Monday, November 27, 2017

Post Thanksgiving/OSU over MICH/Grand Lake Photos

We had 19 in total for Thanksgiving...including mom, everybody else was from either my family, or sister Marty's, and niece Lori along with Rick and daughter from Columbus...a good time, ate to much, but the weather was decent and the grandkids, and various grand nieces and nephews got some outdoor time.

Then on Saturday another round in the Ohio State vs Michigan Rivalry ... It is called the "greatest rivalry in college sports" used to be, but the way the Buckeyes have had UM's number of late, not so much in my mind.  With the come from behind 31-20 win, OSU has won 6 in a row, 13 of 14, and 15 of the last 17 games played....making the series, lopsided in scUM favor now much more fact, if not for the John Cooper years, OSU would be ahead overall....needless to say that really doesn't matter, the domination of the new century is reward enough.

Saturday Night Ohio State takes on #3 unbeaten Wisconsin for the Big 10 Championship, in Indianapolis, and a possible berth in the CFB Playoffs...a Badger win would certainly put them in that final 4.

The rest of the weekend I spent a boatload of time driving and sitting around the {mostly} south and west sides of Grand Lake...snapping a variety of photos of the cold lake, although the weather has been pretty nice for the past week or more...with 56 for today and perhaps 60 for tomorrow, I'm not gonna complain for the last week of November.

back later>>>>>

Photos of Grand Lake at day and Night....

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Moving On.....Ohio State vs Michigan Week

The Ohio State/Michigan Rivalry is without a doubt the top hate filled college football yearly contest in history, nothing has come along to unseating that match~up, although I will admit that the Auburn/Alabama game is closing in, and this season as far as importance, that contest has passed OSU vs scUM...

Back 30+ years ago and even more recently, when college and professional sports seemed much more important in my life, I would hang on every article on report about the game, in the days leading up to the Saturday at 12Noon{usually} kickoff.  These days, while the rivalry has turned largely in favor of the Buckeyes, it usually is important in the football landscape.  This year is no exception.

While the Buckeyes have already clinched a spot in the Big Ten finals vs Bucky Badger of Wisconsin, and undefeated Badger team at that....frankly I have little doubt OSU will win, they are the better team despite the records.  On the other hand, the game against Michigan {"The Team Up North" as Woody Hayes referred to them in the glory days}, despite the OSU dominance of this new century 14-2 over the past 16 games, and 5-0 by Urban Meyers, the rivalry still exists and with the 2017 game at Ann Arbor will be up for grabs.  The game wont' matter in the Big Ten Chase, that championship game match has already been decided, for Michigan it does mean a chance to kill OSU's chance of becoming a final 4 team in the CFB Playoffs for the 3 time in 4 years, and securing a better bowl game for much is on the line, and frankly Wisconsin as well, because beating at 10 win OSU team in the Big10 Championship will look better on their Playoff Resume than a win over a team that just lost to Michigan.

Frankly I think the Buckeyes are much to strong for scUM, but then again, who would have seen that "beat down" at Iowa{a team that yesterday lost at home to a mediocre Purdue at home in Iowa}?

Regardless I will be sitting on the leather recliner next Saturday at Noon EST as OSU goes up against Michigan for the 114th time, and despite OSU's dominance since 2001 scUM still leads 58-49-6 thanks to the early years, Ohio State has been in control over all since Woody Haeys arrived on the scene in 1950.

Go Bucks!

back later>>>>

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Moving On From VSPA and OHSAA

This will be the last Blog Post that I mention either of the bloated "Ass~ociations" listed on the I do indeed move on from both after a short round of fire at them.

