Thursday, October 29, 2009

Gone Fishin' Part 2

Heading out this morning on this Indian Summer like day in western Ohio...sunshine and a high in the mid 60s is predicted....not as warm in the Au Sable basin of northeastern Michigan on Lake Huron...and it looks like rain and wind for a couple of days. The rain will not effect the fishing, except to help, however the wind my put a damper on Friday, which seems to be the key day for the wind...time will tell.
The Forecast for Oscoda/Tawas City:

Today 56 with sunshine...but then things get "iffy"

Friday 70% chance of Rain with SSE winds to 25 mph and a high of 59
Saturday 30% chance of AM Rain with windy conditions and a high of 48
Sunday 40% rain chance high of only 42, but the winds calm down

and for the trip home Monday 45 with some rain...

Sounds about typhical for northeastern lower Michigan for the end of October beginning of November, it could be worse.

So will let you know how things went come late Monday or on the Tuesday Blog...

Back Later>>>>
Photo-Last October, me standing of the overhang at the Au Sable River, just east of the Foote Dam.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gone Fishin' Part 1

A pretty steady rain started yesterday about the time I arrived at Antwerp High School for my final school football game of the year....I still have the Youth Tournament games all day on November 7th. The rain continued throughout the blowout Junior High game, won by visiting Tinora 48-0...Antwerp Junior High had a flu outbreak affect the team, and they were indeed undermanned...I kept the clock on the field as side judge, and we kept the game moving along, especially when it got out of hand in the second half.
With football officiating out of the way, for the most part, I turn my attention the coming basketball season. Our first association meeting is in Van Wert tonight, and I begin the scrimmage season, when we return from our family vacation in Wisconsin come mid-November. I need to hit the incline mode on the treadmill however, need to get the aging legs and calf muscles in not want a blown leg like last February, which sidelined me for the final couple weeks of the season.

Basketball is a much different animal to officiate than football or baseball...your legs and lungs get a workout, especially in doing boys JV games and even the lower levels, where you work a 2 man crew, instead of the 3 man as when you are officiating the Varsity games.

Getting Ready for Steelhead and Salmon___

Getting the gear, clothes, and food around for the trip to Oscoda, Tawas City, Michigan, where the Au Sable meets Lake Huron. Nick and I decided to leave around noon us 3 full days to try our luck....the rains that hit here yesterday and this morning, were going from south to north, and hopefully put enough in the stream up north to push the Steelhead and Salmon, we are looking forward to having a good chance at success this weekend. Not sure if we can top last year, but I think we are a little more sure of ourselves{last year was the first in 25 we had done this trip} this time around. I am ready...we will also supply ourselves with a supply of good hand-rolled cigars, a bottle of Drambuie, and a few 6 packs of beer. The other challenge will be staying close to my Diabetes 2 Diet, which has seen me lose 19 pounds over the past couple months....another 10 or 15 to go. Keeping the Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar at reasonable levels is also something I would like to do...but I still plan on having a good time, and eating well.

I began fishing at a young age...usually following my dad, Stan Houseworth, to his nightly fishing outings to the Venice Jetties on the Gulf of Mexico, near our home in Venice, Florida. Dad was a life long outdoorsman who loved to hunt and fish{much to mom's pain I am sure at times}...almost to a fault.

I had pretty good success as a youngster in South Florida, and if the truth be known, I was much more successful as a kid fishing, than I ever have been as an adult...having the old man around to help me with the ropes I am sure helped. Once dad died in 1972 I continued to fish, but never with the gusto or success, that I had as a kid. I have fished oceans, lakes{including the Great Lakes}, and rivers, from upstate New York, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and a few other states, and northern Canada, in my life...I always like getting out on or near the water, whether successful or not.

Tomorrow I will post a short blurb before we head out...then hopefully back Monday or Tuesday with a report on our "Success".
back later>>>>
Photos-top left/A collection of fishing rods ready for the trip. Back in 1951, when at 2 1/2 years old I envisioned myself as a great hunter, with a Red Fox dad had dispatched, near Scott, Ohio...I gave up hunting back in the late 1970s...still support that right, but just don't have the heart to do it myself anymore. In 1957 me with 8 pound Red Snapper that I caught off the Manasota Bridge near Englewood, Florida. Big Brook Creek near Rome, NY, where I learned to fly fish for trout back in the early 70s while stationed at Griffiss Air Force Base. And finally Stan Houseworth with a 100 pound Jew Fish that he caught off the North Jetties at Nokomis, Florida, in November 1956.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wabash Valley Dartball 1936-2009

The weather yesterday was just about perfect for late October....we hit in the mid 60s with plenty of sunshine and just a slight some clouds with a 30% chance of rain mid 60s again. The rest of the week looks to be in the mid to upper 60s with maybe a shot or two of rain.

Nick and I decided to leave for Michigan a bit early. Since he has a day off from Crown, we no plan on taking off for Oscoda/Tawas City around noon Thursday if we can get things around...we still plan on returning Monday afternoon.

Dartball 2009/2010____

I have mentioned Dartball before on this blog...I've been tossing for St. Johns Lutheran Church for a number of years now...Sam and Hal, although both living out of town these days, have been members as well. In fact Sam, back when he was 1o or 11, got things started in the Wabash Valley Dartball League for the family.

Being an old time bar room "darter" it took me about a season to get used to the underhand tossing of the heavy medal tipped wooden darts with feathers...since that time I have known some success, as has our team.

