Monday, January 14, 2008

Life in the Slow Lane

Still resting the back(hip nerves in reality), the weekend consisted of watching football Saturday and Sunday, Duke Basketball Sunday Night, and on Saturday evening heading down to the Dayton Airport in Vandalia to pick up Sam from Orlando, after his latest road trip.....his car is in northern Indiana, but the air fare was so damn cheap from Orlando to Dayton at $79 non-stop, he elected to take that one and leave his car in Nappanee. Since he's driving mom down to Naples in her car tomorrow, and will fly back to South Bend Saturday(the Fort Myers to South Bend flight is much cheaper than the Fort Myers to Dayton one...go figure), then pick up either his car or another RV at that on the road!
While heading down I had some things to drop off at the younger son Hal's place...he lives in Dayton, and is finishing off his final two months at Wright State(for now), he gets his BS in High School History Education in March...takes a couple months off then begins his Graduate Program in July....anyway he met me in Vandalia and I dropped off his Christmas stuff that came in the mail late....he presented me with a 6 pack of Sam Adams Black Lager...a little more heavy than the regular large, but tasty none-the-less....I sampled a couple watching football Saturday Night and Sunday......

I was never into dark heavy beers until a year or so ago...then discovered by drinking them you could enjoy the taste and not over do now in the cold months it's mostly Sam Adams or some other 'highbrow" beer, in summer after umpiring or mowing the lawn, it's back to Miller Lite, where I can down a more appropriate number....

Worked in Greenville for a couple hours this morning, a board meeting at Mercer Residential at noon(where I was elected President, gets me out of voting, so that's not bad), watching the Hawk intimidate the little birds on the feeder, until Reagan chased him off....he always comes around when the snow starts. Tonight it's Dartball in Mendon...a team until last year's playoffs we had beaten 36 straight they have taken 4 of 6, including knocking us out of last years tournament....time for some revenge.

{Photos)Life's simple pleasures....two different Samuel Adams Lagers, Regular and Black.....a nice moderate tasty torpedo, and my internet blog flashing in the back.....It's snowing, and the Hawk is hanging around the garden feeder.


Buck said...

I was never into dark heavy beers until a year or so ago...then discovered by drinking them you could enjoy the taste and not over do it

I never really enjoyed beer until I went to England back in '80 (I was pretty much a whiskey guy). And that's where and when I learned all about beer, or more specifically, ales.

One thing I learned is that we Americans drink our beer WAAAY too cold, and cold kills the flavor. I drive bartenders and wait staff nuts when I ask for my beer in a "room temperature glass." Ice floating around in my beer drives ME nuts, OTOH.

PRH said...

Buck: I still like my lite beer in the Summer very cold...but Ale and speciality beer I find best about 45 degrees...I know some like it a bit warmer....but the warm spot(42-44 degrees) of the refrigerator works for me.

FHB said...

They have that beer here in the store, and I recently found Leinenkugel's here too, but it was all sold out by Saturday afternoon. And the cigar looks tasty.

PRH said...

FHB: Leinenkugels is a Wisconsin Beer, from Chippawa has a varity of tastes as well....pretty good(most flavors)...I find it at Wal-Mart in the Grocery Section with the regular beers.

BRUNO said...

I tend to favor the "regular" Miller beer. Never again Budweiser! I like the beer and the cigars the same way---MILD! And with a Connecticut wrapper, you can't go wrong!

Anonymous said...

Pat,even with the bad back, you get out and get around. Think you'll go back to delivery those RV's one of these days? said...

Sam's good!

Like the looks of that cigar too!

Keep working at gettin' better Pat.

PRH said...

Hermit...I'll probably go back to driving on occasion...tonight, after Dartball, my back is sore...but it's been better, and I can sleep through the night, that's a big plus.

Most Sam brands are decent, and not over priced, like I mentioned, you tend not to drink as much as lite lager beers...I like em'...

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...