A mere six weeks ago I was cruising along in the middle of football season, when I received the word from the Ohio High School Athletic Association that I was being investigated for....drum roll please..."unethical conduct"...WTF? was my first thought.  As it turns out my unethical conduct was for daring to post on social media my thoughts on politics and today's headlines....well that went over like a lead balloon.  I answered the charges and was suspended without a hearing, all because of the fat little Dictator in Columbus, named Beau Rugg...pretty much a failed official {and likely human being} who somehow fell into power at the OHSAA, and now gets to hand out praise, and crumbs to those who follow like blind sheep his wishes and commands.  And there are those that will in hopes of getting a prized tournament gig at the state and regional levels...of course you might "earn" and extra $100 or $200 bucks a season, if you kiss the King's back side....hardly seems worth it...does it?

I can assure you I've never had to kiss anybody's ass for the post season games I've received, nor anything, good or bad, that I have gained on God's earth, and I'm not about to start now, as I approach 69 years late this winter.  I did make the two mandatory appeals in order to keep my legal options open...they were rejected as I knew they would be...they "invited" me to Columbus {my expense of course} to appeal directly to the Board of Bean Counters under Rugg and his Superior "Doctor" Dan Ross...what the Hell he is a doctor of is anybody's guess?...likely bean counting and bullshit like the rest of them.  I balked on the November 1st date, and Rugg's little toady, named Ben,  told me that January 2018 would be the next available date..."Fine" I responded, giving me more time to plot my options...after some soul searching, I knew my what my decision would be.

I would retire, I was perfectly happy not having to run up and down football fields and basketball courts, I had been sick of that action for years and the only reason I continued was because the various Athletic Directors and Assigners liked me and my work, and good officials, Hell even poor officials, are hard to find these days.  As far as baseball?  I would miss some of that, but not freezing my tail off in Mach and April, so I would retire from that as well, except for Summer and Fall Baseball...where OHSAA, Rugg, and Company, had zero say and where I have a good working relation with all....whether I continue to do baseball is a decision I will make sometime this winter, as for now my options are open, but my decision to retire from anything OHSAA is set in stone...good bye to them and good riddance.

VSPA {Vietnam Security Police Association}

The next shoe to drop was the VSPA Ban Hammer....

A few months ago a shit storm was started on the nearly dead VSPA Bulletin Board, a joke of a board because of the heavy hand of one Don Poss, a former LA Cop who came up with some half baked idea that politics and personal opinions could not be placed on the BB of the association because it would threaten the "Tax Free Status" of the group.  So much BS, those rules don't apply in this situation, it was Poss and the Dictator for Life, Steve Gattis' rule, designed to keep Gattis in charge and the peons under his thumb...

Why anybody would abide by those rules is a mystery?  Hell I never took orders well in the my Air Force days, let alone to let some half baked "War Heroes" {sic} tell me what to say, think, or do...

Without going into all the details {you can read them on previous posts over the last weeks on both groups}...a little toad of a racist VP of the group, one Hector Ramos, decided to pull his "Brown Power" out of his ass and insult long time member, 85 year old Jackie Kays, a good friend of mine...several of us responded to Ramos, mine was the most harsh, and I was eventually banned from both public and private bulletin board and ultimately dismissed from the group, although I was Life Member #575 and had been a member since 1999...what did I lose?  Not much!  A chance to attend the annual reunion place variously at Air Force Bases around the country, where for $2 or $3 thousand dollars who could watch Gattis, Poss, Ramos, current Prez Puppet Cain, and the list of a dozen or more people in power, hand out awards to each other for their "War Hero" exploits and keeping the lid on how much money was really in the coffers....

And the Comments that got me banned?  Well they were crude and I stand by every gawd damn word of them, and more:

    " You Hector are a disrespecting Son of a Bitch....who needs his anti American Ass Kicked out of this are not a PATRIOT and for certain not a brother of anybody worth a low life POS"

And when the thread started by Jackie was removed and he resigned, not because of me, but because of the Ramos insults, I responded to the charges thusly:

      "No apology from my end, let the chips fall where they may, I meant what I said and I say what I mean....Hector {Ramos} and Richard {Garcia, treasure} should both be removed as "leaders" of this organization....and I'm hardly the only member that feels this way"

Of course Gattis via Cain did the only thing they could do...remove co founder Terry Morris, and Me, from the group, forever, and banned the other co~founder John Langley, and my buddy Sam Lewis from the boards...I feel the pain, NOT!  Much like OHSAA, freedom from the bean counters and power hungry bigots at both associations is a good thing.  While the founders of the VSPA have some legal tricks up their sleeves to force the association to blink, I will no longer mention them on this blog, unless the Ivory Tower comes crashing down on top of them or the group in Columbus....

