rant and rage, on this blog, life is to short{especially after you hit 60} to spend my spare time on things I cannot change.
Back Later>>>>
Photos-30 Giant Sunflowers are now out...the head on this guy is 41 inches in circumference..13 1/2 inches round...this is the granddaddy of the 30, pretty happy with what I've grown here. The Obamas, the Joker and his wife Michelle Antoinette...who appointed these assholes King and Queen of America? And the Victims of the Lockerbie Bombing and their families get another insult from the Brits and Islam.
Photos--Some Photos taken before my battery on the Old Sony crapped out for the day___
(1) Me, early on in the event with our 9th edition Bar Stool Open T-Shirt(2) L to R...Youngest son Hal, his college roomie Woost, and Trivey, enjoying one of his may Coronas.(3) Nick taking aim at the Shingle Shack's new hole(4) Our team of 5 becomes 11 as the Duck Do-Do's don't...the stalled(blow prop) can be seen in the back as we load up their supplies(5)Nick at the Helm of his Pontoon....(6) I take my turn guiding us across the Lake.(7 and 8) The Moose Lodge and the Breakers(formerly Carta Villa) a couple of holes midway through our Shotgun Start from Duckfoots
{Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...