Thursday, October 5, 2023

Turning 100 years old...


No not me...the old home aka:  Parsonage 

Built by the First Church of God, the basement was poured in November 1923 as the living quarters for whoever would be the Pastor at that time...among those living here was Pastor and then Congressman, Tennyson Guyer.  The church {Old Church still standing} built a new structure in the late 1980s about a mile north and west, so the church sold the parsonage to Jeff Larmore and his wife at the time, in late 1989 ... When Jeff and ex got a divorce he sold it to me, and we took possession in early June 1995.

The nearly 2000 sq foot structure, including the 2 car garage and kennel, was smaller upon completion in 1924...the kitchen, second small bathroom, and storage "Mud Room" was added in 1945 and the Garage was built in 1990.  In the early and mid 1970s wife and I lived just 2 houses and a block away from the Parsonage, and Patricia loved the way the place when the chance came, I put some money down, and purchased it, paid it off early and is now ours, with the exception of the damn property taxes which will be going up again soon.  Now we are getting older, and the neighborhood is not what it once was, I could probably get 3 maybe 4 times what I spent to buy it...but, not gonna happen.  I refuse to move at my age, and when I pass on, Patricia, if she feels the need, can do with it what she wants.  If by small chance she should go first...this will be my final spot to live...

The youngest son was 11 when we moved in and now it is just us, with occasional overnights from the grandsons, and Sam when he visits from Chicago...but I'm happy with the way we have kept it up, although the old wood is a pain in the ass to paint every 5 years or so...I've done it 4 times thus far, it will likely need it again within the next two or three years, but I will finally give up the ghost and have that done by somebody younger and with more skills on that roof and ladder.  

For now however it remains the longest, by far {the farmhouse on Coldwater Creek is 2nd at 10 years} of anyplace I have ever remained in...and hopefully it will remain that, after more than 28 years, I have no interest in moving again, if I don't have to...did that way to many times in my first 46 plus years..
Back Later>>>maybe before 2024 

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...