The Wabash Valley Dartball League was formed by a group of Lutheran Churches back in 1936, and was called simply "The Lutheran Dartball League, according to the books the League became "Wabash Valley Dartball League" before the 1947-48 season. One of our top players, Martin Fancke, was an original member of that charter season before WW2, some 74 seasons ago. Martin has reached 90, still plays weekly, and still "bats" over .300 most seasons.
The 74th season kicks off November 9th with 8 teams, some Lutheran, some not, these days....St. John's is the host Church, meaning we will host the Tournaments, Playoffs, and the end of season Banquet. As luck would have it, Sam takes off for Ohio State, so Dad{ME} is saddled with being the League here I sit this morning, looking over the cash box, old records, and getting ready to type out the news and other information to the other team's Captains. Some interesting stuff in those old records...the books go back as far as 1945, and the Banquet and end-of-season "flyers" date back to 1953.

The Wabash Valley Dartball League, since 1936...and still counting.

Last Football of the season___

My last game of the season{not counting the Midget League Round Robin Tournament on November 7th} of the High School/Jr High season is scheduled for today....I will head north to Antwerp again for a Junior High game. Then I will finish up with the little guys on 11/7 and put away the football gear for another scrimmages begin November 17, right after the family get away to Wisconsin.

48 hours to the Salmon/Steelhead fest...

back later>>>>
Photos-A Regulation Dartball Board{different Leagues vary in boards, distances to toss, underhand, overhand, both, etc. Wabash Valley tosses underhand from 20 feet}. Some of my "hardware" that I have won over the years. Old Books, receipts, and Banquet Flyers from the past, as far back as 1945...and the oldest banquet flyer I could find, from December of 1953.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Musings/Another touch of "Indian Summer"

A few clouds, some sunshine, and a little rain to the north and west. But overall today, like yesterday, looks like another touch of "Indian Summer"...fairly warm in the mid to upper 60s for most of the week, with a shot or two of rain, as we finish out what has been a cooler, wetter, than normal October...Thanks Al Gore, Thanks Barry, Thanks UN, for warning us all of the "dangers" of Global Warming....Thanks for nothing you arrogant lying asswipes!

Speaking of The Obummers...Glenn Beck this morning is railing about Michelle "Antoinette" Obama is now sporting $500 tennis shoes at the bottom of her skinny ass ugly legs...just who the Hell do these people think they are? The nation is in a deep, deep, recession, and Michelle is surrounded by 26 "servants", er, associates. As much as I despise the Clintons, they don't hold a candle to these 2 clowns, very dangerous, not funny clowns.

Rasmussen says that Obama numbers are still dropping like a turd in a 2 story outhouse...maybe, just maybe, most Americans are finally waking up...albeit, might be a bit late.

The Weekend Past____

I ranted last Halloween on how things have changed in the past as far as Halloween is concerned. Growing up in Venice, Florida, back in the 1950s and early 60s, we always headed out on Halloween "Trick or Treating" fully intending to Trick as much as possible, and get some treats as well....and we usually accomplished what we set out to do. Harmless we thought, but looking back, we did some things we shouldn't have...all in the name of fun.

Things have changed, even in the past 15 years since my kids went "Trick or Treating"...they at least got to go out at night...even if we had to go with them{growing up my old man would have never put that embarrassment on us}. For the past decade here in Lilly White Celina{population 11,000} Beggars Night is Beggars Day, in this case the Sunday afternoon before Halloween. So yesterday as I sat in my back yard enjoying a nice hand rolled cigar, the Trick or Treaters with mommy and daddy in tow, roamed the neighborhood from 3 to 5 in the afternoon...How freaking sad has this country become? Daylight "Trick or Treating" on a Sunday Afternoon!

After finishing up the Football Officiating Saturday about 1PM, Sam and I headed home, and ended up watching college football{while I was drinking beer} for most of the day....Ohio State rebounded with a easy win over Minnesota, I find myself not really giving a rat anymore. Can't stand the coach, the QB, or the slave like fans, who actually think college football{or even worse the NFL} is really that important in the grand scheme of things. Sam headed back to OSU for classes this morning, he has a City League JV game tonight...I'm off, and have my final High School game tomorrow at Antwerp.

The Yankees won over the Angels, so the World Series is just about guaranteed to finish in cold weather in November, with Philadelphia and New York a the dreary locations. I will root for Philly, only because my 2 Uncles on mom's side are/were great Phillies Fans...Uncle Jack now 80, and my Uncle Bill, who passed away back in 1997, grew up rooting for the Phils, big time!

New Camera___

I spent several hours testing and getting to know the new digital camera...the shot at top is an example of what the 12.2 MegaPixel Fuji-Film A220 can do in the Macro Mode. What amazes me is how much the technology has improved in the 11 or 12 years since Patricia purchased the Sony Maciva for me back the late 1990s. And this camera is not even the top of the line, although, it has more than enough of what I need. The best part is, Pat paid almost $1000 for the Sony...I purchased this Fuji on sale for $99 with a $30 Memory Card and batteries tossed in. I should have taken FHB's advice and got this long ago.

Hopefully some good photos will be coming back with me from the Fishing Trip to Michigan this coming weekend.

The Diabetes Diet Updated____

Back in late August, after discovering blood tests showed a higher level of Blood Sugar that there should be, I visited the Dietitian at Joint Township Hospital in St. Marys. She set me up with 2000 a day calorie with a balance of carbs and lower sugar and fat levels....I weighed in at 208 pounds on that day, September the 7 weeks plus a weekend since I started, I have dropped 16 pounds down to 192{this weekend will be the big challenge, but I've got a diet plan for the weekend away from "normal" food}. The goal was to drop to 180, which was my weight when I got out from the Air Force back in 1972, and where I was when I started lifting heavy weights. So far things are going slow but sure, about 1 1/2 pounds a week, and that's good.

On the Blood Pressure front...I was running about 150/82 in August, with a pulse rate in the upper 60s resting, this was even with the BP Medication. This morning I was at 120/78 with a resting heart rate of 62. Not bad for an old fart, if I don't say so myself. Hopefully when I head back to the doc's next month, I can avoid going on any kind of Diabetes Meds, and maybe, just maybe, getting off the BP meds as month will tell.

