The brutal winter weather has finally taken a break...plenty of fog, rain, and wet grounds abound, but it appears that the long string of snowy days and below zero temperatures are gone....at least for the foreseeable future. Not that it won't dip into the teens for lows and many a few inches of snow will come and go, but the majority of winter appears to be past.
This means baseball{my first scrimmage is slated for next Monday the 16th, my 66th birthday} is near...I've already got my required number of local rules meeting finished, along with my state meeting online. The Northwest District has already handed out many of the Sectional and District Assignments, and I have 6 games so far...three on the Sectional/District play-ins and the Coldwater D4 District as well...the 2nd time in three seasons I will work that quality district along with BG and Ed...the same guys that worked it with me in 2013...not often I work with guys with more experience than me....but in this case, they both do....I will also work the 3 District play-in games with BG, using a two-man crew.

Not sure if we will get any games in during the scrimmage portion next week, but regardless I will be heading out to Moab, Utah, for some Dual Sport Motorcycle Riding in the Desert Mountains around the National Parks in that area....Nick, along with a couple of guys from Auburn, Indiana, Kurt and his nephew, will drag us along to Utah, and we will join another 2 dozen guys from around the country{Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, and California} for 8 days of camping and riding...about 2/3rd of us will be "camping" in Cabins at the Moab KOA...the rest will be doing tent camping, some 10 miles away...
We hauled the TWs over to Kurt's last weekend, and now all we need to do is make final plans and packing for the 1500 mile trip across the Rockies into eastern Utah.
Hopefully I will have plenty of adventure stories and photos to share when I return....back later>>>