Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Spiders, Goose out of his element, and ?

Things indeed slow down at this time as the northern world begins to work into the later weeks of Summer....

I could talk about our idiot Kenyan President, and his pathetic "It's still Bush and the Tea Party's fault that I'm such a worthless piece of crap" speech after the stock market took a hit yesterday....but if you want to see my rants on that, click on my facebook page.  Frankly Obama bores me, and the 30% that still worship him are either fools, or so reliant on living off the "Nanny State", they are not worth my time.  The economic armageddon days of the US began back in 2008 when Bush first caved to the demands of Wall Street Bankers.  Under this clown, the downfall of the Republic was put on the fast track....and we are about to run out of track as it heads over the cliff.

I could talk about the total collapse of the Cincinnati Reds...a team that played above it's head last season, and has now settled back into the routine that is usual in Cincinnati sports..."Wait Until Next Year"...because now back in 4th place, some 10 games out of first, that is what we Reds fans have to look forward to.  Another sorry loss last night, and delayed by rain for and hour and a half making the misery even longer...glad I didn't stay up for the end of the 10-7 defeat at the hands of The Rockies.

The weather?  Check out my weather blog....a mix of sun, humidity, and an occasional shower...with the hope of cooler and a bit less humid weather is in the forecast....

My first football rules meeting of the local association variety begins tonight in Van Wert....with the State Meeting(on-line) out of the way, the Tuesday night meetings will signal the beginning of football officiating season, which begins for me on Friday at Lima Perry with a varsity scrimmage...but then again, I have mentioned that before...

The Dodge Nitro is running, so far this week, without the electronic problems that have plagued it...but we have put no long miles or hours in it....the system still needs to be checked, and repaired, but we are waiting for our sales guy to get back to work after some medical problems...so nothing new on that front.  Once again, it's hurry up and wait.

On my trip out yesterday morning, I noticed something rather strange....with the thousands of  Canada Geese that call Grand Lake home, it is seldom you see a garden variety farm Goose living among the natives....yesterday, in the morning gloom, I caught a photo of this guy consorting with the Canadians....

And I captured a photo of a lone spider hanging around the Lake Shore Drive trees, in the process of catching it's supply of bugs...

So that's my story as August moves towards it's mid point, and the average temperatures here in the Northern Hemisphere move away from their highest point on July 21st, towards the coldest point in January.  Activity on the Internet and blog visitors slow down, June through August, I have noticed over my four years typing this blog, are the slowest by numbers.  There you have it, not much going on...except the Republic is dying and a nation of sheep whine and still demand "Where is my piece of the Shrinking Pie"?

back later>>>>

Photos-The Moon Flowers continue to come out one at a time...then die and drop off...strange plant/vine...What is Farmer John's Goose doing running with the Canadians?  And a lone spider hanging off a tree getting a great breeze and view of the coming Grand Lake sunrise....while catching his breakfast...

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