Of course I'm still plowing along with my usual beers and a good cigar now and then.

Enough rambling for this post...

back later

Photos-top left-A Macro shot of the vines on my garage as they change colors for the last days of Indian Summer. Halloween has changed, forever. BOO! The new camera, the Fuji-Film A220 which was introduced this summer, $99 at Wally World with toys and extras. And finally Me on my 60th Birthday back in March at 208 pounds...and this morning at 192...12 pounds to go.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fishing the Au Sable, Foote Dam to Lake Huron

Cold and raw yesterday for an 11am football game at Spencerville...a JV contest as the season winds down{except for those varsity teams that will be involved in the playoffs through November and early December}...just one more contest for me, that will be Junior High game at Antwerp on Tuesday. My first Basketball rules meeting will be Wednesday night in Van Wert. Not a lot of time, between seasons, especially for guys like me, that do 3 sports....keeps me busy.

Sam was home to work the Spencerville-Waynesfield game with me{the visiting team came away with a 22-8 win}...he will head back to Columbus tonight, and after OSU classes tomorrow he will finish up his football work with a City League game in Columbus.

Today and tomorrow look, weather wise, to be improved...60 and 65 respectively for highs, with plenty of sunshine.

Fishing the Au Sable River___

This coming Friday me and my old fishing, hunting, drinking, buddy Nick head north to the Au Sable River in Northeastern lower Michigan for our second straight year of some cold/cool weather Salmon/Steelhead fishing...As I mentioned last October on this blog, we had originally fished this area back in 1984, when we took Nick's dad, Gabe to Tawas City/Oscoda and fished for a weekend in late October of that year...last year marked the first time we had been there in a quarter of a century.

A few things had changed. Our fishing spot along the outlet to Lake Huron was gone, taken over by a park and a marina...but the Foote Damn was left unchanged, and we found a few other spots to drop our lines in...we came back with plenty of Salmon...this year, we are hopeful of hauling in some Steelhead Trout and maybe some Salmon as well. Nick has a cookout for another 40 or 50 folks planned for November 7th, and we are hoping that we can add some fresh and smoked fish to the menu.

Finding the Au Sable 1976____

Patricia and I first found the Au Sable on a camping trip to the Higgins/Kneff Lake area of north central Michigan back in the mid 70s...we took off with Rag and Max the original Airedales we had and head up US 127...we ended up camping at the semi-primitive Kneff Lake, and later at the more modern campgrounds of Higgins Lake to the south of Grayling.

Grayling, Michigan, sets along side the Au Sable, and in addition to fly fishing, this area of the Au Sable is a famous canoe river....we enjoyed the area, when you are in your 20s, that type of camping can be enjoyable...not so much when you hit the 50s and beyond.


Nick, me, and Gabe had no idea what we were in for when we first decided to Salmon fish the Au Sable back in 84...

First off we were allowed to camp at a small park next to the river as it flowed into Lake Huron...Nick and I grabbed a couple of lawn chairs, a radio, and spent that Saturday listening to Ohio State come-from-behind to defeat Illinois in Big Ten Football...we downs a fifth of Jack Daniels as well...and caught ZERO Salmon. The next day we headed to the Foote Dam, a few miles inland, and watched a hundred of so morons fishing with treble hooks...the type of guys that "snagged" the large fish for the meat, not because there was any sport involved in it...not our type of "fishing"...or the type that any true sportsman would want to my dad would have said...'Kind of like Fishing for Trout in a Bathtub".

We headed home empty....but had a good time, none-the-less


Last year we headed up to the same area...we were undecided until the last minutes as to go to cold and wet Michigan, or wet and warmer Tennessee....turns out we made the right decision, at least in our eyes.

Fishing the outflow of the Au Sable, and the shorelines of Lake Huron, we had better luck this time around{probably because we studied the time and habits of the fish, and stayed away from the Jack Daniels}...our luck at the Foote Damn, drift fishing, was not that good, we got shutout there...

We also found a nice small little motel for cheap called the Aurora Resort{actually just a small summer time aging motel laying next to Lake Huron}....much better than sleeping with bags in the back of the Pick-Up Truck we drove up there. $25 a night in the off season, the place was AAA rated as far as we were concerned....we could watch the games on Cable, smoke cigars, and drink our beers in comfort.


Not sure what awaits us this year...but we will find out soon enough come next Friday. We plan on leaving early Friday morning and are hopeful of getting to Oscoda sometime after 12 Noon. We will get a room at the Aurora "Resort", grab our license and some Salmon Eggs, and see what we can gather before the trip home on Monday November 2nd....

Meanwhile I will spend some spare hours this week, getting my rods and equipment ready, packing for the trip{always pack as lite as possible}, and finishing up any catch up work for the Dartball Season, Basketball, and putting away my Football Officiating clothes for another year.

back later>>>>
Photos-Top Left-A "Sick"{but true} Halloween Cartoon and a shot with the new camera out my back kitchen window of the neighbor's changing color tree.....Kneff Lake and Higgins Lake, Patricia and I discovered these places on our first camping trip to Michigan in 1976...along with the Au Sable River. And the Au Sable near Tawas City and Oscoda, Michigan...The Foote Dam, where the Salmon and Steelhead gather, and the River as it flows into Lake Huron on it's final destination.

Friday, October 23, 2009

New Camera

Burning Bushes in front of Nick's Place

My Buddy Jeff aka "The Fat Hairy Bastard"

has been giving me a friendly hard time about my old Sony Maciva Camera I have had since fact I own 2 of them, and 800 and 900 models, and they back in the "old" days of Digital Cameras when they were the Cadillacs of Digital Cameras. Both costing in the close to $1000..Patricia got me my first one for Christmas 1998...and I have been faithful to them to a fault{the quality is just not as good as the new multi-pixal types} ever since.

