Friday, November 30, 2012

More Changes...Sam off to Chicagoland?

After working a Junior High double header at Paulding last night I have finally come to terms with the fact that I will have to deal with the pain, if I am to continue working basketball, over the next few months.  After a JV Boys game at Spencerville tonight, I take a couple of days off, then the "real" action begins.  With the exception of the Christmas week, beginning Monday, and lasting through the middle of February, I am scheduled to do anywhere from 8 to 10 games per week, with many of those being packed into Junior High double will be a test on my feet, heels, legs, and back....not to mention the rest of my aging body.

Before we started last night my partner Larry and I introduced ourselves to the coaches, when the young man coaching the 7th grade Paulding team introduced himself, the name immediately rang a bell, and after some conversation, he pointed out his dad, Bob, in the stands with his mother...Small World!  His dad Bob and his Uncle Bill are cousins, whom I had not talked with in probably 14 or more years...since the demise of the "Waldron" Family Reunions, when Aunt Eva, and Marty Poling died, the family reunions on that side, faded away as well.  I talked with Bob and wife between games, both which were won by arch rival Wayne Trace by close margins.....I headed home, and was in the drive-way by 8:30.

Sam, off to Chi-town!

After six months of searching for a major job, after graduation, it appears that oldest son Sam has finally landed a job related to his field....sure he had just gotten started with an underpaid underwriting position in Columbus, but he was still looking for an Actuarial job...he had been interviewing hard, and traveled as far as Houston, Texas, when a college friend recommended him to a large corporation just on the outskirts of Chicago.  The job is not in insurance and not exactly Actuarial related, but the pay and benefits are good, and he will be working with math, spreadsheets, and a Inventory Operational Specialist...once he passes the background check and drug screening, he will begin on December 10th, and it looks like he will immediately join his supervisor in Las Vegas at the opening of a new location.

Hopefully this will be his ticket, to getting out of his element, paying off the student loans, paying back his mom some of the bucks he borrowed from her...but at least, even in an expensive area like Chicago, the money he will be making, if all goes well, will get him out of the expenses he had incurred as a "older' college graduate...he turns 31 the week after beginning his new job.  Good Luck Sam!

In the meantime, Nick and I will take Nick's new 4x4 Ford Pick-Up and head to Columbus to drag some of  Sam's stuff home for garage storage, until he can find an apartment near his job in the western Chicago bergs....then Nick and I will take a road trip to the "second city" with Sam's gear.

Tomorrow Patricia and I will join Hal, Lisa, and Kasyn, on a train ride and the Lebanon, Ohio, Christmas Festival....Sunday Nick and I head to C~Bus, and then next week, Basketball full force begins....wish me luck!

back later>>>>

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

First Snow!

As I walked out of St. John Lutheran Church last night from another sorry performance at Dartball, John and I noticed the first snow of any actual amount of the 2012-13 ended up, kind of like my Dartball last evening, not to be much, just a small dusting was on the ground and roof this morning when I crawled out of bed...late for me to be sure, it was 8:45 a full two hours later than when I arose yesterday morning.  I walked out to give the birds and Squirrels their morning ration of feed and seed, then made the coffee, a full pot in the HB Brew Station, and headed for the shower.  That has been my morning thus far, and here I am almost two hours into my day.

Perhaps the main reason for my late rise this AM was the fact that when I got home from Dartball, I embarked on "testing" a couple of brews I had not tried in the past....the First was Merry Monks out of the Weyerbacher a ass kicking 9.3% alcohol triple ale...that was enough to make me slide back in my leather recliner and flip the remote between a miserable Monday Night match-up between two teams heading south in the standings, Carolina and Philly and Fox News as the miserable son of a bitch called Barack Obama{i.e. The Kenyan} continues to drag the Republic down to Islamic/3rd World levels...with those choices in front of me, I uncapped a Christmas Ale, this one from a Louzeeanna Brewery called Abetia...I think it was pretty solid, but after the Merry Monks I really can't the time I finished that, I was ready for the sack, and somehow I had lost a couple of was past Midnight, well past!

