Our Christmas Eve went well....we celebrated at my sister Marty and her husband Pat's(yep, another Pat in the family....seems Pat and Mike were the names we got or migrated towards). Cards, food, drinks, and Wii games, Patricia, Anissa, and I stayed until about 11pm, the boys hung around till about 1 in the morning. The only one missing was youngest sister Kelly...down in Naples, and mom and brother Mike will be heading that way tomorrow...mom will stay for a few months, and Mike will return after the New Year. We had a quite time Christmas morning, Anissa as usual was ready to open her stash....Hal stayed until 10AM, but had to leave for Dayton....he choose to make some good money by working the noon to 8PM shift at his part time gig at the Carry-Out. I spent most of the day cleaning out my desk, and watching the endless Christmas showing of "A Christmas Story" on TBS, a annual tradition.
With "King Obama" and the new year looming, I will for the next 6 days take a personal look back at 2008...2 months at a time.
The new year began with my annual trip to the Pearson's nor

Youngest son Hal usually goes with me, but this year he was working, so I picked up Rick and my college buddy from our days at Athens...Clint Thompson, and we headed over. We ended up drinking more than a few beers, smoked a few cigars, watched too much football, and ate more than our share...Clint and I stayed the night, and drove home through the snow, in Jeep, the next morning. We plan on making our annual trip this coming Thursday.
January also saw me recuperating from my Spinal Stenosis Injection at Fort Wayne Ortho. I was slow to recover, and was still in a "tender" state while at Rick's...I improved slowly as the month went by...before February ended I was about 75-80% better, and was believing I could start the baseball season on time(which I did).
The middle winter months saw quite a few small snow and Ice storms, but nothing overly large despite predictions to the contrary....Global Warming(which doesn't exist) was not present in western Ohio. More than the snow February saw on major rain event which cause Grand Lake to leave it's banks and cause havoc to the south and west parts of Celina. I used to opportunity to get some flood photos.
In sports, Ohio State embarrassed themselves in a 2nd straight BCS Bowl Champ

I was not doing a lot of RV delivery in January and February, the back issues and the slow down of the industry keep me off the road most of the time....Sam would keep at it into the late summer, before giving the hard hit industry up, and returning to school at Ohio State.
Tomorrow I will look at March and April.....2008
back later>>>>>>
photos-Me standing at the Meyer Road intersection during the height of the February 2008 floods/Ice Jams.-OSU loses in the National Championship...AGAIN!- The Marsh Hawk guards our back yard-the Mersman Smoke Stack comes down at 103 years old.-Dartball Darts!
I am not looking forward to the new year, holy crap, we can lean on each other and hope for a one term wonder like Jimmy Carter
You gotta believe Sarge....with the economy in the tank, and Barry thinking he's the "Halfrican" version of FDR, the luster will be off the shine quick enough.
I'm glad your Christmas was good, Pat. Here's hoping your back stays in shape, too!
Looking back on 2008, what I see, is that this was the year that a fraction of the people in America woke up and took a second look at what's going on with the 1 major political partie(s) (posing as 2) and the deeds in DC.
Many are beginning to understand exactly how 'bought' MSM is and that many of our top journalists have been a big help in steering the socialist/marxist machine. We the People can no longer trust the MSM to be our gov watch dog or represent the voice of the people.
Obama - I want to see his real birth certificate AND his college records. The US Constitution requires that a presidential candidate be natural born. At this point, I don't believe Obama is natural born - therefore not qualified.
As many Americans are beginning to understand, the MSM has almost completely ignored We the People on concerns of the above issue. DC and the Democratic party act as if it's none of our business.
Oh, but it is...
Because, you see, whenever one section of the constitution is ignored and trampled upon, it won't be long until more sections are treated the same.
The Bills of Rights will also be slowly ignored and trampled until there is none left, save what the gov thinks you should have. Your voice and your opinion will no longer matter - and you will be silenced.
It may take 5 or 10 more years to get to that point, but nonetheless, we will get there - via a changed Constitution, intimidation, and possibly aggression - for that is the true face of socialism/Marxism. Commies.
History proves me right.
I hope that I don't sound too negative - but the truth is the truth. Yet half of Americans don't see....It remains to be seen what actually will happen in 2009, or in the years to follow. I think it's best to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Considering the obvious economic problems that are experiencing, plus, job loss, home foreclosures,
rising food costs, it's probably best that Americans, no matter where they live on the North American continent, concentrate on and/or go into personal/community survival mode.
Because socialism isn't the only thing we have to worry about...
I'll be touching on these issues (and others, as need be) on my blog, after the 1st.
Strong and true words Deb....Like you, I don't want to sound Negative, but when it comes to the future of the US, I cannot see it any other way, unless real Change(and not the kind the "Halfrican" is pushing) is seen. For that to happen the majority who are oblivous to politics, need to wake up, and do it soon.
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