So what am I to do?  Continue to be the front man, along with Jack Smith at the Dayton Vietnam/Thailand Sky Cop Reunion which has grown wildly successful and pretty much cost free, except what one chooses to spend, the photo Session, complete hospitality rooms, and Air Force Museum are totally free, you spend only for what you choose to donate and the banquet if you choose to attend...I also have the Kokomo Vietnam Reunion and Boar's Nest, which are far more enjoyable than anything the VSPA could put out....and less costly to be sure.

Long Winded I Know.....but I needed to get the last report in and end this 6 weeks of comedy.  Next post will be something more enjoyable, I hope.

back later>>>>>

Photos-Logos from the VSPA and OHSAA, me working the Elida D4 District Tourney a few years ago,  and a couple of shots from 2017 and 2009 at Dayton Sky Cops, a group I co~founded as a successful alternate to the continues to grow strong.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A Final Shot at the VSPA {and OHSAA} Remembering Vietnam: The Epilog

Sitting here listening to the "60s on 6" on my XM Radio, as Van Morrison and his "Brown Eyed Girl" begins in the background, I harken back to those days in 1969 when I arrived...apprehensive, but I should not have been, I survived in fine from, grew up somewhat, and by the time I arrived home from my 2nd Air Base{Nha Trang was the first and best} Tan Son Nhut, I had made the decision I would be nobody's fool and would never be bullied by anyone or anybody again...I have pretty much kept that promise.  I've had to physically and verbally spare with assholes, bullies, and self important "Dictator Wannabe" types over the 47+ years since my return...whether it was Air Force lifters, so called superiors, bosses, Weekend Drunks at the Red Door, or pissed off farmers, restaurant owners, or bureaucrats, in my Environment Health days, and coaches, players, or parents,  in my days as an umpire and sports official.  I have stuck by that promise to myself.

The "Termination Letter"

Well as dark approached yesterday my mail lady knocked on the door and had a nice $6.59  Certified Letter for me to was from current VSPA President Greg Cain, not to be confused with Dictator For Life, Steve Gattis...I've always thought that Greg and I had a pretty good relationship, and he was not happy with the director that Gattis and Company were taking, it appears that I was wrong.  I usually have a pretty good feel and not swayed by those that are tossing me a line of BS...well even I don't evaluate everybody correctly all the time...that is on me.

Here is the expensive letter, read it then I will comment on same:

Make no mistake the quotes attributed to me are correct, and I stand by my comments concerning the little racist turd, Hector Ramos, one of the slew of VPs that King Gattis has as a court jester.  The lie is that I had something to do with longtime Life Member, 85 year old Jackie Kays resigned because of me...pure Bullshit.  Jackie resigned because insults by Ramos, and lack of response by Gattis and Company.

The rest of the letter is a joke...the VSPA has never sponsored my Dayton Reunion, they handed out a couple of Bronze Statues to me and the late Bob Griffith, the can have mine back and melt it's as worthless as my Life Membership #575.

So I'm done, but not before I fired off a nice "Open Letter to the VSPA Leadership"  This morning.  Which reads like this:

Now that I have been officially "terminated" from the rolls of the VSPA {a joke in itself} by a nice expensive Certified Letter from the current President, I only will make a few comments, which I suspect none of you, The King or his Court Jesters,  will answer.
{1} Just where the Hell do you get off running roughshod over a Association that you had little to do with founding, and then trashing the true founders, like Langley, Savage, and especially Terry Morris, without cause or reason?  And spare me that "Rules and Regulation BS" ... Your arbitrary way of pushing your power grab is as pathetic as one of you sending your wife{who last I looked never served} as a front women to trash Morris, who worked his ass off to build membership in VSPA without making a the way, speaking of dimes...never mind that is secret and in the vault, isn't it?

