Saturday, July 26, 2008

Celina Lake Festival-Fireworks!

The first full day of the Celina(Grand) Lake Festival saw decent weather.....cloudy much of the day kept the heat is the big day...the car show just down the block from me, I'll walk down with wife and Anissa, and get some photos...then tonight, the big LF usually goes on for 2 or more hours. There has been rain in the forecast, but so far this morning, nothing near us.

As for the parade, I stay away these days...and the fireworks I have not been lakeside to view them in about a dozen years...who needs to, I get a pretty good view from my upstairs bedroom window, thus avoiding the crowds and traffic. Since Hal broke my SLR camera a few years back, I strictly go with my 2 digital or disposals these days...making lightning and fireworks type photos hard to complete. But last night I went upstairs and took about 20 shots of the fireworks with the smaller Sony Mavica....about 5 came out decent...and 3 are posted here.

Hal is working down in the Florida panhandle and Alabama area, he'll be home sometime early next week if all goes as planned....meanwhile Sam headed back to Eau Claire to pick up the RV for delivery to Alberta, Canada. The International repair shop in Wisconsin replaced the engine and it's ready to go...Sam drove to South Milwaukee yesterday, parked his car at his Uncle Bill's place(Patrica's older brother), and had Bill take him to the bus station in Milwaukee...where he Greyhound' to Eau Claire....he will restart the trip today and plans on being back on Saturday, flying from Vancouver to Milwaukee...then driving home the 300 miles from there.

Sam was accepted into Ohio State University-Lima, and plans on beginning his classes anew in September....some of his classes transferred from Wright State, but at 26 he is on his own....I paid my way through college, as did Patricia....and Hal did most of his own bachelor work, and will pay for his own graduate studies this fall....the older son will have to work out his own finances...that is the family way, and he will appreciate it more in the long run, if he sticks it out....Sam is a math whiz...but not a college study kind of guy, this derailed him the first time, we will see how he works it out.

Back with some car show/Lake Festival photos later.

photos-the view of the Lake Festival Fireworks from my upstairs bedroom, and Sam, back in 1996, age 14, with his "hardware" from the State Math Competition....a first place, and 2 third place finishes state wide.


Anonymous said...

Pat, is it possible for a kid to put himself through school without help from mom and dad these days? I mean, student loans have about dried up, tuition is sky high, part time jobs are going to the illegal immigrants. Do you think your son can bust his way through all that and still have time for school? I just wondered. I know some folks down here that went that route and the kids didn't make it through school. I got through because the Marine Corps paid for my college, or I'd have wound up at some junior college I guess. I hope it goes well for your son.

PRH said...

He's 26(27 in December)...he can live at home and drive the 30 miles to Lima....Hal managed to get his B.A. with about $15,000 in Student Loans.....Sam is good enough in math(among the tops in the nation) that he has some grant money coming...we won't let him sink, but he's going to have to bite the bullet, if he wants this.

The days of parents footing the bill for their kids through life, has to you, I had the GI Bill...but we managed to get my wife through her BA and Masters without loans....and we had 3 young kids at the time.....

PRH said...

Thanks for dropping by, all the way from China, Michael............

Harry J said...

look at daddy strutting around like a peacock, congratulations to you and Patricia on a job well done the kids all turned out great and responsible. My daughter is studying for her masters in education as we speak,my son like dad is going to the school of hard knocks,but he will be fine...

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...