Monday, January 20, 2014

Dragging thru Winter

11 days since my last post....that is the single longest period, by several days, of the longest gap between posts.  Not sure if it's the boredom of winter in Western Ohio, the lack of any "real" news going current despising of anything politics, both from the left, and the so-called right...let us face it, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Donut Boy Christie, and the so called leaders of the Republican Party are every bit as pathetic as Pelosi, The Clintons, Reid, and the Kenyan Born Fool in the White House.  We are in deep shit, and the majority of fools don't have a clue concerning the dictatorship and Government Rule that is heading their every aspect of their miserable lives.

Anyway, that aside, this lack of posting, is the longest since I began this blog some 6 1/2 years ago, in the heat of the Summer of 2007.  Back then I was posting, for the most part, 5 days a week, taking most weekends off...that lasted until a year or more ago, when I slowed down to 2 or 3 posts a has went downhill since then....having told my life story, from growing up in Venice, Florida, the High School Days in Celina, Ohio, my Air Force time, both in and out of Vietnam, and the wild days post Military, into college.  These days, as I approach my 65th birthday, the everyday things are routine, and of interest only, for the most part, to me...the things I look forward to are much simpler, and yet just as fulfilling, perhaps not as interesting or "exciting".

Watching the Grandson, Kasyn, grow like a weed is one of the things that confirm that life indeed does pass by in the blink of an eye...and now with a sister or brother{we will find out March 1st} on the way, another chapter will be long I remain on this planet to watch them grow remains something only known to God.  I plan on sticking around as long as he wishes, and forever speaking out on things I like, despise, and agree or disagree with...whether it be politics, the world, sports, religion, or everyday life.

2014 will be a medical needs will now be in the hands of the VA and Medicare, gawd, how I hate to rely on the Government for anything other than keeping the sewers and water flowing, and the highways in repair....but it is the way of life these days, we have become a nation and society of slaves, whether we like it or not.  As of now, despite a back ache at present, I am doing well physically.  Still lifting weights, still up and down the basketball court, and eating well, and keeping the blood pressure low.  I've kicked myself off one Cholesterol Med, and slowly cutting down on one of my two BP lowering drugs...did I ask the doctor about these cutbacks?  Hell No!  I refuse to go through the final chapters of life, taking drugs that most likely do more harm than good, just to last until I'm 90 or 100...give me 70 or 75 and see what shakes out!

So I will continue to post...on occasion, but the days of the 5 posts per week are by the boards...

Mercer County is on a Level 2 Snow Emergency, adding to the winter woes, will be another round of below Zero temperatures this mid week...indeed a long winter, and we still have two full months to go.  Games at Rockford tonight, if the don't cancel, then back home to toss darts, the rest of the week remains busy to say the least, with roundball...however I do have Friday off, only the second or third of those since basketball began, back in late November.  Last night we had our first organizational
meeting for baseball....just the 3 officers, Ryan, Ron, and me, attended, the finances look good for the upcoming season, and we kick off our regular meetings on February first scrimmage is March 25th at St Marys.  Make no mistake, it will be cold through much of the Spring season, but much better than the current weather for sure.

back later, with more of the mundane....

Photos-Grand Lake in Summer, I am ready for these days to return...plans are to continue to eat healthy and lost the final 8 or 10 pounds back down to the 180 mark.  Missing the flowers in my backyard, especially the wide variety of Sunflowers I grow each Spring and Summer, and yes, cold Spring or not, I am ready to pack away the basketball clothes and whistles, and pick up the baseball gear.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Meal Plan 2014....

We are slowly moving out of the early New Year Deep Freeze....still not above freezing, but that should end by the weekend, when rain may make things a mess....45 by Saturday and showers on the way....meanwhile things still look nice out, with the fresh and pure white snow, but that to will come to an end.

Checking out the Weight....and Bike for 2014....

I lost about 9 pounds over 2013...but of course that is only half of what I gained in the 2011-12 stretch, and in addition to the 40 pounds lost from Labor Day 2009 through 2010...the battle is never won, until it is over....approaching 65, with Blood Pressure down, the meds for same cut back, blood sugar better, and frankly feeling better than I did when I was in my late 30s and 40s I am feeling pretty good about it all...but the final 10-12 pounds to get me down to the 180 range, where I want to be, is my goal in the new year of 2014....I don't make resolutions, but I
do make attempts at doing what I want to achieve.  I have just two major goals in mind for this year.

The first is purchasing a Yamaha tw200 Motorcycle...a low cost {less than $4000} "Dual Sport"
 bike, with fat tires, that rides great off road, and does a decent job{at least from reports I have seen and read}on the slab and concrete highways.  With the seat sitting at only 31.5 inches above pavement, it has the right height for my short inseam, and long upper 5' 10" and turning 65 in March, I have no desire for a tall bike that zips up and down the Interstate Highway...I have been there and done that, and have really no wish to run that route again.  Hopefully by April one tw will be sitting in my garage.

Now on to the Weight....hanging around 190, I managed to lose about 9 pounds the past year...after gaining some 20 the previous 2 years.  Of course this is all on top of the 40 or so I lost when it was discovered I had pre-diabetes 2.  Losing weight is never easy, even more so for a 65 year old, who despite officiating some 200 games a year, and lifting weights three times per week...but who also consumes more than his share of dark beers and ale, and had a fondness for deep fried foods.  The days of the food problems are pretty much past...I eat healthy and have found some great tasting and filling meals...the beers, ale, and even a bottle of Irish Creme, are another issue...those I find it harder to un-ass and cut back on.


Of late I have pretty much been eating certain meals at least twice a day....

Oatmeal with Honey and a Banana for breakfast at least 4 times per week, and Egg Beaters, without the fat, cholesterol, or carbs...mixed with fresh Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Red Chili Peppers{home grown at my buddy Rick's place in Indiana} Sweet Onions, and the Southwest version of the Egg Beaters....along with that a Greek Yogurt....all in total, these meals are far less than 1000 calories.  Drop in a few beers and a meat and green veggie meal later in the day, and I still am well below the 2000 Calorie and 200 Carb input per day...usually this is good for losing a pound or two per week{on average}, if I stay at it, I should be down to 180 by the start of High School baseball season in late March, just after my 65th Birthday on March 16yh.

Those are the "Goals" for this year.....but time will tell if I succeed in the hunt....

back later>>>>

Photos-Night View taken last night from my back steps....the snow is sticking around, at least for now.  The "tdub"200, the bike I plan on purchasing this Spring...The Egg Beaters Omelet that have become a staple of my more healthy diet.  And some Carolans Irish Cream....only 17% Alcohol, but with Honey and Heavy Cream, not conducive to losing weight....

Monday, January 6, 2014

Winter's Vengence

-9 and a chill factor of 40 below this Noon Hour, after near a foot of snow{with the winds it could be anywhere from 8 inches to a foot or so}...has our county, Mercer, shut down with a Level 3 Emergency...needless to say, no school, no games, not much going on ....after getting the driveway blown and cleared late yesterday afternoon....we are back on "square one" today...the extra snow and overnight winds have plugged everything back up....and this old fool is not that big of one as to go out and bother with the blowing, shoveling, and plowing, at least not yet!

Photos from the windows looking out:  back later>>>

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...