Having planted 6 varieties of Sunflowers back in May, 5 have had at least one bloom, plus I had the rouge Wild Sunflower that blew in with the Mammoth ones out back by the Dog Kennel, and that has 30 flowers already bloomed on it. Last night while drinking a few pints of Guinness, enjoying a hand rolled Free Cuba Cigar, and listening to the Reds win at Pittsburgh...I grabbed the camera, and decided to take a few photos of my favorites, the "Moonwalker". As tall as the Mammoth stalks, but with smaller circumference, the Moonwalkers come with 5 or 6 flowers on each stalk, unlike the big guys, which are usually limited to one big flower. They also have a large face and a lighter yellow color scheme.
Tomorrow night is our first local Football Rules meeting at Van Wert..then Sam and I will head to Lima Shawnee on Saturday for the mandated State Rules meeting, which includes a clinic from the OHSAA. That will take care of most of Saturday. My first taste of 'real' football comes on August 20th when Celina's Freshman team is scheduled to take on Greenville in a scrimmage....after that, a full season of JV, Freshman, and Middle School games will follow, as well as the Celina Recreational League games on Sundays through mid October. I will probably be asked to fill in on a Varsity game or 2 as well...but those usually come on the spur of the moment. Unlike Baseball, I really have little interest in doing a full schedule of Varsity Football games.
Baseball is my main sport...I enjoy Football and Basketball, but really don't want to get overly involved in the Varsity grind at my age...baseball is a different story, I consider myself one of the better Varsity Umpires around(although I'm sure some disagree), and will do that level until I retire from the officiating wars.....hopefully about the time I hit 68. That sound like a plan, God willing of course, because only he knows what's in store for me....especially at my age(61).
back later>>>>
Photos-The Moonwalkers as they look against the night sky in our backyard....many more yet to come out in bloom.
I remember this post! Has it really been 10 yrs ago?? The sunflowers are beautiful!
I remember this post! Has it really been 10 yrs?? The sunflowers are beautiful!
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