Friday, December 2, 2011

Double Murder in Mercer County/The Grizzly Details Emerge, Sam's latest OSU Gig

Some 24 hours after the discovery of the wheel chair bound 70 year old man and his caretaker/daughter who was 47, dead in their home, the Sheriff's Office release more details of the horrific murder in rural Mercer Country....:

The End of Innocence____

Some sort of sick son of a bitch required to execute two innocent people like now appears law enforcement is nowhere near close to solving this case....but you can be sure, in this small nit county, if they are here, they will be caught....problem has been over the years, in the few murder cases, mostly domestic, some limp wrist judge will let them off light or nullify the jury.  Fortunately the former liberal judge who coddled criminals, Dean James, has assumed room temperature and can no long go against the law and decisions of the seated jury...thank gawd for small favors.

Getting ahead of myself to say the least....hopefully a suspect or suspects can be captured quickly...but I suspect even if that happens, the citizens around here will remain cautious and even fearful after that tragic event.  This once naive populace is getting a wake up call.  When I moved to Celina with the family back in late 1962, Mercer County, with the exception of Celina, was 100% white, mostly Catholic, and crime free, at least from violent type criminals..  Celina had it's "wrong side of the tracks", but even that was limited to "Friday Night Fights" at the local pubs.  Not the case these days...Celina, and even the smaller towns to a degree, have been infested by trash.  Welfare seekers from the larger cities, Mercer County has always been an easy touch, and others...the days when everybody knew everybody else are gone, probably forever.  These days in Mercer County, instead of beer and pot, Heroin and Meth usage has soared, and crime, especially rural robberies and break-ins at small business are a weekly event.

Nope, this is no longer the Celina or Mercer County of my childhood....our kids move on to other areas, and the trash, which begets trash, moves in.....

Sam's latest gig___

Oldest son Sam is moving through his Senior year at "The" Ohio State University....still maintaining, at least the last I looked, a 3.3 GPA in the math heavy, very difficult, major of Actuarial Science...Hell I can't even spell it....but it does have to do with equations and quotients for the Insurance Industry.  But while he heads for his degree in that, he is working for the Ohio State Athletic Department.  And despite the trials the football program has seen over the last year,the OSU Athletic Budget is still the largest around.  Sam, while attending OSU-Lima for a year, hooked up with the Athletic Department, so when he transferred to the main campus, he got a gig there, to help him pay his way through school...along with grants, loans, and his officiating work in Football, Baseball, and Basketball.  Thus saving mom and dad big bucks...of course since he turns 30 later this month, I'm thinking it's the least he can do....

So this weekend, Sam gets a TV shot with the Big Ten he has done some play-by-play on the network for the student productions, but tomorrow, he gets to work p-b-p for the TV Network it's self On~Line....Sam will do the calling, while his color commentating partner will be big brother of Ohio State All American Jared Sullinger, JJ Sullinger, a former Buckeye Roundball star in his own right, from previous years.

Here is the information:

and here is the all access channel for the game:

Sad to say I'll miss the live version, because the old man will be working a double header at the Van Wert County Tip Off Classic at Crestview tomorrow, beginning at 11am.

State finals in Football begin today, with Coldwater in D5, Marion Local in D6, and Kenton in D4 from this area...

back later>>>>

Photos-The Victims, photo from Hometown Stations in Lima, Ohio, and Sam gets a chance to broadcast Thad Matta's 300 win on Saturday on the

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Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...