Thursday, February 27, 2014

Winter and Social Media

It's been a long, snowy, cold, Winter...long, long, Winter...sitting here this morning waiting for the plumber to show up to unclog my basement grey water drain...don't know what the Hell happened with, maybe dropped a ball or something down it...I did, after using the household "snake" to try to fix the problem, find a rusted jar cap, a ping pong ball, and a detergent cup....but it's still plugged...making showers and washing machine work not doable at this point.

The long winter continues....did I already say that???

Spent Monday watching Grandson Kasyn...the "K~Man" is certainly growing and at 2 years 3 months old he is in the top 5% height wise and top 10% weight wise for his age...despite a few ear infections and such for this "long, snowy, cold, winter", he is growing like a weed....did I mention it has been a long cold winter???

Saturday we head to Centerville and hook up with Hal, Lisa, Kasyn, and Lisa's family and head towards Cincinnati where we will find out what sex Grandchild #2, due is August, will be....bets are it might be a girl this time....but as long as the  next 5 1/2 months go well, I am really not concerned which sex the baby will be.

Concerning the cat that showed up at our house on Christmas night, it has been living in our basement in the cold weather....and since it's been a long, cold, snowy, winter, that has been much of the time....rotating between the house, basement, and!  Yesterday however, I took her in to get her "fixed"...if she is going to stick around the house and yard....I want no offspring hanging around with her.....

Facebook...Banned Again!

Some asshole on facebook, a typical gutless liberal male, name "Russel", gawd, is that a perfect name for a faggot left wing pole smoker or what....keeps ratting me out for posts I made toward him over a year ago...and each time he sends the same posts, the Nazi Gerbils at facebook under the direction of Fuhrer Kookenberg, ban me for 12 to 24 hours....I suspect one day to get the full month long ban....probably for saying something derogatory about his Majesty Barry Obammy....the Dicktaker Wannabee Dictator. 

I'm not sure how a sweet, kind, person, like me could piss off so many far left types?  {insert smart ass smirk}, but I guess I should consider it a badge of honor....nothing funnier that watching liberals, especially gutless, dickless, white liberal males get their panties in a wad.  My guess is most liberal men, were either abused by their mommy when children, maybe forced to wear girls clothes, and ended up the pathetic wrecks that they become as adults....a more sorry group of people never existed on Planet Earth than the American Liberal White Male.

Did I mention it's been a long, cold, winter??

Basketball season, for me at least, is done....I finished up last Friday at Wapak...and now I wait for Baseball Umpiring to first scheduled game is a Varsity Scrimmage on March 18th at Parkway....what are the chances of getting that one in?   Doubtful at best...I don't think the snow will melt{we are expecting 8 to 12 inches Sunday and Monday} by then...nor the fields fact with the temperature scheduled to drop to -7 by Tuesday{Don't think I've ever seen anything that far below zero into March}....and the extended forecast, acurate or not, does not seem promising...but it will work itself out, one way or the other.

Did I mention it's been a long, snowy, cold, winter????

back later>>>>

Sunday, February 16, 2014

ADvrider...Banned Again!

Another bit of snow overnight....and I see the "warm-up" for next week has been downgraded.  Instead of some rain and a couple of days in the 50s, they are now saying mostly in the 30s, maybe low to mid 40s by Thursday...then back to the winter cold....gonna be a slow warm up before baseball season begins...and as it stands now, the spring high school baseball season will be much like last year, wet, cold, and cancellation filled.

Worked at Delphos St. Johns last night, officiating the JV contest...a 59-42 wind by visiting Lima Bath...we worked quick and with a minimum of fouls, finishing up in 62 kind of game!!  Just one more to go, a final JV Boys game at Wapak next Friday and thankfully the long roundball season, for me at least, will be over.  Spring, warm weather, and baseball season, can't come soon enough.

The ability to rub people{mostly Liberals} the wrong way!

I got home last night and after watching an incredibly boring basketball game between Ohio State and Illinois{a mind-boggling low score for major college hoops, with OSU winning 47-39}, I got on the Internet and checked out my facebook page....and noted a major pissing match among  some of my friends about a story of a Muslim indoctrinated cop in Idaho{of all places} shoot some guys Service Dog:

Having been a Military Cop{Air Force Security Police} in Vietnam, who worked around Dog Trainers/Handlers, and having raised Airedales for many years...I can relate to both sides...but given the fact this clown is a stinking Islamic, a breed of trash that hates kids and dogs by their very nature, I gotta believe that this bastard shot the dog, because he was indeed "Trigger Happy".  There are some bad dogs,  these dogs were not among that group IMO, there are far more bad cops....saying that, I have many cops and retired cops among my best friends, but like all professions of power, you get the good with the bad.