Back to Dartball, we lost 2 of 3 to fall to 6 wins 9 loses on the for me?  Well my average dropped to .305 while my RBI total reached 9, the first one good for second on the team and the second in a three way tie for first....for only the second time in the last 15 years or so, I really don't have my eyes focused on the board...305?  My Dart ego is taking a beating...I've only finished below .400  three times in the past, and one of those was with a bad back in 2007-08, another was last year when I finished just below .400, this year looks like I am going to be well below that this season.  One of the young guys (19) Tyler has taken over my spot however, and his hitting .361 in the lead off spot....our team, with the exception of me, is a very young team....but the kids are improving, while the rest of us middle and older gents are either holding our own, or in my case, falling slowly back in the pack.

Tonight it's back to Basketball Officiating...I'm off to Spencerville for a Girls JH double header, that will be followed Thursday the same at Paulding, then Friday the first real test on my foot and heel, a Boys JV game back at Spencerville, as they take on the wife's school St. Henry, two man JV games, especially at the boys level are about to become a thing of the past.  I have a handful or more this season, and a few for next year, but, a big but, if I survive those I will end that portion of my basketball officiating, let the younger guys do those.

That is the week ahead, as Basketball comes calling in the few weeks before Christmas...where the Hell has 2012 went?  Time is rushing the blink of an eye.

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Photos-The First Snow fall has come, and is slowly melting...already this morning.  Dartball, my days as a top tier player seem to be coming to an end...old age or lack of concentration?  A bit of both?  And Abita was one of the two new Ales I tried last night....both this and Merry Monks had a "Kick"!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Post Thanksgiving Notes and Thoughts

Unable to get back to sleep after Patricia woke up for work, I crawled out of the sack at 6:45 or so this morning....showered, put some coffee in a Styrofoam cup, and headed towards the lake....I was running late and arrived just as the sun was peaking up over the tree lined southeast side of the haze covered was actually a pretty nice site.  The waterfowl were flying in great numbers, and you could hear the shotgun blasts of the duck and geese hunters in the distance.  I grabbed the Nikon, left the Nitro running and walked towards the shoreline, with just enough time to snap maybe a dozen and a half photos...most came out pretty well, I guess because I didn't have time to think about it.  I used a small variety of settings, from Automatic, to Dusk/Dawn to Sunset/Sunrise...I was on my way back towards home within 20 minutes.

Post Thanksgiving_____

The Thanksgiving weekend, in a nutshell, was a good one, that moved by in a quick fashion. 

On Turkey Day, we went to sister Marty and her husband Pat's{yes, like Mike, Pat is the other most common of names in the family and extended family} place....we had a good three hour get together with Mom and other family members...we will do the same come Christmas Eve.  We were home by night fall and football and basketball viewing were on the agenda.  Friday went by, and frankly, other than watching some football on the tube, I can't remember much about it.....Saturday would be more clear in my mind.

Saturday was the big always, the Ohio State/Michigan Football Game is the big happening around these parts in late November.  Ohio State on probation, won 26-21 after trailing by 21-20 at the half.  OSU has now won 9 of 11 and Urban Meyer's team went 12-0...sure they can't go to a bowl game thanks to former coach Jim Tressel and his merry band of cheaters, lead by super thug, Terrelle Pryor, but undefeated, beating Michigan and the Big Ten pretenders is still a pretty good season.

Youngest son Hal, his wife Lisa, and Grandson Kasyn were at the house to watch OSU and to celebrate the "K-Man's" first birthday...sure we had the big party in Centerville last Saturday, but this Saturday was his actual birthday and we had a big gift for him...amazing kid, and not just because he's my Grandson.  He had the playhouse figured out with little help within 30 minutes, and was on it like a pro.  Now longer satisfied to crawl, he was everywhere and anywhere he could get to....a great afternoon.

Once the game was over, that part of the family went over to see Great-Grandma who had a present for Kasyn....meanwhile I changed and headed north to Ottawa for my first regular season game of the year.  A JV Girls contest between O-G and Miller City...that went smoothly, as my sore foot and ankle, still not near 100% held up.  I headed the 55 miles south to home, and once I had showered, I grabbed a couple of beers and watched my favorite basketball team, The Duke Blue Devils, remain undefeated by winning the tournament in the Bahamas by defeating #2 ranked got better, sports wise on Sunday as the Bengals stayed in the NFL playoff hunt by whipping former Bengal QB Carson Palmer and the Oakland Raiders 34-10...that topped with a upset win by the Browns over Pittsburgh, keeps Cincinnati firmly in the Wild Care picture.

