Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Post Christmas Freeze Out...AKA:: Global Warming be Damned...

The Fake Science of man made Global Warming/Climate Change is now treated like a "real science" by the media and academia....of course anybody with a wisp of a brain has to realize that that thought/statement is pure Bullshit....but yet the "Weather Channel" and the fake news outlets continue to push their far left agenda to get you and I to latch on to their "truth".... "It just ain't so Joe"...but as long as the younger generations continue to believe the media, far left college hacks, high school "teachers", and Hollywood losers, they will continue to slide down the shitter towards the end of human self reliance and thought. 

There is my opinion{and Hell I'm nearly always right} for today...

Meanwhile in in good Ol' Western Ohio...3 below zero today with a wind chill of about -15....and another even colder shot for the New Year's Day weekend...6 below with - 20 or colder chill that is gonna be hard to overcome....lots of frozen pipes and non starting cars on the way...."Global Warming my Ass"!

Christmas went well, the kids and grandkids all made if for X~Mas Eve and all returned home safe and sound, and that after~all is the most important thing....with mom safe and warm at sister Kelly's in Naples, we have only to worry about staying warm and alive and keeping the pipes running and the outdoor/garage cats alive for the next couple of months....

Happy New Year to all Patriots....Liberals?  Not so much....

back later....>>>>

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

To South Florida and "Back"

Got up a week ago last Saturday {12/9/17} to prepare to take my 90 something mom down to Naples in South Florida to winter with youngest sister and her husband Denmark as luck would have it, I got out of my Man Cave shower in the basement, bent over wrong and POW! there goes the back...Damn!  First time in 10 years that I have had any issues....since the Epidural at Fort Wayne Ortho back in December 2007 the back has been in pretty good shape.  No rhyme or reason it seems...but out it went and here I am facing a 1200 mile one way trip to Florida.

We made it down, I stayed until Wednesday last {12/13} and spent some time in Denmark Mike's boat, and photo shooting in the north reaches of the Everglades and Big Cypress...the back didn't improve much and the return trip was painful to say the least.....2 days later Patricia and I headed for French Lick, Indiana, another 250 miles each way, to spend time with Hal and family at the Water Park and ride the Polar Express....once again, not helping the back...however since we returned Sunday, things appear to be getting better....100%?  Hardly, but at least 60-70% and hopefully by Christmas Eve and the family get together things will be close to "normal"...IF I don't screw it up...again!

The Everglades and Big Cypress

The back issues screwed with my plans on taking multiple photos from various locations, as I needed to stay close to the vehicle while shooting photos of Gators and Birds, you never know when you may have to make a run back to the car....and I wasn't running much at all, a slow limp at best, and just getting in and out of the Nitro was painful enough.  I did however get photos a plenty in the Glades, in the coastal waterway on Mike's boat, and again when stopping at my old home town of Venice, Florida, some 90 miles north of Naples....still amazing to see how much has changed in both Coastal towns since our family moved there some 65 years ago....both towns were under or around a thousand residents back  Naples is huge and Venice, is not far behind.  IMO they suck compared to when we moved there, but you can't go home....and it is what it is.

Enjoy the photos with descriptions....

back later>>>>

Photos- Top a medium size Gator off US 41 {Tamiami Trial} in the Big the posting, Loop favorite travel site in the Glades...was cool most of the  time I was in Florida...but 60s are a break for the folks that live down that way....the rest of the photos are from the Everglades, the Coastal Waterway and the Venice Jetties where I stopped on the way home...The dock and boat belongs to Kelly and Michael and where I spent much time as possible in the sun, the Meals were by Mike a world class chef from Denmark...they met when Kelly moved to DC and the Chef was Head Honcho at the Danish Embassy in the Capitol City....he now works as Head Chef at the Naples Yacht Club.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Super Moon and Super Sunsets.....

The late November and early December warm weather will be closing down and the first shot of winter to the heartland is on the way...

In between gigs at the fill in/part time job {yea even at 69 3/4 I still need to get out and stretch my legs} I managed to get out and get some photos yesterday other items Ohio State knocked off undefeated Wisconsin 27-21 to claim the Big Ten Championship, but were left out of the CFB playoffs and will settle with a date against Southern California at the Cotton Bowl in Texas...

On a more somber note we lost one of the Kittens from last spring, sadly it was my favorite and a real people friendly Tom that I called "Whitey" ... he decided to cross Brandon Avenue and on his way back some idiot ran him down...was it on purpose?  Can't say, but since it is a 4 way stop, I would not be surprised....such is the life of non house cats, even though he came in on occasion and liked the indoors, he also was an adventurous outdoor Kitty..."RIP Whitey" your short time on God's Earth was appreciated by me, Patricia, and the Grandsons when they visited.

With Winter coming I will be taking mom to Florida, leaving for Naples with a quick turn around...and following that a weekend down at French Lick, Indiana, for a winter pre Christmas with Hal and his family, and I believe Lisa's family as well....going to be a fast moving/busy December.

Back to the Photos....Last Night the "Super Moon" over Grand Lake was pretty spectacular...the setting sun in the hour and more before was not bad either...

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...