Saturday, January 23, 2021

Demented Joe...The Dye has been Cast...


Well Hell, it's been since before the election fraud that I have posted...wait and see what the Hell has been coming down, and now we are starting to find out.

Joe Biden {I won't call that Son of a Bitch President in any sense}is going to be a unmitigated disaster for America for as long as he is President...and frankly I'm predicting he will last less than 6 months...Biden, The China Owned, Plagiarist, husband of a "Fake" Doctor, and Father of a Child Molesting criminal of a son...will be dead or locked away in Dementia by Summer's End...If I'm right, Kamala the Whore, who would be VP will take over, and be the Puppet that George Soros and the Left can control...Joe's Dementia is too far advanced for anybody to control that fool, he was just a "useful idiot" that they could put forth so as to make it easier for the Dominion Voting Machines to steal and turn enough votes around to defeat Trump....

So there, I've got that off my chest...don't like it?  Tough Shit....💩

As the days and weeks ahead move on, I plan on posting more, although after over 13 years, I really should get the Hell off Google, Fakebook, and the rest of the Leftist owned dumps, and I will continue to look at alternative places to post an updated Blog>

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Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...