So, with the problems the floppy disk drive on my PC has been having, I figured I'd upgrade to a new model with a memory card system...I found several on sale at Wally World yesterday and finally settled on a Fuji-Film A220 with 12.2 MegaPixels...I'm still fine tuning it, but I thought the Burning Bushes over at Nick's place came out OK....

Off to do a cold football game at Spencerville with Sam{home from Ohio State for the day}...enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Photos-Nick's "Burning Bushes" and left the old Sony Maciva...which I still like, but time says we must move on.

Blogger Blues test!

Not sure if this will even post on the main page....seems Blogger has frozen my front page{while my other blogs are fine, go figure}....
And of course, once I add a new post{this one} it goes back to "normal", whatever the Hell that is for this system?
Back Later>>>>
Well things appear to be back to "normal" least as normal as can be expected in the Blogger Universe.
Barry Obummer is still Prez and still a moron, the left wing press is still the left wing press...It's raining again in West Central Ohio, and I'm thankful that I have no games tonight, as the wind and cold appear to be in for the evening hours, even while the rain abates for awhile.
Saturday brings cooler temperatures, and I'm guessing a muddy field for our JV game at Spencerville...and the extended forecast for the northeastern areas of Michigan along the Au Sable River look cool and cloudy for late next week...let's hope that will be great for Steelhead and Salmon.
Enjoy the Weekend...Back Later>>>>{tomorrow or Monday}

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hal Gets a Chance to Teach/7 Days until Salmonfest 2009

Yesterday approached a little cooler and windy later in the back to the 60s, some rain coming later, and then tomorrow begins a wet and cool stretch that may last until I head for Michigan or longer.

Dartball League starts November 9th....St. Johns is the home of the league tournaments and banquet this year, so guess by elimination I am the League Prez...more busy work.

Tonight Jr High Football at Crestview in Convoy...just a couple of games to follow, then the November 7th games at Westview will end my football I head into Basketball season in mid November.

Hal gets to teach High School{for 6 weeks}___

Since completing his Masters in High School History/Social Studies Education this past summer, Hal began working full time working with Autistic youth...he made the cut in several interviews for High School teaching positions, but was not offered a full time job. No surprise in this job market, most teachers are staying on longer(most 35 years or more), and the permanent teaching jobs in most areas of Ohio and the Midwest are few and far between.

Hal worked his Masters Student Teaching at Fairborn High School near Dayton and Wright-Patterson AFB last school year, and got an interview there but no job for this school year. He got a call earlier this week that one of the regular teachers needed time off until the Christmas Vacation comes along in mid-December, and they asked Hal if he would teach High School History in this teachers place until that time....He made his changes in his work schedule and took the offer. He'll be busy, working basically 2 full time jobs until Christmas.

I'm sure he'll do fine, and after all, this will look good on his Resume'...Hal wants to be a High School History Teacher, and this cannot hurt, and he is looking forward to it.....I'm leaving in an hour or so to take his Diplomas and his Teachers License to him...we will meet up in Piqua, about a 45-50 minute drive for each of us...Good Luck Hal, your mom and I are sure you'll do fine and enjoy this challenge.

The Michigan Salmon Fishoff....7 days and counting___

Stocking up on Cigars, Drambuie, and Beer. Also will begin to check my fishing poles and tackle box to make sure lines, baits, and lures, are in order----Next Thursday afternoon{or Friday morning early, depending if Tom is around in Dreshler} Nick and I will head for Tawas City, Michigan, and the mouth of the Au Sable River, and west shore of Lake Huron.

Last season we kind of flew by the seat of our pants and did well...this year we have things planned out...hopefully the Salmon and the weather cooperate. I am stoked.

Off to Piqua___

back later>>>>>
Hal's Masters Diploma/Teaching License(Ohio), and I hope we can bring a few of these home again this year, and maybe expand our variety.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

@60 Life gets simpler?{at least for me}/Imus Returns

One more "Indian Summer" like day, before a extended forecast that shows rain and cooler temperatures for the remainder of October...hopefully we will still have a few more warm and sunny days before the rains and cold of November roll in for the duration of fall.

Does life get easier/better when you get older?

I guess that question can only be answered as you hit those aging milestones of 40, 50, 60, 70, and beyond....I know for me the answer at this point, more than half way through my 60th year is a resounding Yes!

Since I retired from the Van Wert County Health Department back in 2002 at age 53, this life has had it's ups and downs, like any other. I got into High School Umpire work in the spring and summer, and drove RVs for delivery across the country for 5 1/2 years....since the RV Business when "Belly Up", I have also added Football and Basketball officiating to my "work load"...and basically, that is what I do...thank God for Patricia, otherwise I probably would be out hitting the pavement, doing something I hate, to put bread on the table....

Don't get me wrong, 200 or so sporting events a year on 60 year old legs, for anywhere from $40 to $100 isn't getting me rich or stopping the aches and pains...but I'm not complaining...I could be sitting on my fat ass and doing nothing, or in front of the computer and TV all day....that isn't happening anytime soon, if I can help it.

Don't watch much TV, except the evenings I'm home, I turn on Bill O'Reilly, a good old movie on TMC, or a ballgame or hockey game.

With the nest getting more empty, Sam at OSU in Columbus, Hal on his own in Kettering, and Anissa soon to be moving into her own assisted living is getting a little more focused for my final run, in this life....Patricia is still working hard as a Special Education Teacher, and she probably has another 9 or 10 years to go.

Garry(a dozen years younger), and I discussed this coming back from Football in Antwerp the other night and decided, things were easier when you got out of the rat race...A Good Cigar, and Cold Beer, and on occasion__________________, is what you really need, to get by. Works for me.

