Thursday, April 22, 2010

Alan Caruba...This Guy gets it!

Did my first Junior High(Middle School) game yesterday in about a decade....what looked like a run rule 90 minute game turned on 5 runs in the 5th inning, and ended up being 3 hours 5 minutes, and ended up being 7 innings. Now I know why I don't do the lower levels in baseball, football and to a lesser extent basketball, the games run shorter or about the same as varsity...not so in baseball.
Tonight I go back to Varsity, and head 78 or so miles north to Hilltop High School at West Unity....after that, Mother Nature make take care of the rest of the week and weekend schedule.

This guy gets it____

Last night I got an bulk e-mail that claimed a nicely written slam on our fearful leader, one Barry Soetoro, aka Barrack Insane Obama....the e-mail claimed the story was written by some guy named "Eddie Sessions" at the Wall Street Journal. I passed it along to a few friends, then decided I better check it I headed to that far left wing site: Snopes.Com

Snopes and the 2 far left loons that run it, are always on the hunt to protect the American Left from anything and everything that may tarnish the agenda of the "progressives"...I checked out the story from "Eddie"...and saw a big RED DOT. The red of course meant the story wasn't true...but the catch being in this case, the written story was true, but the fact that it was written by some guy named Eddie for the WSJ wasn't.

The story was written by a Alan Caruba, and was on his well written blog, back on January 2nd of this year:

This guy gets much so, I have added his blog to The Right(Wing) Stuff on the border of this blog.....

Stop by and read what he has to say.....

Off to get a few chores done, and then north I go....will stay at my horse training buddy, Tom's tonight, and be back around Noon tomorrow.....

back later, the good Lord willing, and if the creek don't rise..


Did I forget to mention it's Earth Day? If so, it was by design...just another contrived "observance" by the left wing loons of the world.....I worked in Environmental Health for 20 years...I don't need some stinking Marxist Holiday telling me to celebrate "Mother Earth"....Protecting the Environment Yes, Observing some Bullshit phony day...No Thanks!

back later>>>>


Sahil said...


Deborah Wilson said...

It's gonna take me a week to catch up over here...

Speaking of Alan Caruba, I've heard of him, I'll get around to checking him out soon. But the way it is now, everyone is either a left or a right - looks like Americans are drawing their lines.

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...