Friday, June 5, 2009

A Maple Tree Comes Down!

A small stretch of fall like weather continued this morning...low of about 45 under clear skies. Got my game in at Eastview Park here in Celina last night...a 1 hours 40 minute 5-0 shutout for the Celina home squad over Parkway in Varsity ACME action. Sam was at Lima Shawnee for a Shawnee-Defiance double header, he didn't finish until 10:30 or so. Tonight we work together at Celina for a game with Van Wert in Junior ACME action. Tomorrow I'm at Lima Bath and Sam is at Parkway, both with double headers.

A Family Tree Comes Down_____

Dad and Mom bought the house on Cherry Street as I was finishing up my Air Force days, in the early 1970s....I think they moved in around January 1971 to be exact. The house had been built in 1915 or so, and had several large Maple Trees in the yard. One in particular was huge, and continued to grow strong until a few years ago when Mom had it trimmed. It finally became a concern this past winter, as the bark begin to separate and the larger limbs began to was time for this century old shade maker to come down. I'm sure she is not happy about it, and the shade will be gone forever, plus a few dozen a squirrels have lost their home and safe haven from the neighborhood cats.

Always hate to see historic or nice personal shade trees come down....but better this way than a large limb or part of the tree crashing through the roof, or the neighbors roof.

The dry weather will continue...for a day or so___

Sunshine and 74 today, 80 tomorrow, then the unwelcome wet weather will return...we have had more than enough rain to last until July....but it appears we are in for more next week.

Hal purchased a new car, or almost new. A 2006 Ford Fusion with only 6800 miles on it...seems a Little Old Lady from Pasadena owned the Red Fusion, and he got it for a good price....With less than 10 thousand miles on it, this thing has not had a chance to be broken in yet. I'm glad he took my advice and did not get a Chrysler or GM I've stated before, no more Government Motors vehicles with Obama as the CEO for this family. As far as I'm concerned, Ford is the last American car maker. Now Hal needs to find a post Masters Degree job to pay the payments.....

Enjoy the weekend.

back later>>>>
Photos-The 100 year old(give or take 20 years) Maple Tree comes down.


Grandpa-Old Soldier said...

It's a shame, but safety first.

Jerry in Texas said...

Plant another one. It's amazing how fast they grow. And your grandkids can say "Gramps Pat planted this tree". A legacy to leave.

BRUNO said...

Hope you sold a few of those "leftovers" for a handful or two of cash---from the picture, they'd appear to be good laminate stock, after a buyer processed them...?

sig94 said...

Cookie's okay. Others have also commented on their concern and I called him about three weeks ago. He's busy and taking a break Pat.

Bless you for asking. I'll forward your concern.

Back somewhere near your topic - in 1998 we had a tremendous windstorm on Labor Day. A whole series of microbursts unleashed hell in Central NY; two people were killed and millions in damage. I lost eleven trees in my backyard due to that storm - one of them a boxwood elder. I cut that tree down to a stump along with all the 25' evergreens.

That boxwood is like a weed. It is back bigger than ever. Can't even burn it. Part of that stinking thing fell on my foot whilst we were cutting it up. Broke a metatarsal doohickey on me.

Shrinky said...

Can you make some garden furniture from some of the lumber? It does feel like sacrilege to fell such an old friend, but sadly it sounds like it's time had come.

We have quite a few venerable old trees in the glen looking headed in that same direction. It's not a task we relish. We have to seek permission before cutting down any tree, they are all protected here, but the bill for any felling and removal stops firmly at our door (sigh).

GUYK said...

always hate to have to take out a tree. Five years ago I had a 75 foot tall long needle pine that had to come down...hated to lose that tree as well as the $550 bucks it cost to have it taken down and hauled off.

We have a big Turkey Oak at the north end of the lot that has a rotten base and is gonna come down one of these days. I don't think it will hit anything and when it falls I'll cut it up and haul it off

PRH said...

$550 for a 75 footer ain't bad Paul...this one cost $500 for the take down and haul off... permits to take down our own trees....Yet! But I can see that coming.

Deborah Wilson said...

I love old trees...

Yeah, plant another one. Not sure of the life span of Maples but Oaks are known to live 200 yrs or more.

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...