Imus Returns____

Don Imus was run out of town{New York Radio} a couple of years ago for using the term "Nappy Headed Hoes" when talking about a team of women basketball players from Rutgers University..."Race Baiting" racist Al Sharpton and others came out in full force and finally Imus was taken off the radio and cable TV...This was a railroad job of pathetic proportions. Imus, had said far worse, and funny things, than this lightweight slap at a bunch of "She Males" playing round ball.....just grab a listen to the 1974 Album by Imus called "This Honky's Nuts"...a play off the Richard Pryor album called "This Nigger's Crazy"...Imus was much more funny than Pryor{of course that may depend on your race or ethnicity} In my opinion.

I was first introduced to the Imus brand of humor back in 1974 by my radio DJ buddy, Jim Olson...Jim was a evening Disc Jockey at WCSM Radio in Celina{a station I would become Program Director at a handful of years later}, and spun records for me when I was managing The Red Door. He collected albums of all sorts, whether it was hard rock, country, or radio comedy, like the National Lampoon Comedy Hour, or me Don Imus was far funnier than stoners like Cheech and Chong{although I enjoyed them as well}. Even my now 85 year old mom loves Imus, and was pissed when he was fired.

Well now the fledgling Fox Business Channel has picked up the "Imus In The Morning" radio program...and it appears he is back to his old self, albeit my guess he's staying away from racial stereotypes...fighting political correctness can only go so far in the media, something I have no problem doing, because what the Hell can the PC crowd and that stinking Kenyan born President do to a 60 year old right leaning Independent?

Imus on Fox Business from 6 to 9 in the morning....Welcome Back Imus, you are a perfect lead-in for my morning coffee, blog work, and Glenn Beck.

back later>>>

Photos-top left, me turning 60 back in March/Don Imus comes to Fox Business, and his outrageously funny album from 1974/me(R) and Jim Olson, my DJ buddy from North Dakota and WCMS, who introduced me to Imus humor back in 74

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

So have you finally figured it out?

Drove north to Antwerp, Ohio, yesterday...Garry was filling in for another official and rode up with me, we did a 3 man crew in a 25-14 Antwerp JV win over visiting Ayresville.... we were home by 8....this leaves me with 3 scheduled games left before I pack football season in, A Junior High game at Crestview on Thursday, a JV game in Spencerville Saturday, and back to Antwerp for another Junior High contest next Tuesday to finish up my portion of the season....of course, I could get called in for a fill-in or 2, and still the chance of a Rec League Tournament on November 7th....but the season is winding down. Then the Great Salmon Fishoff starts October 29th near Tawas City, Michigan, and the Au Sable River where it flows into Lake Huron. My first Basketball scrimmage begins mid November, after the family returns from our pre-Thanksgiving trip to Wisconsin.

Marxism 101____

Our half breed Kenyan born President{who admitted as much back during the 2004 Illinois Senate Campaign}:

Is taking us down the road to serfdom at warp speed...the question is, "How many people are really taking note?" Not enough is my guess, not enough to stop Obama and his lap dog left wing media from controlling the debate...if not for the Internet, Fox News, and patriots like Glenn Beck, we would already be doomed....

Don't believe that? Then why else is Obummer and his Commie Cronies in the White House be putting a full court press on Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, and others? Why? Because they have the goods on this administration's attempt to take over the Republic, by hook or crook....

The "Rule for Radicals" are their talking points...sadly most Americans don't have a clue as to what is going on in the court systems or the political hacks in DC....and the various State Houses.

Some folks are waking up, by still, by and large, the majority of people in the country are worrying about their own lives, and are blind to the facts that their Children and Grandkids lives are being sold down the river by this foreign agent named Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama.

Soetoro/Obama and his henchman have taken aim at their perceived, not the Islamics or Iran, or North Korea, or Chavez...but Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Fox News:

The politics of Hate is alive and well in the perverted world of Barack Obama and Company.

Ignore it at your own and your families peril.

back later>>>>

Monday, October 19, 2009

So this S.O.B. really is a Kenyan?

Before getting into my Obama rant for this week....let's review the weekend.

After the game up near Toledo on Friday Night, I spent much of Saturday trying to catch up on my lack of sleep from the previous 2 days. Hit the hay Saturday night about 8pm, up early Sunday...went to Church, tagged along with Patricia as she looked at a house for Anissa, and checked out another on the other side of town that she liked....nice old house, but maybe a little out of our price range, especially at our ages....I'm thinking we will stay in the old Church parsonage for the duration of my days at least.....I'm not much into moving, especially these days...I'm just looking to get rid of much of the stuff we have in the garage and basement. And make more room in our "semi-empty nest".

On the Health front....

Weight dropped to 194 over the weekend, so things are moving along, down 14 pounds since I began on September 5th, the Diabetes 2 diet...another 14 to go, which will get me down to my desired 180...A place I have not been since the late 1980s, when I got into heavy weight lifting. My Blood Pressure is doing well too...135/70 this morning with a resting pulse rate of 65, hopefully I can dump the BP meds, and stay off D-2 meds as well.

Our Kenyan-in-Chief____

I have been making light of Obama and his fake Birth Certificate for months now....seriously though, I had no idea whether this bastard was born in Kenya, Hawaii, or South was fun however to poke fun at his supporters, who go nuts when someone claims to be a "Birther", that being someone who believes The Obama is not a natural born American.

Well it appears back in 2004 that even the AP was calling His Majesty "Kenyan Born"

And Obama admitted during a debate for the Illinois Senate seat against Alan Keyes that you didn't need to be American Born to be a Senator....he wasn't running for President:

So, is he or isn't he?

I'm still not positive, but rest assured, the links to his comments during that debate and the stories from AP are disappearing from the Internet as I type...I found at least 5 sites that had the links taken down just this morning. Don't be surprised if the above links are gone soon.

