Sunday, June 24, 2018

June 24, 1947...The UFO Hysteria Begins

On June 24, 1947, some 71 years ago today {nearly 2 years before I was born} the UFO Sighting Hysteria began, with this:

Kenneth Arnold UFO Sightings

Ken Arnold was an intelligent man with 9000 flying hours, UFOs {which had not been named as such} had not been reported or seen in nearly 40 years, and nothing like his report had ever been put forth.


There was no reason not to believe Kenneth Arnold....

Arnold Sightings

As for me?   I was a skeptic for many years, but no longer...concerning the Roswell, New Mexico, crash?  Not sure about that, but I believe the modern UFO sightings, which began in the summer of 1947 where in conjunction with the founding of Modern Israel, less than a year later in May me crazy if you will, but I truly believe many of these UFO Reports are Biblical, and the more I study them and our Bible, the more I believe UFOs are indeed a sign.

Israel Founded

Now that I've turned many of you off, tough luck...!  I don't care.  I hardly am an expert on UFOs or the Bible, but it is as good an idea as little green men from Mars.  

While not mine, this is but one opinion of the connection between UFOs and Biblical Prophecy.

UFOs and the Bible

There you have today's post...take it with a grain of salt...but salt that as your daily food for thought!

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Saturday, June 23, 2018

This Week in History...a personal look back. 6/23/2018

Several things, on both the historical and personal stage happened this coming week...first off the "historical" happenings.

The Battle of Little Big Horn  June 25, 26, 1876...

Custer's Last Stand was indeed a defeat by the Redskins over the Americans...but while winning the battle, they pissed off the average American, and eventually lost the war and their freedoms...Liberals and freeloading foreign types call it one way, patriots call it can pick your side, but the bottom line is, this was in almost every way, the end of the "Indian Wars" and America won....

The notion that the American Indians were somehow an innocent people is pure this case "Sitting Bullshit":

Sitting BS

On a Personal Level the coming week marks 3 anniversaries that I can think of off the top of my aging brow:

50 years ago, June 24-26th 1968...Leaving Ohio for Basic Training at Amarillo, AFB, Texas..

My first airplane ride ever on June 24, 1968 took me from Columbus, Ohio to Amarillo, Texas, via Dallas and Lubbock, Texas....I arrived at the base on the dusty flatlands of the Texas Panhandle on the early morning of June 25th, and my processing was completed on June 26th when they snapped photos of our little crew.

49 years ago June 30th, 1969....I left for South Vietnam.  Landing at Tan Son Nhut on July 1st, then after an overnight in the Transit Barracks, I flew on to my first base at Nha Trang, on July
2nd, when I was quickly assigned to Day {A} Flight Law Enforcement by Tech Sgt Phil Lange...war zone or not, Nha Trang was as good a duty as I would have in my 4 years in the Air Force.

48 years ago on 29 June 1970...Heading Home!

Back at Tan Son Nhut after a short stint working Security on C {overnight} Flights...I received my orders {Griffiss AFB, upstate New York, worst and last duty of my 4 years}...and headed home for 39 days of Hell Raising fun....looking back I should have finished out my Air Force days in Vietnam...but hindsight is always 20/20 and perhaps my life would not have been as good as it has turned out.

That is a quick look back on some of the things that happened in history on these days....more to come in later postings.

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Friday, June 22, 2018

So Many People to offend and So Little Time to Bother with That!

Sitting here contemplating on having the first beer of the day and maybe firing up a hand rolled Cigar....

Wife, Patricia, is gone to Wisconsin for her annual two week visit with her family up that way in SE Wisconsin, in her home area of Oconomowoc...and I have been rained out 2 nights in a row from Summer ACME Baseball Umpire work.  I will have Anissa over for 6 hours tomorrow and Sunday, she is our special needs daughter that was born in northern Wisconsin some 39 years ago...she lives in a home with assistant living folks on the other side of Celina and spends most weekends a few hours {12 or so} with us.  Next week I plan on scraping out 2000 sq foot old parsonage home of the 6 year old 69 this will probably be the last time I will do this task...but I don't want to leave it to someone else just's not my style.  When I get around to painting it, is anybody's guess...perhaps this fall, perhaps next summer...I really don't have a time table, it doesn't pay to at my age.

In addition to scraping, mowing, feeding the cats, and checking on mom, who also is now in assisted living, at least for the Summer, at the age of 94, I plan on heading to Fort Wayne next Wednesday and heading up to Rick Pearson's place and down a few beers and spend the night there....late next week, weather permitting, I have a few make up games to work...then another weekend watching Anissa, Patricia arrives home on the 4th, then a couple of weeks of ACME Tournament Games to Umpire, ending with the State Tournament in Defiance.  Brown County for a few days in Late July/early August and Hell Summer will be on the wane....

