Friday, October 12, 2018

The American White Pelicans of Grand Lake Ohio

July 24th????  Damn,  can't believe its' been over 2 1/2 months since I posted?  But that's what happens in the Dog Days of get busy!

I have been to Brown County, Indiana, working a bit at Honda when I can{really don't want to work much as I approach 70 {in March 2019} and really don't need to at all...but most businesses are hurting for solid employees...Trump has indeed put Americans Back to Work...of course you would never hear that admitted by the press or the hate filled Dip Sticks on the American Left....they are to "Eaten Up With Hate" ... just look back at the Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Hearings...but enough of that.

Freshwater White Pelicans....

I grew up on the Gulf Coast of Florida, Venice to be exact, back in the 1950s through the early I have seen plenty of Brown Pelicans...but their cousins, the American White Pelicans, not so much....they do winter on freshwater lakes in Florida and elsewhere, however, they usually don't come east of the Mississippi River, at least not until more recent years...the Global Warming crowd would tell you that the reasons are just that..."Climate Change".  I'm calling BS on that, but something is driving them east and here on Grand Lake we have been blessed with their appearance since 2017 and it's possible a year or so before, only in smaller numbers.  Either way they make for another "Bird" that has taken up the often maligned lake as either permanent or full time residents.  In addition to the thousands of Canadian Geese, and other "Ducks" of various breeds, and the 100 or so American Bald Eagles as year round guests, the White Pelicans have joined others like the Blue Herons, Snowy Egrets, and visiting Snow Geese, as more recent additions....

The White Pelicans are large birds, so large they make the American Bald Eagles small by comparison ... the Eagles have a 6 or 7 foot wing span, the White Guys with the long beaks go as 9 feet and make for interest photos up close....and in packs or pairs.

I got out today and took some shots before they decide to head south for the season...

This week coming wife and I will head for upper/lower Michigan to take in the fall colors, and hopefully come back with some good photography...and maybe stop by here and post a bit more as winter approaches...

back later>>>>

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...