Tuesday, April 9, 2019

2019, Turning 70, and Moving Forward...

Turning 70...

I've got to admit that few males in my family, at least on dad's side have made it this far...over the years, going back through my Genealogy Research, I can maybe find a handful, maybe, that have reached 70...dad and brother Mike didn't, one of dad's brothers did, one didn't, only first blood cousin of that age group didn't...the other isn't past 60 yet...and back through the Ancestors, most of the men died in their 50s, if they were lucky to make it that far...only GGG Grandfather Israel Houseworth made it into his 80s and he was born at the dawn of the Revolutionary War in 1775...

So, last month I made the seldom achieved milestone...Welcome to 70!


Not one to sugar coat anything, I look at the future of America, and thus by Proxy, the World, with a jaundice eye....I think we, as a country, are doomed...the influx of 3rd word trash, especially in the disguise of "The Religion of Peace", has doomed this Republic...there is no turning back..

Not to bemoan that truth however...we have brought this on ourselves.  The dumbing down of current and future generations,  thanks to public and some private education outlets, the declining birthrates of the brightest, while the least and unproductive continue to pop out bastard children at record rates and those going immediately to the Welfare and "Free Shit" Rolls...add this to the lies and misinformation from Hollywood, Pop Culture, and the Media, have put US on the fast track to 3rd world status....anything outside the Second Coming will not stop this slide..."Hold on to your seats, it's gonna be a bumpy ride".

Trump and TDS....

Anyone that has read this blog in year's page know that I say what I mean and mean what I say, at any costs...of late, the past 18 months or so, those costs have included being suspended from officiating Ohio High School sports in an official manner with the OHSAA, a suspension I have ignored at times...fuck them and the PC Agenda they push...I've also had my life membership pulled from the Vietnam Security Police Association, because I dared to call out a little brown Hispanic VP as a Gutless Racist and no "Brother" of other Vietnam Security Police who served in Vietnam...truth does bring out the worst in the PC crowd...and as I said "F~them"...I don't care.

I was not a Trump fan during the primary election season of 2016...I held my nose and voted for him...but since he was elected I slowly became a fan...is he a moron at times?  Hell yes, but he says, and it appears he is trying to do all the things I agree with...and pissing off the loons and louts on the left is as good as it gets...TDS [Trump Derangement Syndrome} is one of the greatest thing to come along since Reagan was elected back in 1980...

Looking Forward....

I have plans for the coming months...

Vietnam Sky Cop Reunion coming up in a couple of weeks at Wright Patterson AFB and Dayton...I have been a planner and the guy organizing this great event for the past decade, with plenty of help from guys that still help out and others who have passed on to their great and just rewards with our Lord...this year I will hook up with another old Friend from Nha Trang back in 1969..."Johnny C"  John Claflin will be, along with his better half, coming up from Central Florida to join us....he marks a handful of guys from Vietnam, Dover, and Griffiss, that I have managed to find, thanks to Social Media...one of the good things about the Internet, Facebook, etc...

Another Dual Sport Adventure is slated for Big Bend Texas the end of the month and into May...we will see how that shakes out.  Person, Clint Thompson, and me will, also in May head to Mesick, Michigan, for our annual Mushroom Hunt...mostly beer drinking and wishing we could find some Mushrooms....and Patricia and I have a couple of  Vacations planned....also Hal and family have a gig for us in September.

So there you have my first post in 2019...they are few and far between these days...but thought I would check in to let you know that, I'm still alive and kicking ass....

back later>>>.

photos-Top:  The need to get out on the Dual Sport Yamaha TW200 is still there, the body just isn't quite as willing, but will keep trying my best...the 'new" Jeep Wrangler purchased back in January...sure it's a 2009 but 'new' to me...first Wrangler I have owned in a decade...only 65000 miles on it...did I pay to much?  Of course, Wranglers always are overpriced...but Hell, it's likely to be my last...plus I still have the Nitro for comfort driving  :)

2-Yea no matter what you say, Trump is YOUR President...if we Conservatives had to put up with the fucking Kenyan born faggot and his "husband' Man~Chelle, you are stuck with Trump until he leaves...which looking at the Clown Circus running as Democrats, will likely be 2024...lol "Suck It" Suckers...

3-  The Vietnam/Thailand Sky Cops Reunion should have near 100 Guys and Wives for this event at WPAFB the end of April...

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...