Friday, March 2, 2012

Storms on the Horizon...

It's getting pretty hard to take any weather forecast seriously these days....

After the near records on Wednesday, they called for "cooler" conditions yesterday...predicting a high near 50 in West Central Ohio/Grand Lake never got out of the upper 30s....

So today it was supposed to reach 65, another warmer, much warmer, than normal day....with sever Thunderstorms/Hail/Wind/Tornadoes sunrise they had dropped the predicted high to of 11am, it is 42, and icy cold rain and a east wind.  So far, they did get the Thunderstorms right, as they have been around all least since I returned home about 8am.

More Sunrise Photos from Grand Lake____

I assumed things would be a bit warmer, and having gone to bed early, I was up by 6, I took out to see if I could get some decent sunrise shots before the clouds moved in....I left just before 7 and was home within 40 minutes.  The photos I took were before the cloud cover and storms had blotted out the sun and arriving blue total I snapped about two dozen shots, a few are posted on today's blog.

When I arrived home, Patricia was just leaving for school, and the first clap of thunder and flash of lightning was about 10 minutes away....the "warmer" weather, 4 hours later, has yet to arrive, even though I can still hear the next line of approaching storms as I type.

Yesterday....the lost day____

No blogging, not much of anything around the house....I spent the day, almost the entire day, driving back and forth from home to hospital, home to doctor's office, and waiting...

The good news is, Wednesday, my heart echo thingy went OK, and my heart appears in good shape, yesterday I arrived at the St. Marys Joint Township Hospital, prepared for my artery carotid testing, something I guessed would take a hour tops.  By the time my day was done, back at the Cardiologist office, and home, it was nearly 2pm.  A test, a CAT Scam and a new prescription in hand, as well as an appointment next week in Lima with a specialist.  Other than that, I am fine, but going through an adjustment in attitude and waiting skills, something I didn't need just before baseball season, and that full work load in the near future.  

So for now, I will back off my workout/weightlifting schedule, and take a break from that until next week, and the aftermath of the appointment.

So there you have the past 48 hours or between the sleep, the appointments, and the photo shoot this morning, I did manage to get in our umpire banquet at Van Wert Wednesday night....batten down the hatches, more storms coming...I'll be back later>>>>

Photos-Another decent sunrise above Grand Lake this morning....I took as much in as possible, given the fact a cold wind was blowing across the choppy waters from the east....The Carotid test proved problematic yesterday, more tests and consultations will be needed....and storms, strong storms are on the horizon, with colder conditions for the weekend and early next week.

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