Booted Again....

My ability to piss off Liberals was put to the point again....just a few days after being reinstated by the Motorcycle Adventure site ADvrider...I was banned again last night.  It appears that Liberlism rules the roost, even in a motorcycle adventure site....funny stuff.  Most bikers I know are apolitical or conservative...but the loud mouths that moderate this site and the usual group of free speech haters on the left, have garnered the power to squash any speech they disagree stray from that line results in a weeks ban....I now am in the middle of my second such ban in less than a month....

Of course I'm a troll....I have posted over there some 150 times in 8 months...while the leftist toads posting political nonsense have as many as 95,000 posts in a number of years...yep, I'm the troll...You Damn Right Winger PRH!!!...

Dartball Tourney....

After 3+ months of the Regular Dartball League Season....we begin{or perhaps end} the Tournament Season this afternoon...

The league isn't what it used to be to say the the 2 half our St Johns Lutheran team finished in 3rd in the first half and 2nd in the second term...blowing our last 4 game to be left out of the Championship Series....I had an unusual year...starting off playing poorly at home and somewhat better on the road, I finished strong and ended with a .314 batting average{still low by my standards} and coming in 3rd in the league in RBIS...midway through the season I couldn't seem to find the single base, so switched back to my old standard going for RBIS and Triples...along with a couple Home Runs, I finished with another trophy season, although, as I said, not really up to my usual standards....

We play Schumm Lutheran in the first round of playoffs at 3pm today...a team that dominated us during the season, even though their record was not any better than ours.  We are do to get some revenge...but if we don't, I'll wait for the All Star Game to finish up the season.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Never Ending Winter

Minus as in -13 below zero for the 2nd straight morning here in Grand Lake Land....this unofficially makes 17 days below zero for the winter...usually in West Central Ohio we may get 2 or 3 days total below the ZERO mark...I have never seen anything close to this, at least not in my part of Ohio.  The last winter I experienced this kind of cold was the first winter Patricia and I lived in Wausau, Wisconsin...that winter of 77/78 produced a string of below zero days that lasted more than a month on the calender...but then again, that was the Northwoods of Wisconsin, where such things are expected...down here in the lower Great Lakes, not so much.

Either way, winter is on the way out...the only question is....Will it be an early Spring or a late one?  And frankly some years we have little spring weather, as we head right into Summer in mid May or there abouts.  Last year was wet and rather cold...getting almost half my spring high school baseball games rained out or frozen out...the year before, 2012, when I got my Carotid Artery worked on on my 63rd birthday, March 16th of that year, it was in the 80s and March and much of April were dry and well above average...I vote for that in 2014, but doubt is it will happen two years out of three.

This week, as basketball season winds down, I am making up games and filling in for the Junior High games that were cancelled...the first 4 days of this week, I am working Girls Junior High...something I usually don't do often, but hey, the Athletic Directors that I am filling in for, usually send good Varsity Baseball contests and tournaments my, why not help em' out?

Off Friday, then a JV boys game on Saturday night at Delphos St. Johns...that will leave me just one schedule game, the next Friday, February 21st at Wapak...End of season, then get ready for baseball.  Speaking of which, our first regular umpire meeting will be held tonight at Van Wert{last week it was cancelled due to the snow storm}....I'll be late because of the basketball double, but with 7 dates left on the meeting agenda, I'll have no problem getting things squared away, meeting requirement wise.

In the meantime, I will "skate" through the rest of the winter and basketball....and hope for a healthy start to baseball season.  Right now I am just getting rid of my first cold of the season...which earlier I though might turn into Bronchitis, like I had last February...but it seems that I will miss that wonderful feeling this time around...hopefully!