So, all-in-all the weekend turned out pretty good...real good in fact and I begin a new week.  Dartball tonight, and then basketball officiating tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday, after this the weeks, except for a few days off over Christmas week, will be filled with roundball until February starts to close out.  My plans are to eat healthy, stay fit, and keep my feet as protected as possible....

back later>>>>

Photos-Grand Lake this morning didn't look much different that it does on a calm day in July...but 40 or 50 degrees colder makes you appreciate the hot coffee more....and Kasyn on his first birthday figured out the play "house" pretty quickly, and celebrated a Buckeye over Michigan win with his Dad and Grandpa....

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


With the election over, but not the bitching from both sides continuing, I figure it's time to discuss politics less and enjoy life more.....sure on Twitter and facebook, I will continue to slam the Kenyan Bastard Child in the White House at every opportunity, but really it's time to move on....nearing 64 who knows how many, if any Presidential Campaigns I have left to concern myself over?  Time for more photography, more sports and officiating, and more enjoying things other than politics and/or wasting time on the Internet.  Other changes include cutting back on "craft" beer consumption and other things that I use my limited "fun money" resources on...there are different things I would like to do before I take up the sedentary life full time.

So that is the plan...we will see how my plans work out.....

Basketball, final scrimmage.....

Last night I worked my final scrimmage of the pre-season.  I was at New Bremen where the host Junior High team took on Waynesfield-Goshen for about 2 hours....this morning my foot is a bit sore, but not unbearable.  I have come to the conclusion that I will have to live with some foot pain, and probably not work as many back to back nights in the future, especially during basketball season.  Baseball?  Not so much.....Football? When that is probably more like Basketball, and I will likely have to back off some.  Age brings with it various aches and pains, and I've been pretty lucky over the years.  No major broken bones, no blown out knees, and the only major surgeries, a ruptured appendix and the Carotid Artery surgery this past March, had little or nothing to do with my officiating or other physical activity.  Of course the foot and heel issues are connected to officiating, while a torn tendon in my left bicep a decade or so ago, were related to my weight lifting, back when I was doing some heavy lifting in the old Racquet Club days.

Anyway, changes are needed both to my daily routine, and to my work out and officiating schedule.  No, I'm not giving up anything in total, but I do plan on "cutting back" on several things in my daily life schedule.

Speaking of Changes.....

The Holiday season kicks off tomorrow....well actually tonight.  In the old days we always had our pre-Thanksgiving Day party at the Lake Front Racquet....and that was the unofficial start of the Holiday/Winter Season.

Speaking of 'Holiday"....I never could figure out why people on the right and Christians{which I am a proud member of both} get upset with somebody saying "Happy Holiday", rather than "Merry Christmas"....sure I celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ and I say "Merry Christmas" when it's Christmas....but tonight and tomorrow begin the actual "Holiday" Season, and it will last until January 2, let me be the first to say a "Happy Holiday" and Merry Christmas to all.

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Photos-Very little sun yesterday and no sunrise when I took my before dawn tour around Grand Lake, but I did snap a few interesting photos.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Is America, as we knew it, Finished?

 Quick moving weekend to say the least, and this week will likely move by just as quickly.  Saturday we drove to Centerville, and along with 30 family members and friends of both Hal and Lisa, we celebrated grandson Kasyn's first birthday.  He was born last November 24th which was Thanksgiving evening, but with his actual birthday falling on the day of Ohio State/Michigan Football, the parents thought it best do it a week early.  They rented out the club house at the Centerville swim club they belong to, and we celebrated for a few hours.....Patricia, Anissa, and I, returned home about 6pm, making the 95 mile drive in less than 2 hours, in time for me to catch the final half plus overtime of the Buckeye win at Wisconsin.  OSU goes into the final game against Michigan with an 11-0 record, but ineligible to participate in the Big Ten Championship or Bowl Games...but a win over the hated rivals would top off the season, none-the-less.

Thanksgiving is Thursday, we will celebrate at sister Marty's place and then Saturday, Hal, Lisa, and Kasyn will be here as we watch OSU and celebrate his actual first birthday.....all that before I head to Ottawa-Glandorf before my first regular season game of the season, Saturday Night....a girls game between O-G and Miller City.  A busy week ahead, to say the least.

Is America Finished?

A simple question, with no simple answer....but by the looks of it, I would answer "Yes" least the America I grew up in.