{2} My termination letter stated as a final thought that VSPA  "Additionally due to your{my} hostility toward our membership{seriously?  Not the membership, only the Court and King and a couple of clowns named Ramos, Garcia, and of course the protected Atheist~in~Good Standing, Kenny DeRussy} and the annual VSPA reunions{really?}, The VSPA will not sanction, advertise, or promote any form of an annual gathering that you organize in Dayton, Ohio. guys have done NOTHING to support our Dayton Reunion, except to call it a "Mini Reunion"...the only thin "Mini" about it is what it cost those attending, especially compared to that bloated back slapping over priced, let's hand out the awards to the same "warriors" each and every year...we at Dayton didn't {I sure the Hell never did} ask for you help or promotion, we have been doing fine since 2007 without any pats on the head from the King or his Jesters.

{3} Finally, the termination letter also quotes my comments on the VSPA Bulletin Board....those quotes are correct and not taken out of context.  In the letter Greg accuses me causing Jackie Kays thread to be removed, fair enough, however to accuse me of being the reason he resigned from VSPA is pure garbage and a damn lie.  Your VP, the little racist toad, Hector Ramos, with his constant support against the USA stopping illegal immigration, bitching about the lack of Puerto Rico Aid, and other one sided slants, topped off by his insult against Jackie, was the reason.  Make no mistake, Ramos and the lack of apology from the "leadership" is the only reason that Jackie quit the organization that he has long been a major part of.  If you had any guts, you would get down on your hands and knees and thank Jackie, John Langley, and Terry Morris, for keeping alive the very association you rule over....but you won't, you think YOU are the reason VSPA has succeeded, look in the mirror, you aren't.

And if you expect me to make apology to Ramos, Garcia, DePussy, or Chief Hawk Dunne...don't hold your collective breaths ... and excuse me if I don't end this "Respectfully" or with "Due Respect", because, trust me, there is none.  I became a life member because of  the late Phil Lange, my Nha Trang NCOIC back in 1969, it was one of his dying wishes that I join as a life member, and he paid for my LM #575 and you can NEVER take that away, even wannabe Dictators have limits of power.  I salute the memory of my old 14th SPS NCOIC....a military salute, any salute I might give the "Leadership" of the VSPA would be a bit less official.

Pat Houseworth
So that is that...not sure what I lose?  I've made new friends, found old ones from both Vietnam and Stateside, and we have our own Reunion, that has ZERO to do with the VSPA except that many of our reunion attendees are members of that association...The Dayton Sky Cop reunion{see poster on top of thread} is alive and well, without the VSPA.
A final thought on the VSPA and the OHSAA...amazing I have been banned and received a license all in about 5 weeks from both, I am indeed pissing off the right people.   While the VSPA costs me nothing, Hell I have not crossed their path since the bloated annual reunion at Dayton in 2011, and have posted maybe a handful of insults and comments on it's deader than dead bulleting boards...I'm out nothing, and they have trashed several long time and founding fathers  of the VSPA, in Steve Gattis and his Court Jesters need for greed....Open the damn Books Asshole, let's see where the money goes!
As for the OHSAA, I've made my fight with them, and I could continue to pursue "Justice" in the courts...but why?  I'll be 69 or 70 by the time it would be settled and what would I have gained?  Not much money wise, and frankly I don't have the time and now that I'm out of it, I am more than happy that I don't have answer every contract for hire request...I am at peace with my forced "retirement" ... it got me off that snide and I'm more than happy about it.
One final thought on both Steve Gattis and the Head Bean Counter at OHSAA, Beau Rugg, and their ilk....Karma, God, Heaven, and Hell, do exist, and one day not far will stand before your maker, and explain your lies, and power grabbing corruption, to the ultimate judge...I hope you are ready, because I am,  and I will not shy away from my sins and actions.
Back Later and the last of the VSPA and OHSAA Blog Posts are now behind me....and both will be erased forever from this blog border and comments on said blog.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