In the meantime I need to get my ass off social media, like Facebook, and the Snowflakes, Hard Core Leftists, Troll, Rainbow Warriors, Islamic Trash, and other dregs, including Never Trumpsters, RINOs, and whiners of every ilk and every walk of life....I need to ride the TW, do a bit of work at Honda, just to keep busy, and contemplate what lies ahead.  To be sure, hanging around pissing people off on Facebook is no longer in the least not to the extent that I have for the past few year.  I currently have 3 of my 4 Facebook IDs either banned or banished....Mark Suckenberg and his far left Islamic/Faggot loving lefties hate Conservatives..especially Christian Conservatives, don't you know?

However I will be getting my outlet on this blog more than I have over the past 5 or 6 years...but not as much as in the first few.  I plan on starting that next week, looking back at my personal and not~so~personal history.  

Just how I will deliver that remains up in the air....give me time, in the meantime I think I will have that beer and enjoy a cigar.

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Monday, June 18, 2018

The {Leftist} Problem with Facebook

I joined Mark Suckerberg's Facebook a decade or so ago, just a year or so after starting this blog {July 2007)....I used it as a tool to find old Air Force and other friends from the past, whether it be my Radio Broadcasting days or my Childhood growing up in Venice, Florida {1954-63} has worked out that way pretty well....what has not worked out is sharing or stating my political views.  Seems little Markey Fart Pants, being the fake Hebrew that he is, has his lips locked on the asses of perverts {Gays Dykes, Gender Benders, etc} and radical Islam {Goat Fornicators} and if you dare call these misfits what they are, you get tossed in the FB Prison.

My Regular page has now been shown the cell 5 times for 30 days, most of those over the past year for calling out the Fort Wayne {IN} VA for flying the Rainbow or as I call them "Flags for Fags"....that put my regular page and my back up "photos" page both on 30 day time outs {The photos page got it for calling Muslims the scum of the earth} I decided to mass produce a couple of more IDs, and so far 2 of them have passed the FB muster....Why?  You ask...because I am like the proverbial "Turd in the Punch Bowl" ... I enjoy pissing off the left, especially
gutless white male liberals, who by my count are gay, hen pecked, or mommy boys, with a few child molesters tossed in.  Male Liberals are probably the sickest, weakest, group of sons a bitches on Planet Earth....and Markey Suckerberg is the Poster Child for that group.

Facebook has a leftist idealogue problem, and that is a problem for Christians and especially Conservative Christians...and right wing radicals of that ilk, like me, are the prime targets of those running the Facebook Nazi Moderators ... 

There is a new alternative to Facebook, called MeWe:


It's good but a slow process to gain traction....we will see how that goes, in the meantime I will use my alternate IDs to infiltrate and badger anything left.  However I am sure those IDs will eventually show up on the Facebook Nazi Radar {just can't help myself}, and join the FB Jail House Crew....

In the meantime...back later>>>>

Monday, June 11, 2018

Sunset at the Kokomo Sandbox Reunion

This past week some of the Boar's Nest Gang {mostly Vietnam Security Police and Friends} got together for varying lengths of time{I was there for about 50 hours} and dodged rain, wind, and to many beers and god awful shelled peanuts, to celebrate those that served in Iran and other Middle East Shitholes, and keep our 2 or 3 times per year get togethers in tact....

Sam Lewis, Mike Tillman, FNG Rick Lawrence, John Rowston, and head Boar, Tom McCandless, all gathered along with non Sky Cops around Sweety celebrate being alive.

I caught one glorious sunset on Wednesday Night....

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Winter into Summer...Where the Hell was/is Spring?

After a cold winter [below normal] and a colder spring, right through April, Summer took over here in the Heartland in early spring was to be found, at lease weather~wise.  Lying A~holes like Al Gore and Bill Nye{the Fake Science Guy} notwithstanding...there is NO Man~Made Climate Change/Global Warming...anybody with an ounce of Science Sense realizes this, while the Marxist Money Changers and Power Mongers will continue to disagree, after all the pocket books and easy living, require them to push the Global Warming Hoax...

Today, 6/3/2018 appears about as close to "normal" weather we have seen in a month or will see after the early part of next week..give me normal May and October weather in this region 24/7 and 12 months out of the year, anytime.

"Summer" baseball umpiring weather thus far has been closer to July conditions that what we would like to see in mid to late May....but it is what it is.

Riding weather, despite the heat has been good, I've been out a few times and the weather has been hot, but I enjoy warmer riding motorcycle weather....and will take the Hot over the Cold anytime....

Next Week it's back over to Howard County, Indiana, for the "Sandbox" the early season reunion that goes hand in hand with our Vietnam Reunion at the same location come mid old Vietnam Sky Cops/Boars Next buddies, McCandless, Tillman, Sam Lewis, and others will join me for the event...swapping stories and beers....

That is the quick update, just wanted all to realize I was still alive and kicking....

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Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...