So I'm thinking this story has legs, and the Obama Administration is running scared, especially from Fox News, which isn't even covering the story:

This administration is in full bunker mode, and meanwhile they continue to destroy the Republic, but selling out to Europe and the UN, whether it be the phony science of Global Warming, or the hanging our troops out to die in Afghanistan....

Wake Up America!!!!

These bastards are coming after better be prepared to fight, or lose you freedoms.

Back Later>>>>

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Morning before the Sun Rises

Up at 4am this morning....Anissa had woken up, and with me going to the sack at 8 last evening, I climbed out of the bed to make coffee....letting Patricia sleep in until church time.

The reason for hitting the hay early last night was pretty simple...4 1/2 hours of sleep!

I got a e-mail early Friday from one of the guys in our Football Association, telling me he had a bug, and the doc advised him to stay home from work...meaning no work, he probably should not attempt to officiate a Friday Night varsity football game Bob wanted to know if I could cover for him at Holland, Ohio, a Toledo berg, for a game on the Artificial turf at Springfield High School, between Toledo Christian and visiting Danbury?...{familiar with both schools, I had done the TC baseball Regional final in their win over Hopewell-Loudon at Patrick Henry, and had worked the home plate in the Danbury win over Old Fort at H-L in the Sectionals}

The weather looked to be raw and possible rain/snow, but being the nice guy I am, said yes....I would drive to Sherwood, meet up with Bruce, another guy from our association and the crew umpire, and we would head north to hook up with the rest of the crew, before heading to Holland.

When we arrived we discovered that the rain and wind were gone, the fake grass in fine shape, and the weather just right for a Friday night game....which went on without any major problems...Christian won in a walk 48-14, we showered, dressed, and headed for "Ralphie's" a mile away for a burger and a couple of beers....Bruce and I arrived back in Sherwood about 1:30 Saturday Morning, and I jumped in my car and headed the remaining 52 miles to Celina...tired, I fired up a good hand rolled cigar, and enjoyed that, while staying away for the next hour...I arrived home at 2:35....

I finally got to bed about 4:30, was up before 9{thankful my JV game at Crestview had been cancelled}....and didn't accomplish much the rest of the day...I did mow the back yard, and watched Ohio State and their pathetic Sophomore Quarterback, Terrell Pryor, and his coach, pee down their respective legs in losing to a weak Purdue team...I called this last year, the kid and is overrated and the coach, Jim Tressel, clueless when it comes to Pryor's faults....not much satisfaction in being "right".

Tired from 9 hours sleep in 2 full nights, I hit the bed, and instantly fell asleep....and now here I am, just passed 6, on my 3rd cup of coffee.

Will go to church around 10, do a Rec League Tournament Double Header with Garry at 1....and let the rest of this Sunday play itself out, after that.

My football season is winding down, and the Salmon Fishing trip with Nick is just around the corner.....back later>>>
Photos-A view from the press box at Holland(Ohio) Sprinfield's new turf and stadium, where I worked the Friday Night game...and a Down Trodden Jim Tressel of Ohio State...the guy is still yet to figure out he ruined this team last year when he benched quarterback Todd Boeckman in favor of his personal messiah Terrell Pryor.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Air Force Reunions

The utterly ugly October weather continues in west central Ohio, and around the Midwest in general. Most years, weather wise, October is my favorite month...last year it was great, 70s and 80s and sunny for most of the month. This year, Halloween month is an exception...the weather has stunk. Cold, wet, and basically miserable....last year I wore shorts for all the under varsity football games, right through the end of the season...this year, I've been wearing long pants and knickers since the end of September.

Today, scheduled at Spencerville for a 5pm Junior High game...40 for a high, maybe, and a cold rain is falling at this time...snow flurries possible for tomorrow night's Varsity games....usually we don't get this stuff until mid or late November.

October, Air Force Reunion Month____

The old geezers from my Vietnam days usually get together for their annual reunions in October....The Vietnam Security Police Association{VSPA}, where I am Life Member #575, just finished up it's reunion in Phoenix, and the Tan Son Nhut Association kicks off their annual reunion in Tennessee today, down in Dollywood Country.

I didn't make the VSPA reunion again this year it's in San Antonio, and 2011 it will be in Dayton at Wright-Patterson AFB...if still kicking, I will make that 2011 for sure.

I have not joined the Tan Son Nhut Association yet, only because with football, baseball, and basketball officiating and other things on the plate, I don't feel I could do justice to all the associations. I left the American Legion, and never signed up with the VFW for those reason as well. Another association is the 377th Security Police Association...the next reunion for that group will be in the spring of 2011 in Branson, Missouri.

Maybe one of these days, I will get around to participating in these events in a more timely manner...but for right now, I will continue to set up our "Mini-Reunion" for Air Force Vietnam and Thailand Security Police from the war years...our plans are to meet back at the AF Museum in Dayton in early March 2010.....perhaps down the road, I can give these other organizations the time and attention they need.

Computer glitches___

Seems our computer has a problem with the "Floppy Drive"...whenever I try to start a program or download a photo from my old Sony Digital{which uses the 3.5 floppy disks} the computer shuts down....guess it's either time to upgrade my camera, or take the computer into the shop....troubleshooting on site has not worked so far. So the only photos for now, will be from the Internet, or old stuff I have saved to the computer....ahhhh! The small things in life that piss just you off!
How's the Type 2 Diabetes Diet going you ask?___
Well maybe you didn't....
But so far, so good....I'm down from 208 on September 3rd to 195 this morning...still drinking my daily beer or 3. My BP has settled in with an average range in the 133/70 with a pulse rate at 62 or so...not bad for a 60 1/2 year old, heading for far no meds for the Diabetes, and I'm hopeful, at the next Doc appointment, I can dump the BP meds as well.... as I said, so far, so good.
I'll leave off with that...back later>>>>
Photos-Top Left/Our Mini Reunion of AF/Vietnam Sky Cops from last January, and patches of Associations I am close to...The VSPA/The Tan Son Nhut Association, and the 377th SPS at Tan Son Nhut, RVN.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Outlaw Marvin Kuhns Wins an Award

The cool October weather continues...last night I traveled north{again} for a Junior Varsity contest, this time to my Uncle Jack's hometown of was at least 15 degrees colder than Celina when I arrived...45 as compared to 57 when I departed at 3pm. A light rain was falling as we took the field. Thing improved, except the stadium clock, which failed to work, so I kept the time on the field, for the 26-0 Wayne Trace victory over the home standing Archers.

