Here we go with the last day of November, I guess I should ask the rhetorical question....Where has the year gone? Don't know, but it sure is flying....
First some news headlines:
Why Mike Huckabee should never be President____

This bastard, Maurice Clemmons, is one of the hardened criminals that former Arkansas Governor/Christian/Presidential Candidate, Mike Huckabee released because he felt it was his duty as a compassionate Christian...Nice move Governor...NOT!
Of course Governor Huckabee on his web site tries to shift the blame this morning:
Do I need to mention that the accused is black, the police officers white, and this bastard is without a doubt a racist piece of trash? Huckabee seems like a nice enough guy...he's a Christian, so am I, but I think our views on "compassion" run a little different. This son of a bitch was sentenced to 95 years in prison, Huckabee set him free. So what does Mr. Clemmons do? Well he moves to Washington State, rapes a child, gets caught, and is promptly released on $150,000 dollars bail. Now how does murdering scum with no job, get his hands on $150,000? Do you think that it might have been reduced somehow, by some Liberal "compassionate and guilt ridden" Judge? Just Asking.
So Mike Huckabee I know you are considering another run at the White House...here is a hint. Don't bother. Most Conservatives and Christians aren't buying your compassion...we call it stupidity, and moral weakness. This bastard should have never seen the light of day.
Tiger Woods can drive a golf ball but not his SUV____
News or Sports?

Of course being a man of privilege Tiger, can blow off the cops in Florida by claiming this as a private matter....I would normally agree. But Tiger, the darling of the Sports Media, needs to air his dirty laundry, after all he wanted this fame and fortune....throw the folks a bone Tiger, they worship you.
A couple of questions though...how does a man with a women as hot as your wife, get caught with his pants down? And how do you let that women{your wife} who probably weights in at 110 pounds, beat up your sorry ass? I thought you were in pretty good shape from all those work outs? Funny, funny, stuff!
Empty Nest and a New Record____
Well we moved Anissa out last night, moving in a house with another women with disabilities...and a staff that will see someone on duty 24/7. This completes the Empty Nest for Patricia and me....well kind of, let me explain.
Anissa{as many of you regular readers know} is our 30 year old daughter. She was born in Wausau, Wisconsin, back in 1979 and seemed like a normal child for her first couple of years...but the time she turned 3 we realized that she was delayed in several areas and after much searching for answers we discovered that she was indeed mentally retarded, with side issues. Being our oldest she was followed in birth order by Sam and Hal, 2 seemingly "normal" boys...it's been a long road for her and us, especially Patricia...and it is far from over. Anissa is a happy, healthy, alert adult, who is sharp on many fronts...but she is retarded{I know the politically correct would rather not use that word, but it is what it is}>
The term empty does not really apply to our household...Anissa, who turns 31 in February, will still be home most weekends, from Saturday morning through Sunday evening, staying Saturday night with us. She will also spend the Holidays with us...and frankly I'm not sure how her Summer schedule will pan out, or if this will work out at all. But with me approaching 61, Patrica at 56, we know we will not be around or even able to care for her forever.....we are lucky to have good friends and sons who will help out if the worst happens to us in a quick manner.
In addition the nest won't be empty for long...Sam, who turns 28 this month, will be home for the Fall to Winter break at Ohio State on December 10th...so our empty nest will last 11 days and then he will be home for 3 weeks. 25 year old Hal, is the only one who has really moved on thus far on a permanent basis....so "Empty Nest"? Not exactly!
4000 page views and 2400 stop byes for November, by far a record for this blog since it began in July 2007. The views and folks from all over the world stopping by continues to increase at a steady pace...for this I am grateful, but I know it's got a long way to go, and after all, it's about my daily and former life, not about how many people stop by....but Thanks to all, none-the-less.
Dartball tonight....basketball gets under way in full force in December. Games this week, on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
back later>>>>
Photos-The Houseworth "Kids" Sam 28 on December 17th, 30 year old Anissa, and 25 year old Hal. Mike Huckabee former Presidential Candidate and Bleeding Heart Governor. And Tiger Woods and Wife...? Tiger, what the Hell were you thinking?