We are faced with a divided Republic, one where an illegal Kenyan born Marxist can lie, cheat,  and steal his way into the nation's highest office, all while the so-called "fifth estate" stands by and cheers him on.  His 50% give or take a percentage point are stacked into one of two groups.  "Losers" or "Power hunger Elites".  The first group being the rag tag band of illegals, the  uneducated, bastard children by the dozen producing non productive leaches on society and the American Taxpayer.  The second group are the university hacks, union thug leaders, and American hating, Islamic terrorist loving, fools.  Tossed in are those ignorant to really know what is going on....they call themselves "Moderates".

The Democrat Party is now what Joe McCarthy, D-Wisconsin, told us what they were back in the late 1940s and early to mid 50s...."Reds", Communists, them what you will.  Tail Gunner Joe was right, and they are now in charge.  From the public schools, at all levels, to the universities, the courts, and the halls of Congress in Washington DC.  The GOP?  Well the Grand Ol' Party is not much better, look at the sad sack of national Candidates they put out....people the press and left call "Far Right Extremists"...really?, Really?  Mitt Romney, John McCain, the Bush Gang, Bob Dole????  Far Right?  Give me a freaking break....moderates at best, liberals closer to it.....yes indeed, our founding fathers, if watching from where, if anyplace, they can view the good ol' USA,  have to be shaking their heads in anger and disbelief, to see what the country they gave their blood, sweat, and lives for has become.   It's not coming back folks, at least without Revolution.....

I'm to old to worry much about it....Hell, the Obama Care Death Panels will take care of me before things change for the better...if they ever do.

How can the Republic be saved you might ask, short of bloodshed?  I don't have the answer, although a peaceful succession might be called for....let the Left have New England, the Rust Belt of Michigan, Ohio, Illinois,Minnesota, ect....and the Left Coast of California, Oregon, and Washington State....real Ameicans keep the rest.  Let's see how the elites and the lazy survive without the rest of us.....move the Capital of the New United States to Texas, split the Military, and tell the Liberal States of Amerika to pound sand.  Do I think that will happen?  Probably not anytime soon, but eventually we will split.  Even if "Real Amerians", those being Conservative, Christian, right leaning Jews, Libertarians, and Atheists, where abortion and perversion are frowned on still make up a large percentage of the population...sure we are out numbered by the numbskulls, and those that worship Obama and American Idols, but we are in the multi-million and still are the working class that actually don't covet "Free Stuff" and the Nanny State.

But the question I asked was "Is America, as we knew it{and the Founding Fathers planned} Finished"?   Without Question that answer is YES.....we have been taken over from within.....let the Revolution begin.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Back to Basketball....Agenda 21 is Evil!

Trying to get my physical health back to normal, whatever the Hell that might be, and Tuesday night I donned the black basketball sneakers and walked on the floor at Delphos St. Johns for a girls Junior High Scrimmage...two hours and some change later, I walked off the ancient floor at the "Vatican" feeling pretty good, sure my left foot was sore, but it and I survved.  I have come to the conclusion that almost any physical activity that requires me to use my legs and feet is going to have an adverse effect  on my left foot, heel, and's something I will have to learn to live with, sitting on my ass for the remainder of my days is not an option...I get enough of that, sitting at this computer for a couple of hours each morning, something else than needs to be curtailed.

I am back at DSJ tonight for another scrimmage, a Boys JH get together...meanwhile their Boys Varsity squad is in waiting, as like it is almost every post season, the Football team is still involved in the State Playoffs, now in week #3.  Other MAC schools still alive are St. Henry and Marion Local, who play tomorrow night, one will be gone, the other will move on, probably with a date with DSJ in D6 .  Also Coldwater, in D5 they will likely make another State Title game.  From the WBL, Ottawa-Glandorf, still unbeaten, moves on in D4.  Basketball and Football clashing for the high school sports pages.

Politics and "Agenda 21"......?

With the elections over, for the most part, there are still some undecided races which the left is bound and determined to steal for themselves, such as the Allen West seat in Florida...the nation could move on and we could get along....sure, but not a fu**ing chance!  I for one, have no intention of "getting along" with a collection of hard left asshats, that want to destroy our very way of life, by letting Government control our every move and our every dime.   Barack Obama and his toadies can go straight to Hell, a place most are likely headed for anyway, and if I end up joining them, I can deal with it....

Politics be dammed, the world is a much more sinister and diabolicial place these days...a particularlly nasty item is on the horizon...the UN Agenda 21 and no it is not a Conspiracy Plot.