Tonight, under the lights here in Celina for the final 7th grade game of the year....the weather promises to be cool...

Marvin Kuhns____

In February 2008 I blogged a 3 part story on the infamous Midwest Outlaw Marvin Kuhns....A born and bred Hoosier from Northern Indiana, Marvin was a bank robber, horse thief, and all around outlaw throughout northeast Indiana and northern Ohio in the late 1800s and early part of the 20th Century....

Marvin met his demise in June of 1907, outside of my small hometown of Scott, Ohio. Van Wert County Sheriff Fred Hott and his band of Deputies put an end to The Outlaw Marvin Kuhns life of crime.

A year or so ago a resident of Scott, who works for the Paulding Progress Newspaper, made contact with me about my stories of Marvin....she was interested in his life and crimes. I had, photos, weapons, newspaper articles, in my hands, and other information that I had gathered from the Internet...Nancy took what I had, and began her research.

She gathered family information from his childhood home, old photos, and more material...she turned it into a article for "the Progress"...this morning I got this e-mail from her:

Congratulations to Nancy and the "Paulding Progress" for the awards...glad I could help with my small part.

My dad, Stan Houseworth, had received both Marvin's and Fred Hott's .38s from Hott's son back in the late 1960s....he also was the recipient of the various Van Wert Newspaper articles on Marvin's demise, and the death bed photo of the slain outlaw seen at the top....

Nancy's story expanded on what I penned on this blog back in February 2008, here:

and here:

and also right here:

If you choose to read it all, that should give you an idea of what kind of man Marvin Kuhns was...and what became of him.

Back Later>>>>

Photos-top left/Marvin Kunhs lays on his death bed at the Van Wert, Ohio County Jail in June 1907....and the Van Wert Newspaper articles celebration of the capture and demise of the Outlaw. Finally, Sheriff Fred Hott's 5 shot/top break Smith and Wesson .38 police revolver...manufactured in 1906. The gun used to dispatch Kuhns...looking as new today as it did back in 1907. I also have Marvin's .38 Iver-Johnson, still usable, but not in as pristine condition as the S&W.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Rehasing the Weekend

The unusually cool October continues...must be Global Warming at it's Zenith...right Al Gore?

The weekend was wet on Friday night, cool, and sunny for the remainer....


Friday afternoon with a steady rain I headed north on the 70 mile drive to Edgerton to meet up with the crew I was filling in at Umpire for in the Green Meadows Conference game between the home standing Bulldogs at 6 wins 0 loses, and league rival Fairview Apaches(4-2) out of Sherwood. I arrived early at 5:30 in a steady rain, and found the Athletic Director and was seated in the locker room waiting for the rest of the crew, driving from various parts around the state...the rain continued.

We finally hit the field at 7PM in time for the coin toss so we could get that over before the Homecoming Night events took place....the rains slowed at we approached kick off time at 7:30.

The game was intense and the crew caught their share of Hell from fans and coaches alike....the field however held up well, and the final was Fairview 41-25 in a high scoring shootout, thus handing the home team it's first loss....after our post game meeting, where I was asked to fill in this Friday at Vinton County{some 185 miles south of Celina, which I turned down...that would be some drive, and hardly worth the time and quick turnaround I would need}, I then headed south for the 90 minute drive back through Hicksville, Antwerp, Payne, and Van Wert, smoking a nice mild 1876 hand rolled cigar on the way home....the smoke lasted almost until I hit Celina...the best part of the evening, without a doubt.


Sam had returned to Celina Friday night, just after I arrived home at 12:30am. We would work the JV game at Paulding on Saturday morning. When we arrived around 9:30am, the field there was pretty muddy around the middle of the field, and it got worse as the game least it was sunny, albeit cool...that game ended with a 30-6 Allen East win over the home team....after getting home at 12:30, I spent the rest of the day, sitting in my lawn chair, out back smoking a couple of cigars and downing a 6 pack plus of Miller Lite...the lack of sleep and 2 ball games in less than 18 hours was going to prevent me from doing much I sat outside in the sun, with shades on, listening to the Ohio State win over Wisconsin, and chilling out!


I decided to forego Church on Sunday good excuse, besides being tired and facing a Rec League double header, once again with Sam on Sunday afternoon....Those game went smooth between a Celina team and one from Randolph, Indiana....Sam and I finished up aroudn 5pm, and headed home.

Sam headed back to Columbus about nightfall....I continue to rest my 60 year old body from the effects of rain, cold, and 4 football games officiated in less than 48 hours....

Tonight I once again head north for a JV contest, this one in Antwerp....they are not calling for rain, but at this hour the radar says different...

Those are the highlights from my exciting weekend life...M>R>S> Board meeting at noon, so I'll cut this one off...back later>>>>

Sunday, October 11, 2009


AKA: Self Promotion....this ugly mug shot will soon be gone, but being the weekend, I'm working on something...back Monday, enjoy the rest of the weekend:

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama wins the Noble Peace Prize/Friday Views

I almost laughed out loud when I saw the news that our beloved Kenyan-in-Chief had won the Nobel Peace Prize awarded by 5 Norwegian leftists....joining the likes of Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, and sitting Presidents Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson{the other fascist Presidents before Obummer}. My old friend Bill e-mailed me and asked "What the Hell?" or something like that, when he heard the Ebony Messiah was awarded this "prestigious" award...joining the likes of Henry Kissinger and his North Vietnamese counterpart. That right before the North murdered and exterminated their South Vietnam cousins, after we cut and ran from the Vietnam War in 1975....

