Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Time for some serious looking a life lived


Various people have at time asked me to "Write a Book"...probably because of some of the BS I've posted in Social Media, and on this blog.  Well at 72 years on this planet, that won't happen, however through this blog I've had a great opportunity to share my opinions, photos, and life stories and adventures.

The first 7 or 8 years of this 14 years {this July}work, I  hit it hard...the last half dozen?  Not so I think it's time, on MY time, to take a look back at different segments of my 72 years, and share some of the good and no so good, if you follow at all, know much of it, now I will attempt, over the next few months, to look back at the various segments in more details...and no in any particular order.

Looking back I can honestly say that I jump into something for awhile, then get bored and find another avenue to take a walk it's family genealogy,  motorcycles, both street and dual sport, baseball umpire work, and other officiating, dartball in a church league, broadcasting, including sports play by play work, weather in Radio or on Cable TV, and a hundred other hobbies and current "Hobby" is making  Beef Jerky of various long will that last?  Who knows, but it is something I enjoy making, as opposed to really eating it.  I do however, sell it to co~workers and give  it away to friends and family, the grandsons especially like it...

So I will look back over the next weeks and months, I don't know how often I will post, certainly not 200 plus times a year, like in the early days, but hopefully often enough to keep folks interested, and to make it interesting for the grandsons, 3 of them now, after I am gone...and let's face it, I am on the downside, but not quite ready to go quietly just yet.

So, rather than starting at the beginning, I will start where my life took a  major change, from a skinny ass kid who was not ready to stand up and fight, to one that after years of letting people bully me, finally turned the corner, and became the Anti Bully...

Those were the Air Force Years 1968-1972...and I will begin those in the next segment...

Back Later...

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...