A nasty agenda by the totally corrupt United Nations....if this doens't bring Jesus back, I'm not sure anything will.  Glenn Beck is on the frontline to put out the word on this planned Nazi like program, which is designed to destroy all those who will nor comply or those unable to fend for themselves...even many Liberals, as lame minded as they are, are not on board for this.  The United Nations must go....back to Hell from where it came.

And so, the madness continues.....and Ohio is on the watch list:

Well that appears to be enough happy talk and fun for now...

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Back from Wisconsin/Beer from Same

The hard thing to control when I head off to the wife's hometown of Oconomowoc in southeast Wisconsin, is the intake of food and the sampling of new beers...this weekend past was no exception to that old rule.  After dropping 12 pounds of the 20 I had gained back from th 35 pound loss when it was discovered I had the beginnings of Diabetes 2 back in September of 2009, I looked squarely in the face of a Wisconsin weekend. 

Those weekends usually bring about a weight gain, and this would be no exception.  That started out a couple hours after arriving, with the Fish Fry Friday at the Golden Mast....

....a restaurant where Patricia had been a waitress during her high school days, and where we had our pre-wedding dinner back in mid-December of 1976....we have dined there on a dozen or more occasions since that day nearly 36 years ago, and for the past few years during our annual before Thanksgiving mini vacations, it has been our first activity.  The setting and the fish fry Friday meals have always been outstanding, and in no way lead themselves to losing any weight, or even in the hope of keeping off what you lost in the recent past.

There you are, Friday Night Fish Fry, then sitting around, watching football, drinking beer and some Winter Ale, snacking, sitting, and sleeping in....and bang!  4 pounds gained since!  So here I am back and back on track to lose the additional 20 goal is 175, which would mark the same weight as I was when I returned from Vietnam as a 21 year old Air Force Sky Cop in 1970....I made it down to 183 at one point in 2010, right now I stand at 195...thus the 20 pounds.

Sure it's much harder to lose at 63 years....but what the Hell?  I plan on doing just that.  I had a nasty case of "Walking Pnemonia" back in 1973/74 and dropped down into the 150-155 pound range, but that was not planned...and certainly not welcome.  This time it is for health reasons, and the stubborn urge to prove I can do it, while still downing a few beers, and eating three meals a day.....time will tell.

The four days, despite the weight gain, got me away from the stupidity of politics and comments on same, so it was well worth it...Patricia, Anissa, and I got back to Celina yesterday afternoon, just in time for me to head off to Dartball, where, after being stomped at Mendon 13-0 in the first game, we won the last 2 by close scores of 4-3 in 12 innings, and 5-2...I ended up going 6 for 15 with a RBI to hold down the team leadership or share in both, despite not having a great early season...batting just .349 and tied in team leadership with 5 RBIs.  As a team, we stand at 4 wins and 5 loses....frankly, that is better than we should be.

Basketball Begins_____

Here it first scrimmage of the season is set for tonight.  Less than 6 weeks out from my foot injury, sure I was supposed to take 6 to 8 weeks off, but I realized that I could not wait until my first regular season game on November 24th to see how the healing has went.  There still are some issues, but with Junior High scrimmages, four in number, over the next week or so, it will give me a chance to "test the waters" so to speak.  Tonight a girls JH scrimmage at Delphos St. John will be the first of those tests.  I am ready, I think!

Winter/Holiday Ales_____

In addition to my favorite brews, the dark stouts, I have become, over the past few cold weather  months and years, a big fan of Harvest Ale and especially Winter Ales, and have been on a constant search for new brews...Wisconsin offers a large selection of both, and despite being a high tax state to the Nth degree, the beer prices are among the lowest anywhere I have found in my travels.

On Saturday morning, I headed out to the local liquor establishment in one of the Oconomowoc mini malls...a place I had had stopped many times over the years, a place with a good supply and collection of various brews, cigars, and hard liquor.  When I stopped in this year, I came across a brew that I had serched for in Indiana last year, but came up empty....Snow Day from New Belgium, out of Fort Collins, Colorado.  A brew not yet available in least to my knowledge.  The price was right, just over $8 a six pack, a full 2 dollars less than it would have been across the state line in Indiana, if I could find it!

