Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February 6, 1976...

Back in the winter of 1976, I hopped in my AMC "Levi" Hornet, along with our first two Airedales, Rags and Max...and drove them out to Windy Point, along the south side of Grand Lake, not far from where I spent my High School years, living in Montezuma.  Why do I remember that date, meaningless in the grand scheme of life in most respects?  No Idea really...I was home for the weekend from Hocking Tech and just remember thinking..."Well here it is, midway through Winter, and Spring isn't that far off"... I just remember it was February 6th...and each year since that time, if I'm in the area, I drive out  to Windy Point...a place I frequent these days to snap Sunset and Sunrise photos.

Yesterday, after the overnight snow, it was clean, bright and sunny, so after taking care of a few 'chores' I needed to complete, I drove the 6 miles or so and in the sun, sat around looking at the clean, cold, snow, and snapped a few photos of my old High School stomping grounds..

Photos: Top/The refurbished beach...despite being rebuilt in 2012, the Lake water quality still doesn't allow much swimming here, unlike the 60s and 70s summers, where we spent much time here, doing just that.

Below:  a couple more photos from yesterday followed by a summer shot of the channel that Rag and Max used to swim at in the mid 70s, and those two, our first of many Airedales over the next 40 years...treeing a back yard Squirrel when we lived in Dodge City back in 1980...

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Winter in Western Ohio...Up/Down and Back and Forth

Another batch of crazy swings...winter wise around Grand Lake and the Ohio Heartland....cold, a mini melt, then back and forth and do it again....a bit of snow this morning, but that is melting, then more snow for the week, mixed in with some moderating, new normal temps....

Nikon D3400...

With the recent decision by the VA that put a bit of money in my account{something I never asked for, my VA doctors advice was just being followed}...I banked most of it, paid some bills, and took some gave it to Patricia, and purchased, after some searching, and middle end Digital Camera with bundle and extra lens...a Nikon D3400...still learning the bells and whistles, but did get out Friday and snapped some photos along the south shore of Grand Lake, around the Windy Point area...those are included in today's post:


Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...