Monday, May 4, 2020

2020 The Year that Never Was?

We are about 2 months into the C~19, Corona, or whatever the Hell you want to call this contrived Bullshit...yep, the Virus is real, the death rate scare and other lies pushed by the left and it's lapdog press is overblown.  Hell, I'm 71 with Agent Orange {so the VA says} related Diabetes 2 and associated I scared of this sham?  Not a chance...

I'm pretty much locked into staying around the house and backyard, except for necessary shopping trips, got some yard work/mowing and outdoor painting done over the just completed weekend...could do more today, but this is the only day out of the next 2 weeks that doesn't look like crap...which may not be bad, because once the weather here in the Heartland starts to improve, this BS will only get worse...because the natives are going to get more restless and antsy ...

The masses and fools {mostly, but not all, on the left} are following like good little troopers in lock step with the Nanny State "recommendations" {in Blue States "Orders"} for me, much like this Clint Eastwood parody shows, not changing much in my life, except visiting with my 96 year old Assisted Living resident mother, or traveling, has changed.  My fill in Security Gig?  Well they want me to work full time...but that won't happen, I'm not in need of nor do I want a full time job.  So I will not bow down to that slavery, such is the gift of living in simpler and better times.  For that I thank God, my God, the Christian God...

So will 2020 be a "Lost Year"?  Time will tell if this is just a "Trial Run" by the Government and various state Governments to gain total control over the population...and by the percent of people begging to be "locked down" I'd say this year and perhaps many more will be lost... 

back later---unless I'm Jailed or Raptured, whichever comes first!

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...