I grabbed a couple of six packs, and also a single six pack of Sierra Nevada "Celebration" Winter Ale....the later brew, was a bit bitter, and frankly not something I will buy again.  I like some of their brews, but this one, at least compared to "Snow Day" or my personal favorite,  "12 Dogs of Christmas Ale"  out of Thirsty Dog Brewing Company from Akron, Ohio.  So despite the cold weather to come, I can say beer/ale wise, this is my favorite time of year.  And it's always good to find a new adventure when it comes to that....

back later>>>>>

Photos-The "House" Winter Ale at the Golden Mast.....The View from our table on Friday Night last....Basketball begins tonight, at least on the scrimmage level....Snow Day is a good quality Winter Ale, but not quite as good, or does it pack as much "punch" at 12 Dogs of Christmas....but both are drinkable Winter Ale fare...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Taking Off For a Few Days....

Now that the election is over, and the Obama Brown Shirts, Racists, Union Thugs, and Poverty Pimps, are safely in control for another four years, I can kick back and relax...knowing full well that I have something to bitch and complain about for the foreseeable future...Life Is Good! 

As I wrote yesterday, it's almost good that Romney lost, the challenge we face is too much for one man with a divided Congress to 'Let the Kenyan Bastard Have at it" know that simple half witted SOB will fail, and when he does, hopefully the 50% of the American public who don't have their heads stuck squarely up Obama's ebony backside, will realize, we have a major crisis. 

So with this settled, I can get ready for basketball season, sore heel and all....I moved up my schedule by 11 days, instead of waiting for my first regular season game at Ottawa-Glandorf on November 24th, I decided to pick up some Scrimmages, and will work at least three Junior High gigs, starting next week upon our return from Wisconsin....might as well see how the heel, and the still healing left foot and ankle, will react, I can always push the timeline back.

This weekend, Sam will be in charge at home, as Patricia, Anissa, and I, leave for Wisconsin to spend the weekend{our Thanksgiving} with her folks in Oconomowoc....we will return Monday.  Hopefully by that time Sam will know more on the job front.  With three on the line, it is his hope{and ours} that he will decide whether it will be him remaining in Columbus, or heading to Houston or Chicago, to work in his chosen Actuarial Science field.  With Obama Care about to descend on and screw the Republic and it's  Population, the insurance field appears to be wide open, especially with someone with the Math and Actuary skills he possesses.

So, a few days off, and I will likely be back at the keyboard, both here and on facebook, sometime early next week.....

back later>>>>

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Rehash....

I stayed up until after Midnight and when Fox(who honestly, provided piss poor election night coverage} called the state of Ohio, my state, for the Kenyan King of America, I knew it was time to hit the sack...Ohio, in which my country, Mercer, went 77% for Romney, the highest percentage in the state, doesn't get all the blame this year....Virginia and even Colorado went for the Kenyan, it also appears that Florida may go that way as well, not that it matters.  Obama wins with over 300 Electoral Votes and by nearly 2 and one half million votes...toss out the Peoples Republic of Mexifornia and each candidate gets about 49% of the votes, the Senate remains solid Democrat, but with no filibuster-proof majority, while the House remains solidly in GOP hands, and my former Congressman, John Boehner{whose district moved a couple miles south of my home, I now have Conservative Bob Latta} will remain as Speaker.

I have to admit that when I woke up after five hours sleep, I was tired, but not upset when I logged on the computer.  This defeat moves the end game forward, a Mitt Romney win would not have solved our Republic's problems, it would have just kicked the can down the road.  Mitt, while I believe he is a good man, is not, and never was, a true Conservative.  So this puts it on Obama and his slave like supporters shoulders....and just who are "his people"?

Well over 70% of white voters, who make up over 70% of the population voted for Romney, while 80% of minorities{except Asians, the intelligent minority population, who went for Romney} voted for the Kenyan Grifter...these folks are the REAL RACISTS, looking out for "Free Stuff", and wanting "Whitey" to pay for their "stuff"...meanwhile the ignorant white trash of the nation, along with their fellow travelers in the Minority population are the ones producing the majority of the kids.  And you can see them in your stamps, welfare checks, and all other kinds of "free stuff", thanks to the American Taxpayer and the Nanny State...this, my readers, are the future of America, is there any doubt we are in deep dung?

Where do we go from here?