Folks The Nobel Peace Prize, like our half asses President is a joke....nothing to get upset water off a duck's back, this, like the Obummer, too shall pass. What next? "Queen of the World" honors for Michelle?
Even the lap dog Associated Press questions this so-called "award":

Speaking of Water on a Duck____

Garry and I headed for St Henry last night to do a Junior High double header between the home standing Redskins and rival was wet, windy, and growing colder by the minute, when we got started at 5pm....but the time we finished at 7:45, the feet and hands were pretty frozen. I will have to say my "under armour" kept my legs and body pretty dry, so it could have been worse. Tonight I drive the 70 miles north to Edgerton{near the Ohio Turnpike}, for a game with the 6-0 Bulldogs and their Green Meadows Conference rival Sherwood Fairview at 4-2....I originally posted that the game was at Fairview, but the crew chief informed me that he had the wrong location, so Edgerton on Route 49, north of Antwerp and Hicksville it's still raining, hopefully things will dry off somewhat by game time....gonna be a long night, a long drive home, then tomorrow morning, Sam and I head back north, this time to Paulding, for a JV contest.

Speaking of Sam...he was taping the Ohio State Hockey opener last evening, the Buckeyes blew a lead, and fell to visiting Quinapac 4-2...this afternoon he works a OSU Women's Soccer game, then heads home...he's got a long weekend in store, hopefully he's keeping at his studies.

Double Header Rec league games with Sam here in Celina on Sunday, will finish off the weekend. The weather looks to stay cooler than normal, but should dry off after the rain ends this evening....Cool and dry is and wet sucks.

Enjoy the Weekend...back later>>>>

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sunflower Harvest!

Rained lightly off and on last night during the Celina 7th grade game with visiting Kenton...the locals pulled out a 12-8 win in one of the better contests this season I have done...regardless of level of play. Off tonight, too bad, it would be a great night for football, sunshine and the high 50s...not many Wednesday games in this area, it is the one night they leave open for religion classes, especially given the strong Catholic make-up of the west central Ohio area Tomorrow afternoon a Junior High double header at St. Henry.

I got a call this morning from a crew chief located in the Toledo area, they need a varsity replacement for a Green Meadows Conference game at Fairview in Sherwood Friday night....I on occasion do a varsity baseball game up that way, this will be my first time doing varsity football there however. Seems the crew's umpire{the guy who stands behind the defense and checks for holding and other violations}, is out with a case of the swine flu, so I said "what the hey", I'll do it. The forecast is for thunder and possible heavy rain. Saturday, Sam will be home from Ohio State, we have a JV contest together at Paulding, and a double header Rec League get together in Celina on Sunday, before he heads back to Columbus.

Harvesting the Sunflowers and "Topping" the Jeep___

Since I retired from Environmental Health work back in 2002 at the age of 53, the one thing I have noticed, especially since I no longer deliver RVs either, it that the simple things in life are pretty satisfying.

Take today for example....after dropping Anissa off at Adult Day Care, I headed out, with coffee in hand, to the western part of Mercer County, towards the Indiana State Line....just wanted to see how the leaves were changing. They appear to be a week or so away in this part of Ohio. Meaning that the old Houseworth family hometown of Waldo, north of Columbus, will be another week or so after that...I always try to time my yearly genealogy visit to coincide with the leaf color change, that makes the day that much more enjoyable. With camera in hand, and the stop at G&R Tavern on my mind...

I also checked on the Internet to see if my Mammoth Sunflowers should be Harvested...going by the color of the backs and the middle of the flowers, it was a good time to gather most of them in, before the birds and squirrels took care of them for doubt I will feed the critters these seeds{I really have no interest in salting or eating them myself}, but first I want to see how my harvesting and drying process goes...then I'll parcel them out over the winter months.

As you can see from the photos, the ones I have picked so far are pretty large, with the biggest being about 16 inches across and the same in height....others are close, and the smaller ones are those that were shaded out by the faster growing large ones....I claim a "Successful Harvest" for 2009, and plan on growing more of these 14 footers next May.

Taking a look at the weather forecast for the next 10 days, cooler, as in 20 or more degrees below average, and plenty of needed rain...I figured this October would not be the warm one like 2008, so I decided to put the top back on the old Jeep...took about 25 minutes, and went much smoother than I thought it would, which is always a plus....

Like I said, simple things, are more enjoyable when you have the time....Which I would be remiss if I didn't mention that youngest son Hal's Masters in Education came in the mail today...Gotta admit, that he struggled in his first couple of years at WSU in Dayton, the party life suited him. But when it came down to crunch time, he breezed through his bachelors program, and then scored a perfect 4.0 in his Masters program. He is now working with Autistic youth, and still looking forward to teaching High School History down the road.

Meanwhile, oldest son, Sam seems to be adjusting to life in Columbus. The grades will tell the tale, but he seems to be continuing his success from OSU-Lima at the main campus, while working with the OSU Athletic Department and the Big Ten Network, and still officiating football, with basketball coming up over the Christmas break. Gotta admit I am pretty proud of's not easy having to listen to the predominate left wing Bull crap that is spewed out in colleges these days, especially when you are raised Christian and thumbs up to both of the boys.

back later>>>>
Photos-The old picnic table is full of the first harvest....will now put them in the garage to dry out for the critter food. One of the largest, 16" x 16"...I did have to battle the Bees to get these guys harvested, they were not too happy that I was taking their pollen producing goodies. Western Mercer County, the trees are beginning to change, but the colors need another week or 2....The Jeep with top back on, and Hal's Masters is now ready for his wall, to go with his BA in High School History Education.

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...