Off to Nappanee again today...heck I might as well start driving RVs again....
Sam's car is still in Elkhart, so he picks up a small RV for New Jersey and heads out...planning to be back in Celina with his car in time for the weekend Super Bowl festivities....problem is, I take a look at the "future" weather forecast, and they are now posting weather watches for the Ohio and northern Indiana area starting tomorrow....claiming a big storm is possible...so Sam, who will be busing(awful way to travel and I don't) from Philadelphia to Elkhart tomorrow night and Friday, may have a decision to make....Elkhart or Dayton? Guess it depends on the final forecast when he hops the bus in Philly tomorrow night at 8....if this RV doesn't break down!
They asked me to take one to Jersey as well...but turned it down...I really don't want to tow the Jeep 700 miles and drive it back....because of the back...I will not travel by Greyhound Bus....anyway, told them if they have a Florida run middle of next week, I will try one, to see if my back holds up...then fly home, that I can probably handle...I'd like to give it a try, I will not go back to driving as much as I did after my retirement from the health department....but would like to make a few trips a year to Florida and Vegas....we will see how this all shakes out.
The RINOS Take Charge of the GOP___________
With McCain's win in Florida last night, Rudy dropping out of the race today and endorsing "Angry John"(see photo) ...it appears the RINO's(Republican in name only) are on the verge of taking over the GOP(see post from 1/27/08)....Ronald Reagan would be spinning in his grave for sure....John "Friggin" McCain envoking the name of Reagan and claiming to be a Conservative. enough to make a Right Winger puke....
"I remember Ronald Reagan, I spoke to and interviewed Ronald Reagan, John McCain is no Ronald Reagan"...neither is Rudy, Romney, or "The Huckster".....
A contest between McCain and Hillary should include no Vice Presidential candidate...that way the winner could just name the loser VP and the vast moderate and liberal lemming voters could be happy...a real love fest while the country goes down the shitter.
For those that give Hell to those that don't vote or threaten to stay away from the ballot box come election day.....I say, "you have as much right to show your protest by not voting, than by voting for someone you don't support".....but I will vote come November, even if it's between Hillzilla with her inbred husband as baggage, and McCain....my vote may be 3rd party however. I voted 3rd party in 1976 because of my dislike for Ford(an original RINO) and the peanut farmer, Jumma Carter, who went on to become the absolute worst President in my lifetime, topping even LBJ, which is pretty hard to do....I voted for Gus Hall as a joke(Hall was the Commie Candidate for many elections)...I was going to school and voted absentee...one of 3 persons in the entire Mercer County to cast my vote for Hall...I expect the other 2 were the assclowns that ran the local "Daily Standard" newspaper, or as we call it, "The Daily Worker", a hard Red paper in a lily white county of conservatives.
I may throw my vote away by voting for the Constitutional Party Candidate...but like Ron Paul, the Constitutional Party is great on 90% of the issues....but weak on defending the country against Islam...another group that thinks if we just play nice, the Middle East menace will just go away....Not Gonna Happen GI!
So there is a take..just mine...I will vote in November, maybe McCain, certainly not Hillzilla or Obama....but probably a 3rd party candidate...but Hey! I'm getting ahead of myself, Romney is not finished yet....but the party "leaders"(aka: tired sorry old fools that have been running, or ruining, the party for decades since Reagan left) seem to back Johnny the war hero....I've got news folks, I'm a Vietnam Veteran, being a vet, doesn't make you fit to be President, see "Hanoi John Kerry"...anyway I hold out hope until the bitter end....but as it stands now:
If you elect Hillary, Obama, or McCain...."Welcome to Mexiamerica"...the borders will be wide open, and the economy will soon be in the tank, radical Islamics will be allowed to continue to come to our country....and Global Warming Legislation will be the law of the land.....Bend Over Folks....it's gonna hurt!
Just heard Glenn Beck call McCain...."A two faced son-of-a-bitch" on his radio show.....that just about says it all!