<<< And after 20 months...Patricia and I{along with Nick} have finally a new floor in the a new paint job is needed for that area plus some trimming...but  that can wait till warmer weather.

back later>>>

Photos-Grand Lake...not sure how deep the snow is at this time...but I imagine plenty thick, at least in spots....just don't walk or snowmobile on the southwest corner area.  Baseball is near, but will the snow melt, or will we be stuck with scenes like this?  And finally the darker{shows less walk in dirt} tile floor has been put down in the kitchen, finishing up the water leak damage from the summer of 2012.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Crazy Liberals....Crazy Social Media

Nearly another foot of snow fell on West Central Ohio from Monday night to early Tuesday AM...we did manage to get our Varsity Basketball double header in.  After officiating the girls contest between Celina and Crestview, a close game despite the different records, until the end...the visiting Knights came away with a 44-34 win to move to 16-1 on the season, The Bulldogs fell to 3-16...but put up a good contest...I stuck around for the Boys Game, which was supposed to be a good, close, hard fought battle....and it lived up to the billing.  Top Ranked D4 Crestview jumped out to a 13 point lead late in the 3rd quarter, but had to survive a last possession by Celina to pull out a 62-60 squeaker.  Crestview moves to 16-0, while Celina, still tied for first in the WBL{this was not a league game} falls to 11-5 with a unusually tough schedule.

The lite snow which had fallen when I arrived at the Fieldhouse at 5:15, had turned into a half foot or more by the time I headed out to clear off the morning it would approach and pass double digits in inches fallen.  I felt for my 5 fellow officials...all had to drive 20+ miles home, some as much as 55...mostly on State and back  I scraped off the snow and a bit of underlying ice, and headed the 5 blocks to our place...Lucky Me!  The Crestview fans, and there were quite a few, had to slide home the 32 miles via slippery roads as well.

Pissing off the Left....I do my best!

As a poster on several social media sites{facebook, twitter, various sports and political related sites, etc} What else does a retired/semi retired old fart have to do in the middle of the longest, coldest, snowiest, winter in recent memory?...I often worm my way into politics...not so much to put my opinions out for all to view, although I surely do that, but usually to see the Psychotic Reactions for those on the left, and so called Moderates, as well as radical gays, Atheists, excuse makers for Islamic Assholes, and those that worship Obama and Company.  They don't last long before they usually go Ape shit in anger.  Most remind me of little boys on some Elementary School playground...they gang up when confronted and form a front against anybody that dare call them what they are....Gutless, etc, etc, etc....they are indeed like the proverbial playground bullies, tough as a group, as long as they have you outnumbered, but when called out, insulted, and generally made fun of, they go crying to their 'daddy"...usually that is one of the Moderators on the site{much like a playground monitor}, begging them to ban or put on time out the offending Nasty Right Winger.

I've been booted, sometimes permanently, from quite a few sites.  The latest, in addition to several "Time Outs" from the liberal lapdogs at facebook, happened this last week from a Motorcycle Ride site called ADvrider:

It's a pretty good site, and since, after 20+ years of being out of the saddle, I decided to get back into Adventure Motorcycle Riding...I figured a good place to check things and ride locations out...and it is.  Lots of good people there...however, as usual on any large social media site, you have your

garden variety left wing fools that want to "rule the threads"...and they just hate anybody that comes into their territory and makes a comment, that might differ from theirs...fine I say, but sometimes I have to poke some asshole in the eye.  So last week I had a couple of "Fat Tire" ales and stopped by the "Ohio" thread...not really Ohio at least not my part of Ohio...this thread is ruled by a group of Eastern Ohio Hill~Jacks and they sure the Hell don't like comments, let alone opinions, from anybody from the flat part of the state.

Well it so happens the other night, soon after the Kenyan Fool put on his scripted "State of Disaster/ Union" message...some nimrod on the "Ohio Ride" thread compares Obammy to Hitler...good comparison I thought, except Obama just isn't that bright...neither are his backers.  The ripping on this poster started...mostly from the effeminent Gay male crowd...well I assume they were gay, aren't all male libs?  Gay or live their lives ruled by wives, girlfriends, or mommy...either way I just gave the guy a "nod" icon and said, "Some folks just can't handle the truth"...all Hell broke loose and a few of the little leftists, led by a girlyman calling himself Z@ck, another clown with a photo of a fake big titted Sarah Palin, wrapped in the American Flag, with 23,000 or so posts(talk about no life, how the Hell does he find time to work or ride?} naming himself dragoon, and some fat porker who has not liked any post I chipped in with since I joined, calling himself MeefZah, came unglued....well, having poured my 3rd,  or was it 4th "Fat Tire", I joined in the flame war...before somebody cried to one of the Head Cheese types, and the thread was buried, and I was booted for a week...