Frankly I am not sure....we have been heading down a God hating/rejecting society for some time, the lazy, the ignorant, and the evil, would rather watch silly TV programs, and promote the queer lifestyle, than think for themselves.  They would rather abort their unborn than take precautions, they would rather have YOU pay for their lives, that work or think for themselves.  Mitt Romney's 47% is actually the 50%, and they have the White House, Senate, and Courts, stacked in their corner.  We "real" Americans have the GOP controlled House, the majority of the state houses, and Governor Mansions.  And most of the guns!

How does the Republican Party gets it's game back?  Well it sure the Hell is not going to win by being Democrat Lite....if that is the way we win, why bother.....?   Mr Leg on this link pretty much tells you my feelings, with a bit better language than I would use:

Romney, the nice guy Moderate, blew his chance....after winning the first debate, he decided to go soft on Obama for his mistakes, that cost lives, in Libya, and elsewhere.  Romney played safe, and it cost him.  Obama is an abject failure, and frankly I'm not sure if he's plain evil or just plain guess is more of the second, but there is enough evil from him and his supporters, to bring that into play.

So where exactly do we go?

The GOP needs to fight for what we believe....freedom for all, freeloading for only those truly in need, our own energy, and we are not talking silly sun and wind, "Green Energy" BS...we need to bring our troops home from Europe and elsewhere, and cut the Middle East loose, protect Israel as we must, but cut the Muslim shitholes of the world loose, once and for all...let those smelly bastards continue to fornicate with Goats and Camels, murder their women and children, and kill each other off, Eventually they will cease to be a problem for our country...and for God's sake, don't continue to let them immigrate to this nation, they are not needed or welcome.   This garbage needs cut loose.

We as a party need to stand up against "Illegal" Immigration....mainly, stop letting uneducated trash in the country, there are no jobs to go around for the simple minded....only allow self sufficient, college educated immigrants in, ones that can actually find and do a job!

The big disappointments in last night's results, at least to me, was Alan West losing his re-districted seat in Florida, and the several close losses by GOP Senate Candidates...especially losing in RED States like Missouri, Montana, Indiana, and maybe even North Dakota, which at this point is "to close to call"...

So there you have it, a disappointing, but hardly tragic loss...the game goes on, stock up on Gold, if you can afford it, and Ammo if you can find it....this game is not going to go well, at least not in the foreseeable future.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012....The Wait is {Almost} Over?

OK....I, and the rest of the family have already voted, Sam, me, Patricia, and Anissa, here in Celina, and Hal down at his home in the Centerville/Dayton area...our five votes for Mitt and Paul are in the books, and a good percentage of Ohio voters cast their ballots early.  However, many more still had not voted early, and as I drove towards the polling place across town on Celina's east side that became perfectly clear....the polling place at the old shopping mall, which now houses the Galleria and several small stores, a Snap Fitness Center, is now the home for all the precincts in the city to cast their ballots on election day.  The place at 10:30, or at least the parking lot, was appears, at least in our little corner of Ohio, that the turnout will be "heavy" for lack of a better word. 

I suspect the Romney/Ryan ticket will command at least 80% of the votes in Celina , Mercer County, and the surrounding counties as well.  After all, we are mostly white, mostly Christian, mostly Pro-Life, and mostly we still have the naive idea that America is still a pretty good place to live....and if we can toss the Marxist son of a bitch, who currently sits in the White House, out, we will be a better place for us, our kids, and futture generations.

So Tuesday Election Day has come...we may or may not know the results by Midnight...if it's as close as most predict, we could be in for a long round of recounts and  lines of lawyers...let's hope not.  So I'm not going to leave you with the tired old..."I don't care who you vote for, just get out and vote" thoughts run this way:

"If you love this Republic and want to help save it, get out and vote, if you think that Kenyan Skunk is a nice guy, stay the Hell home"!

back later>>>

Monday, November 5, 2012

Election 2012 {one day out}

The advertisements, the lame commercials, the Robo Calls, the lies from those running for office, and especially the cover ups and one sided, in the tank for Obammy, Media coverage, is about over...Maybe!

By all accounts, the Presidential Race is a Dead Heat....I suspect that Romney leads, but frankly even with the bias in most polls, Rasmussen, usually the most accurate has it a close, even with the enthusiasm gap in favor of Mitt Romney, Scott Rasmussen has it 49-48% for Mitt:

My prediction?   Romney wins 51% of the vote and 293 Electoral Votes, with 270 needed to win.....however, don't bet the farm on it.  This is likely going to be close and Obammy and Company, along with their Chicago Cronies, will do anything and everything to steal this election.

