Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It's Been Almost a Month.....

Between the transition from Football to Basketball Officiating, the nasty change in weather, planning for a Motorcycle Adventure in Utah in March, and other distractions....I see it's been 4 solid weeks since I last posted...without a doubt the longest stretch since I began this Blog back in July of 2007.

Other than the above mentioned factors...you can add that frankly "Blogging" per say is losing it's luster on the Internet...just not as many folks doing this, unless they have something to sell, or are involved in Politics....everybody and anybody that has read this over the past 7+ years knows my Politics....a steaming Hate of the Left, Islamic Radicals, BureauRats, and especially that useless Kenyan born son of a bitch in the White House...so no need to rehash that stuff...and even the recent election gains by the GOP{mostly RINOs} have done little to give me much confidence or hope that anything will improve, short of a total Revolution against Big Government and Big Bureaucracy...and a whole lot of people need to grow a bigger set of balls for that to happen...so I expect the sleeping dog to stay on the porch, at least for the time being.

The TW and Moab, Utah....

I purchased the Yamaha tw200 back in March from the Honda/Yamaha/Indian Dealer just outside Toledo...and have been happy with it so far....even though I put only 600 miles on it in the 8 months since purchase, and only a handful of those in non pavement areas...other than a lack of power on the street{which is not really what I bought if for anyway} I like the relaxed way it rides and handles...but I wanted more, and it looks like that will come, if all goes right, this March in the White Rim Canyon area near the town of Moab, Utah.

Several riders have agreed to meet up in March in Utah, and I have hooked up with one from Northeast Indiana, who will haul the bikes and a 4WD, along with me and my old buddy Nick, just after my 66 Birthday and the 1st anniversary of my T~Dub purchase....it should be a weeks worth of "adventure" to say the least...I started with my first "dual sport"{we called them on/off road back in 1974} motorcycle a little over 40 years ago, and I race MotorX, and plenty of time on and off the pavement...but nothing like this that we have planned.


I expect "Borneo" "Zdiver" and a few others at the TW Site to show me the ropes and keep me from going over the side of the mountain trails....


4 months away I will have plenty of time to prepare, or panic....

In the Meantime...

The Holidays approach...Thanksgiving next week, with Sam home from Illinois, and we will have dinner here for the family members, although I don't believe Hal, Lisa, and the boys will be here this time around, we will see them at Christmas Eve....

Basketball begin for me at Parkway on Saturday...tonight's scrimmage was snowed out, due to school closings from the freakish bad mid November weather....this is beginning to be worse than last year...time will tell if it is indeed.  Tomorrow at Delphos, and I will be back there both Thursday and Friday...a few more scrimmages, then the real season begins on November 28th for me...although I have dumped my Varsity Roundball Schedule....preferring to do lower level games...that said I have no intention to stop working Varsity in Baseball or Football...basketball is my least confident, least experienced, and frankly, least favorite to work...it is however a good winter workout...

Meanwhile I continue to workout and do a Diabetes 2 Diet Plan...down to 185 which is the lowest since the Spring of 2010...now if I can make it through the Christmas Season, my plan is to get down to 175 which is where I stood in May of 1972 when I left the Air Force....I will continue to do reps on my weight lifting routine, rather than heavy weights and walk and incline treadmill, rather than jogging .... at least that is the plan.

Now what to do with this Blog?

My plan is to post more often, but not resort to political bullcrap, frankly I have little interest these days...noting once again, I doubt if anything is going to change, anytime soon.  As for reliving the past?  Why?  Anybody interested can go back and see the more interesting things just by reading the old posts...whether it be from my days in the Air Force and Vietnam, my youth in Venice, Florida, or my crazy ass days post Air Force, back here in Ohio....

But hopefully I can come up with some interesting "Life Tidbits" to bring the readership back up....because it has crashed over the last 18 months from 6000 per month viewer wise to about 1000 these days....time will tell!

back later>>>>

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...