"Saluting" the Vietnam Security Police Association {Lack of} Leadership Part #2

The VSPA Bulletin Board had become a joke over the past 10 years or Dictator for Life Gattis along with Poss and Company pulled some arbitrary "rules" out of their collective asses, claiming that "politics" and real opinions were not allowed by "Federal Tax Law".  This of course is pure such law exists, it would be like telling your local pastor or priest that they could not condemn abortion or genocide.  Sure the PC and Left Wing Hacks in the local, state, and federal governments, would like to shut down freedom of opinions, but it just isn't so...despite their claims and efforts.

Of course while demanding that me, Sam Lewis, Co~Founder Terry Morris,  and others, shut our "Pie Holes", they gave free passes to the likes of VSPA Race Baiter and VP Hector Ramos, a smarmy little runt of a man, and gave the same benefits to his sidekick the association treasure, Richard Garcia...same for resident Christian Basher, Kenny DePussy, a gutless POS, living under his collection of rocks out in Washington State....nary a word to them.  But to guys that actually contribute to the VSPA, or the very people that founded it, John Langley, Morris, and others, we needed to keep our mouth's shut.

The BB really was never the issue, since Gattis and Poss decided to enforce their Bullshit Rules, the site has been dead as Hillary Clinton's's all about King Steve Gattis and the idiots that allowed him to become "President for Life" and rule the bank accounts and other comings and goings of the VSPA without input from the general membership.

The only way these overblown self important turds were going to shut me up, was to ban me and a few other trouble makers from speaking out...silly fools, my blogs and facebook pages have many more Veterans viewing them than the VSPA BS Board could ever think of...and much like Beau Rugg and his collection of Bean Counters and Left Wing suck ups at the Ohio High School Athletic Association {OHSAA}, they don't really think they can shut me up?  What power do they have, except to Bully and Browbeat those that refuse to stand up to them, or those that would rather "go along to get along" ...?

I've got news for the Gattis and Ruggs of the world...I stopped being bullied by the time I returned from Vietnam, making myself a promise over 45 years ago...I was going to be the "Anti~Bully", and whether in the Air Force, Bartending, Broadcasting, or my work in Environmental Health, and Sports Officiating...I would not be swayed by loud mouth coaches, bosses, or bullshit artists, like Dictator for Life Steve Gattis or some freaking coward of a Bean Counter like Beau Rugg, sitting in his Ivory Tower at the OHSAA  in Columbus...they can continue to run me and my like minded patriots off their "reservations", but the day they shut me up, will be the day they drop me 6 foot under ground...and just for spite, I plan on outliving every one of the Sons a Bitches and give them a wink and a "salute" on their way out...

Just to remind one, my bitch isn't with the vast majority of VSPA Members, and our Dayton Sky Cop Reunions tell...I get along with them, same goes for the majority of officials and umpires working under the thumb of the gripe is with the corrupt, and likely illegal power plays of both day, hopefully soon, "Karma" will bite the likes of Rugg and Gattis in their self promoting and self important asses....

No, I'm hardly bitter or angry, but I do admit to being a "Asshole" when it is called for...I might be Life Member #575 in honor of my old late NCOIC Phil Lange, but the "leadership" of the VSPA, especially the low count President, can kiss my Conservative Christian Back Side...

back later>>>

Photo-TSgt Phil Lange at our SPs "Bailey's Speakeasy" with Captain Bailey {center} and some wet behind the ears First Lt...forget his you can see, despite a few differences, me and Phil both enjoyed a Good Cigar...RIP are the only reason I became a life member of VSPA...

Saturday, November 11, 2017

A Veterans Day "Salute" to the Leadership of the VSPA ... part #1

That would be a "Middle Finger" Salute to Steve Gattis and those responsible for putting that Mussolini Wannabee in charge as President {Dictator} for Life of the Vietnam Security Police Association.