Back on, I can go back to enjoying the ride reports....but won't grace the assholes with my opinions or comments on the "East Ohio Hi~Jack" thread...however with the new fun involved, I will make a few comments on the "JoMomma" section, where politics and flame wars are front and center...this morning I already jumped in on the Phillip Seymore Hoffman death....hoping to stir a few of the lefties up....they have been posting of what a great tragedy this is, and what a talent he was...Huh???  Yes it's sad the dumb son of a bitch died from sticking Heroin in his veins...but great talent?  No, he was a dumbass....and if not for his so called fame and fortune, nobody but his immediate circle of family and friends would give a shit!

As for ADvrider, I will stick around, comment some, but mostly enjoy the photos and "trip reports"...well at least until I crack open a few Fat Tires, and get my ass booted...there is always that chance{likelihood}  ... 

Games back on tonight....heading for Antwerp to work a Boys game

back later>>>

Photos-It's been quite a few years since this part of Ohio has seen over 50 inches of snow in a season...sure, that doesn't come close to my days, post Vietnam, that I spent in Upstate New York where the Mohawk Valley received over 300 inches of Lake Effect snow that winter of 70/71....but for West Central Ohio, it's been plenty, giving the new Snow Machine a good workout.  Worked my first Varsity Basketball game at the Celina High Fieldhouse(built in 1937)...usually only work lower level games in all 3 sports during the school year here in Celina, but with the snow outs, and cancellations, I was called and enjoyed both games..working the Girls Varsity and staying for the boys game.  Lots of years and a couple of nasty wrecks since I first began riding Motorcycles, after my Air Force gig...rode from 1974 through 1989, but with the crash injuries and a family growing, it was time to take a break....that break is coming to and end this riding season, if all goes are from 1975 with the Dual Sport Kaw 250 and with youngest son Hal back in 1985 on the Yamaha 650  or is it the Suz 550?  Seems I can't recall, but pretty sure it's the Yamaha.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Finally the Flooring gets put down!

I see it's been two full weeks since I last posted....another record breaker in length between posts, a credit to being busy or bored?  I choose the later of those choices.  It's been a long, cold, snowy, winter, and here I sit, waiting for the next version of the Winter of 2013/2014's "White Death".  Another 6 to 10 inches has been predicted by the NBC owned Weather Channel, and it's "Al Gore is Gawd, Global Warming is our Bible", Bullshit...the gerbils at the WC have gone to actually "naming" the projected winter storms these days....this one is a N...Numbnutz or something along that vein....either way, I'm not sure how much snow, ice, or whatever, we may see...but it will continue this season, without so much as a sniff of a a January or February "Melt" .....hopefully it will turn into a early Spring.  God knows, I only have a limited number of seasons left on this earth, and the warmer{and dryer} the better.

20 months later...finally getting the Kitchen Floor done....

When son Sam graduated from The Ohio State University, at the ripe old age of 30 back in the Summer of 2012, we headed down to Columbus for the hot, humid, air of the Horseshoe, and watched the ceremony.   Susan Rice was the commencement speaker...the joke of an UN Ambassador, spinning her lies about family, the glory of queer marriage, and worship of her boss, the Half Wit/Half Breed of a Kenyan fool in the White House....after taking Sam and a couple of friends out to a post graduation dinner, we headed home...once back we discovered that newly installed fixture{done by a plumber, not me} had come loose under the kitchen sink, doing major damage to the kitchen floor, the crawl space next to our basement, and some areas next to the kitchen entrance....several thousand dollars damage to be exact.

Nationwide paid what they thought was a far settlement{we probably should have held out for more but wth?}...and we began the task of deciding what to kitchen, new cabinets, blah, blah, blah...

Well after the fire/water restoration guys buddy Nick and I replaced the insulation under the kitchen...Patricia and I checked out the cost for new kitchen, new bay windows, etc, etc...after some soul searching, I decided to nix the whole damn project....$25,000 to $30,000 to upgrade at our ages was doable, but being the cheap bastard I am....I let the floor sit for over a year and a half...time flies indeed!

Well with the winter conditions leaving no time for outdoor activities, Nick, Patricia, and I, finally got around to picking out the flooring and material to at least get the kitchen floor back to some semblance of normal....the project began with cutting sub-floor plywood, sanding, gluing, measuring, and finally laying down the Armstrong of Super Bowl weekend, we were about 85% finished...just a few more edge and corner cuts to go, and we will finally have our kitchen back to (better) what it was in June 2012....and at a Hell of a lot less cost that we bantered about.

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The Floor from June 2012 until this morning.....finally nearing completion....

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...