Thursday, February 11, 2021

Watch the Insane world go by...2021

 Winter Be Damned ... I'm ready for some Grand Lake Summer Weather...

With the utterly corrupt Biden Administration now in power, it seems a good time to kick back and watch the insanity roll by.  Demented Joe, the {likely} child molesting, plagiarist, China bought and paid for, Son of a Bitch, is hardly "In Charge".  He probably can't handle his own bathroom visits, without his wife "Doctor" Jill holding his hand and wiping his ass...but make no mistake, the left is in charge, whether it is Bone Smuggler Barry Obama or Soros, or a collection of new world Marxist Misfits, really doesn't matter, unless something changes, America, as we knew it, is toast, and ready for the butter.

Anyway, between Biden and Company, and this half assed phony "Pandemic" being pushed by the left and their Co~Whores in the media, America in no longer recognizable to any sane person...meanwhile the Founding Fathers can likely be heard trying to dig out of their graves, to kill the MFers that have destroyed the Republic they fought so hard to conceive.

So here is the view from my world as we are now well into 2021 and the coming Disaster known as the Joe Biden years {although I doubt if the Demented Bastard lasts through this Summer}

{1} No I'm not getting any Vaccine to combat the freaking COVID...the cure is likely far worse than the virus, which has a 99+% survival rate, and even old farts like me, approaching 72, are surviving at well over 95%...I'll take my chances.

{2} Masking?  Only when I'm out shopping or doing my fill in hours at a Biology Guy, I can tell you they are worthless at tits on a Buck Boar...I wear them, if at all, only out of respect for others, who have fallen in line like Sheep, and actually believe this BS is akin to the Black Plague.

{3} At this point in the Heartland we a suffering though, not only the BS Panic~demic, February has been brutal, and the rest of the month looks like it will remain 10 to 30 degrees below the month's normal...However once it does warm up, hopefully before May, I plan on staying the Hell away from most people, unless absolutely necessary, except for family and the few close friends who have not fallen for this line of BS...

{4} Backyard BBQ, Beers, Cigars, and sipping on as many beers as I can will likely be first and foremost once it warms up...maybe a Dual Sport Ride on the TW on occasion, and making some homemade Jerky in the new birthday {given to me early} high end Dehydration machine...other than a few "Runs" to buy meat for "jerking" 👀 and runs for beer, it doesn't look like I will get out much from the home front...not the post 70 year old life I had planned, but I will be Gawd Damn if I will go along with this "Lockdown, Mask Wearing, Bullshit"

{5} Social Media?  Hell I'm in jail on Fakebook most of the time, banned for life from Twitter and even the "Free Speech" MeWe, I don't have much to worry about wasting time on that front...and then Google wants me to join it's Network:  Seriously, me join a group of First Amendment hating leftist assclowns?   No Thanks...

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I'll kick back and watch the shit show and how they react once Trump is no longer around {this freaking impeachment 2 joke not withstanding] to kick around, although I think he will become their biggest nightmare.  The guy has at least 100 million hard core followers, and others, like me, not hard core but enjoying the pain he inflicts on the left, rooting him on.  In the meantime, I will try to stop by and post on more occasions than I have in the past several years, even if it means rehashing old posts, so "Stay Tuned" 

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Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...