While there are many good people in position of power at the VSPA, Gattis has been given the ultimate power to shut down those he has issues or disagrees with...and he has surround himself with Toadies, in underling positions as well...Garcia, Poss, and others, while running off the true founders and backbone of the association, like Langley, Morris, Savage, and others...all in his perverted efforts to maintain power and the purse strings of the group.  I'd love to see the Books and what some of the crooks have been doing in the name of "We Take Care of Our Own" ... as in "Taking Care of Our Own Pockets and Power" ...that however will never happen, their bank accounts and power base are as selectively secret as the Nazi SS.

A bit of personal History with VSPA...

Sometime back in 1998 or 99 I was sitting at the computer at work...the Internet and our actions with Health Department relationships on same were new at the time.  Over lunch I typed "Security Police in Vietnam"  and one of the "hits" that came back were in relation to the Vietnam Security Police Association...after some e-mail with Don Poss, one of the Web Site Chiefs, I joined for $15 and over the next couple of years was pleased to find several guys, including my Nha Trang 14th SPS Buddy Harry Bevan, who at the time {1999} was a Philly Cop/Dog Handler at the Philadelphia International Airport ... over the next several years I was to find more than a handful of guys I served with at Dover, and Nha Trang...and made many new friends, although I didn't serve with, we had that common bond of not giving a shit Sky Cops who served in Vietnam.  I also hooked up with a guy from my tiny hometown of Scott, Ohio, Bill Marshall, although we didn't know each other, our families, through his mom's and my Grandmother's friendship had been bonded together decades before.

I attended the 2002 National Reunion in Dayton, then stopped by the one in Vegas a couple years later, and again a full time at the Dayton Reunion in 2011.   By 2000 I had met and re~friended my old NCOIC of Law Enforcement at Nha Trang, Phil Lange....I had given Phil some moments of angst at Nha Trang, but we became close friends upon hooking up thanks to the VSPA...and although I had no intention of becoming a "Life Member" of VSPA, it was his dying wish, before he passed in 2003 that he buy me a Life Time Membership to that group, as well as sending me his "stuff"...Flags, SP Badges, Patches, from our days in Vietnam together...What could I say?  I became a life member and Phil passed away early in 2003....another friend lost to Cancer and likely Agent Orange....

There were few bumps in the road over the first decade...the Bulletin Board became a Hot Bed of Political Mud Slinging...and I can say, with reservations, I was among those tossing the most dirt...I never could or never will understand "Liberal Veterans" ...and usually avoid them at all costs.  Well VSPA from leadership on down is now loaded with them...from Gatiss, Garcia, and Company, down to their Protected misfits, like Super Atheist Kenny DePussy{sic}, and Big Chief of the Redskin Nation,  Pat "Hawk" Dunne...a couple that wear their hate for this Country and it's Conservative Patriots, on their sleeves.  That has been the issues of late, the VSPA BB has been pretty dead, clown like these, especially DeRussy, have been allowed to spread their hate for all things "Godly" all over the board, while anybody that dares to challenge them, like me, Big Sam Lewis, and others have been threatened with Banishment from the Dying Pages....and now the Ban Hammer has finally Dropped...

Back Later with that Story>>>

photos:  (1) VSPA Logo and QC Patch all rolled into one...(2)  PRH and Bill Marshall back in 2011 at Dayton two old Scott, Ohio {population 250} guys together...(3) Part of the VSPA attendees at Dayton 2011

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Video Wrap Up Celina Tornado

One more nice day before the Artic Cold front moves through more lawn to mow, mine, and then I'll worry about getting the Snow Blower ready for the coming season.  Have not had to use it more than a handful of times the past two Winters, hopefully it will get little use again, but you never know.

Meanwhile the east and NE side of Celina is still a mess from Sunday's Tornado is a video {about 15 minutes} of the action and reports from Sunday Afternoon...

