Saturday, August 31, 2024

Summer winds down 2024 Style

 Just keeping the old Blog alive past year 17...hard to believe I started this in July 2007, and for the first few years was posting semi-daily, now perhaps once every other month on average.

It's been a hot and mostly dry summer around Grand Lake but we finally got some overnight rain last night perhaps giving the parched yard grass and crops some Sunflowers did well and are now, except the Mexicans, being bird feed and seeds for next year...much of the spring and early summer we spent watching Grandson's baseball and swimming, and now fall baseball and soccer are on the agenda.

I did get a vacation in...while the wife stayed home and took care of the critters, including the now 10 month old Airedale, Millie, I gathered up one grandson and hauled him to Hilton Head Island to meet up with youngest son and the rest of his family for a 2 week vacation there, I stuck around for a couple days, then headed to Flagler Beach, Florida, for some relaxation on the Atlantic side this time around.  Then over to a buddy, Tom's, around DeLand, where we headed to Daytona Beach for some Oysters and Beers, stayed on his waterfront dwelling overnight.  After that the long ride home, in the 2024 Jeep Wrangler I had rented...more comfortable than my 2009, the new Jeeps, while not a off road friendly are for sure more like luxury cars than rough and tumble old time Jeeps.

After the vacation, and back to grandson sport watching, I have began a modified KETO\Carnivore diet, not giving up beer, but switching to the sickening extra light brands...been trying out a few different varieties, and will stick with a few of them until my Semi Annual VA check up in mid October.  This morning I weighed in at 183.0 my lowest since 1984 and topping last September's low of 183.6.  The goal is to hit 170 by October 16th...I frankly have little doubt that I can reach that, the plan is to keep it off until after the Christmas Holiday...then I will return to more carb, beer friendly, fare and see if I can hold my own in the 170-175 range.

Those are a look back at Summer 2024 and the goals for the rest of the year...besides seeing that lying whore Harris and the Stolen Valor POS Little Timmy Walz, defeated in November.

Back Later...

Photos...Me, Hal, and the 3 Grandsons at Hilton Head Island, July 2024...Oldest Grandson K~Man drives towards the Goal, he scored 4 of his teams 7 goals in this game last weekend and assisted in other in the 7-2 win.  Sunrise over Flagler Beach late July 2024.  And finally the middle Grandson Kam in the on deck circle...Kam had a grand spring and early summer season landing him a spot on the Dayton 10u all star team...and now is continuing that success in Fall Ball...

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...