Sunday, August 31, 2014

Football Season "Kicks Off"

After three weeks of scrimmages in the month of August{a lot cooler than usual} the heat and humidity returned to Western Ohio just in time for the start of the High School and lower level regular season...

It all got started Tuesday when I had the  Freshman Game at Celina vs Versailles....after a 2 hours rain and lighting delay, we got that one in...things were much smoother Thursday at Convoy Crestview, where we had a Junior High game between Crestview and LCC....and then Friday Night we got the Varsity season started at Hardin Northern as they thumped visiting Fostoria St. Wendelin all three of those contests, the new "30 point rule" came into effect.  That rule mandates that once a team goes ahead by 30 or more points, the running clock is used to speed the game up....and that happened in all 3 blow outs...finally yesterday in a JV game at Rockford, host Parkway defeated Crestview 21-8 and thus no 30 point spread ever happened.....

A full week after the Labor Day Holiday is on tap this week...I'm at Wayne Trace and Antwerp on Tuesday and Thursday for Jr High games, at Waynesfield on Friday Night for the second week over Varsity games, and then finish out the week back at Crestview for a JV game with Hicksville....

The season is underway for college as well, as the Ohio State Buckeyes, with a new QB for injured starter Braxton Miller led this years OSU team over Navy 34-17.....

May we have a nice long, slow, warm, and dry season ahead:

Back Later>>>>>

Photos:  Top, me{far right} walking off the field yesterday at Parkway with Jeff Armstrong and Matt Davis{center} as we finished up the JV Contest...

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Jimmy "F~Ing" Carter=Wigger of the Week

Can there be a lower POS than this Islamic Love Juice Sucking Bastard?  Only Obama can't stop him from continuing to be the WORST President ever.....and even that might not be enough:  

Back Later....Regular Season Football Begins Tonight:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Obama Needs Help.....Let's Give it to the SOB...

Can we just drop a few 200 pound bags of shit on the Kenyan Asswipe?   Let's start with that Fat Ass Wife Man~Chelle, and toss in Hillary, Holder, and just for good measure that rubber faced bitch, Nanny State Pelosi, and let them all sink!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New Arrival, Nothing Changes{for the better} Football Begins....

Riots in Missouri, Beheading in the Middle East, Obama is still a lame brained Horse's Ass, his supporters, Dumb as Dirt....Media still biased and Anti Christian Fools and Tools....nope, not much is changing in this world of late, except for time is growing short and things will never get better in the Republic known as the Late Great United States of America....we are doomed, like all great societies of the past, due for the most part, to excess and the "do~gooder mentality ....  Thank God I am 65 and will not likely to be around until the end....I feel for the younger generations that actually produce and raise quality families...not so much for the trash that are Illegals, Islamics, Freeloaders, and Liberals....{I love how Google, Facebook, etc, don't or refuse to recognize Islamics, as in Islamic Trash....or Radical Islam...give me a freaking break.

The New Arrival....

Almost a week late, but arrive he did...Kamdyn Patrick came out into the world last Friday August 15th at 8:37pm, arriving at 9 pounds 1 oz, and a lengthy 22 1/2 inches long...daughter in law had a natural birth this time around, after the first "K~Man" was C section...needless to say we wish nothing but the best for Grandson #2, as he makes entry into this hard world...lucky for his he has two intelligent parents who are successful and grounded in this world, it makes things somewhat easier, but in the growing influence of the Obama Nation, nothing is easy....and that is not necessarily a bad thing...

Welcome to the World Kam!

American Fut~Bol begins...

Already 2 Varsity scrimmages in, and only 9 days away from our first Varsity game of the year....a couple of scrimmages and some lower level Junior High and Freshman games to kick off the season.

Not sure how many more years I will do football{or basketball for that matter}, but at least 2 more at this  I will probably continue until I am dead or blind, can't move, etc....some say I already am  :)

That about raps this short one up....back later>>>>

Photos-Me and Kamdyn at 1 day old..."Big" Brother Kasyn and Kam at 3 days....and Football, High School Style, Begins...

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Hereos and Villians...Pissing Off Liberals, It's So Damn Easy..

Pissing off knee jerk Liberals has always been a favorite pastime of mine....they are such childish fools...especially those blinded by political correctness or an adoring love for the half witted half breed, currently the resident Grifter in the White House....the newest batch seems to have latched on to the self proclaimed Indian Princess, Elizabeth "Lezzie" Warren, the plagerizing Junior Senator from the foul state of Taxyer2shits....they always, being of weak souls and minds, seem to latch on to the worst of idols....

Here on this Saturday morning I posted on my facebook page three things to say in front of or to a "Progressive" to set their hair on fire....remember, leftists kooks only like Free Speech and Thought if it agrees with their sick and perverted view of the world....i.e. "Gays are Normal"{not}, Blacks cannot be Racist{they are among the worst in many cases, Jesse Jackass, Man~Chelle Obama, Witless Al Sharpton, are just a few examples} are the little ditties that I posted this morning:

George Armstrong Custer was and is an American Hero....Any thinking person, White, Red, or whatever, if they don't read revisionist history can find that out for themselves...let's face it, when one of your chief distractors was a President, General, and a first rate drunk, U.S. Grant, you must have been OK.  Mind you, I doubt if I would have enjoyed serving under my four years of Air Force service, I did my best to drive guys like him nuts...and frankly I did a damn good job of it.  Having said that however, his goals were worthwhile, and thus why the American Left hates him so.  Note I said he was an American Hero...probably not so much for those that cannot handle their "Firewater"...

Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy was right about Communist in the US Government...this kind of statement when said to a gutless Liberal{and yes they are all gutless, especially the White Male versions}will surely make their Head Explode....something that would be a joy to witness.  McCarthy, the Junior Senator from Wisconsin was spot on with his observations, forget what Marxist tools like Edward R, Murrow had to say back in the days...they hated him, because he was ruthless in his pursuit of the Reds in Government.  Joe McCarthy Was an American Hero!
truth...current Liberals and Media are mostly Rock Solid Communists and thus the hate, even thought few can even tell you what he was doing, remains today....

Ronald Reagan was the Greatest President of our Lifetime....In my case that would be from Truman through the Kenyan/Chicago Bath House Queen in office today...In my view, this is a no brainer...look at what we have been saddled with since WWII.  If truth be known, Truman would be second on my list{after all he bombed the Japs and saved millions of lives, and returned home without fanfare or Secret Service protection}...he had many faults and made many mistakes, but compared to LBJ, Clinton, Carter, The Bushes, and even Ike, he was second to Reagan.  Number 3 on the list has to be JFK, only because by today's standards he is a flaming Right Wing Nut, he the only other good one out of the turds that have occupied the White House since the end of the War in 1945...Ronald Reagan didn't have to do much to rank #1....Flush the Rest.

There you have it...a few statements to piss off your favorite Liberal Friend or Family know?  Get them foaming at the mouth, ranting, raving, screaming, and red in the face bursting a blood vessel in their warped brain mad....It is great sport....

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...