Celina Tornado Rehash

That's it for today, time for some lawn mowing...

back later>>>>

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Celina {Ohio} Tornado Updates/ Videos

The Damage from Sunday's {November 5, 2017} triple Tornado Outbreak in Mercer County and Celina is becoming more clear as the days far as Tornado Damage is concerned, ours is minor compared to large{the Celina hit} was however, as I mentioned yesterday, pretty amazing the path it took...almost exactly the same as the one that hit back in 2012...

Our Eastview Park/Montgomery Field Baseball Diamond, which is used by the High School, Wright State Lake, and the Celina Mariners, just received a $200,000 upgrade to the turf field ...  completed just 10 days before the Tornado...while the new turf may have survived{yet to be confirmed}, the visitor's dugout, snack bar, and press box, along with the home plate stands were pretty much totaled:

I have coached and umpired all levels at this field, well over 200 games in total, and to see this causes reflections on some of the games I have done, in both the dugout and behind the plate:

Celina Baseball Field Tornado

In addition to the damage there, the Havemann and Grand Lake Roads businesses, much like 2012 received plenty of damage....including the newly opened Sports Bar/Restaurant..."C~Town Wings" which just relocated from downtown this summer.

Havemann Road Tornado Damage

It probably won't be back to "normal" for a few weeks, but Celina, unlike most "Liberal/Shithole" Cities, won't be crying for Uncle Sam to rescue it, or blaming Bush or Trump for the damage...

back later...

Monday, November 6, 2017

Tornadoes Tornado....Celina, Ohio

A quick trip to SE Wisconsin for an early Thanksgiving with Patricia's side of the family...we go early to avoid the snow that used to be up that way in late November...of course with the Fake Man Made Global Warming, that is no longer the case.   For you nitwit leftists, let's get one thing straight, Climate Change is real, "Man~Made" Climate Change is pure has not the power of affect climate change at all...pollution?  Yes, Climate Change?  NO!  It is as natural as anything else in this life...but back to the subject at hand.

Sunny and nice on Friday, coolish, and wet, windy, on Saturday at not much photo taking...however I did get one of a nice Hornet's Nest outside Bev's Condo along the bike path....otherwise Fish Fry on Friday, early Saturday Thanksgiving Feast, and back to Celina on Sunday....

Wet as well on the way home, after some heavy Wisconsin Fog.  As we stopped for fuel and
coffee at the half way point near Plymouth, Indiana, along US 30,  I get a phone call from youngest son Hal, telling me there were Tornado Warnings at home, and one was on the ground heading for Celina...I called my 93 year old mom, who still lives alone at home, and here she was sitting in the interior bathroom at her place, waiting out the storm...the rest of the family was out and about.  Hal and a caregiver of Anissa's kept up updated on the status, and sister Marty called as well....

The Tornado did indeed touchdown in Celina, at the exact same location as a few years back...east side, at Eastview Park, along the Wal Mart Strip...8 injured, new Sports Bar damaged, Dollar General destroyed and some heavy structural damage at the old Wal Mart Plaza, across the street from the newer one...also Crown Equipment {old Huffy Bike Plant} received heavy damage...

Good news, no one was seriously injured, and we on the west side received no damage what so ever....we lucked out again.  Power was out for a few hours, but came back on, at least on the west side, as darkness settled in...

Fast moving, quick and dangerous weekend, but we survived....

Photos[Hornet's Nest is mine, rest from WHIO TV Dayton...Crown{Old Huffy} Plant, and Dollar General Store is totaled...

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Getting Ready for the Long Cold Spell

November is here.....and that means, for all basic purposes, the warm weather is finished...did get up to 64 today, but that will likely be the warmest we will see {maybe a stray day or so not withstanding} until February or March....I no longer enjoy cold, but then again, I hate the heat and humidity of mid Summer as well....

The Photo is from 20 years ago, I snapped it off the end of the Key West Pier off Duval Street, the famous Key West Sunset in all it's Glory...

back later....enjoy your weekend.

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...