So all we can do now is wait, and hope that this doesn't end up in the courts...frankly I want a clean election, even if Obammy wins 2008 there was no doubt the Kenyan bastards child won, and despite me despising him as much as I did Clinton or Carter, I would rather have it over and done come Wednesday morning....with the GOP sure to maintain the House and at least 47 or 48 Senate seats, there will be gridlock, and that is a good thing, especially if Obama remains in office.  Let's hope for the best however, and a easy or at least a solid Romney victory.

Make no mistake Mitt Romney is no Ronald Reagan....more like a George Bush one...but the alternative is so evil and corrupt, that Mitt, for all his liberal ways, is a must win for America, at least for the Republic to be maintained....a second Obama Administration{which he will likely try to turn into a third and forth} will see the end of America as we know it.....if that happens, load up you guns and ammo and head to the hills...all Hell will break loose, and they will be coming after our freedoms and guns.

Other things in this  Mundane Life.....

I was up early this morning, checked my Blood Pressure, and it was up, of course it was, I had a doctor's appointment, and it always goes up 30 or 40 points on the high end.  Just before heading out to the Nitro and off to Minster the reading was 159/82 with a pulse rate of 60....yesterday afternoon it was 116/72 with a pulse of 55, which is closer to "normal"...over the last 10 days I have been averaging 115-125 over 65-74, which by all accounts is pretty good, especially for someone my age....I think I convinced the doc, only my second visit with him, that the dreaded "White Coat Syndrome" does indeed affect me, and he agreed, keeping me on the same med dose, that in itself was enough to take down the BP.

My post football foot injury is now just past 4 weeks down with less than 3 weeks to go before basketball season...right now it appears on schedule to return, although it is not 100% by any means.  Lucky my schedule is pretty light the first couple of weeks, so if I don't do anything to risky or stupid, I may survive until the Christmas break and re-evaluate my status...the bottom line is, I want to be ready for Baseball season, basketball, frankly, is the least of my three officiating sports and the one I will likely give up first.

The weekend was cool, and damp .... in between watching some boring football, The Buckeyes won easily, the Bengals choked late to lose their 4th straight, and the high school playoffs began, with all of the local teams involved winning, except for WBL Elida, the MAC and WBL went 7-1 overall and the seven are likely to continue the winning next week in round two.

Otherwise my agenda discovered finding a new brew, actually a Steiner Holiday Ale brewed at that middle sized brewery in Texas...."Holiday Cheer" is the name and with a moderate alcohol content, at 5.4%, it is a fruity/nutty brew that goes down easy.

Tonight back to Dartball, when we play our first home games....we stand at 2 wins 1 loss after last weeks opening games, and personally I am hitting .429 with 3 RBIs, leading the team in both....tonight we take on Rockford, who has been tough on us the past few years.

Back Later>>>>>go out and vote, unless you are support Obama and the Left, then do the world a favor, and stay the Hell home!

Photos-Romney or the Kenyan, hopefully by early in the evening Tuesday the trend will be for Mitt, otherwise the Kenyan Narcissistic SOB will more "Forward" in his plans to destroy the Republic.  Some of the entertainment this weekend included the back yard Squirrels feeding off the sparse supply of Monmouth Sunflowers that I managed to grow....not sure why they need to eat upside down, but what the Hell? It works for them....and Shiner Cheer{Holiday Ale} is in stock for the season...not bad.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Election 2012:{part 1} 4 Days Out!

I got up early this morning, well before sunrise, saw Patricia off to work, and headed out to Grand Lake...that gave me sometime to shoot a few pre sunrise photos, and think about what lies ahead just four days out from the Presidential Election.  Looking at the latest polls, I don't believe any of the pollsters have a freaking clue as to what will happen come Tuesday, most, excpet for those in the tank for Obammy the Kenyan Klown, have things dead even.....including the one I most rely on Rasmussen:

So here we go....3 and one half days to decision day, the most important election in American History?  I don't think so....

Important Elections?

As I got up and headed out as usual, on the few days I get up early, I am amazed how how quiet and peaceful things are in this little corner of the not as quiet as those mornings of a few years ago, after my retirement, when I would be driving a 40 foot RV across the New Mexico desert in the pre-dawn hours, now that was quiet and peaceful!  But certainly not like the noise, confusion, and lunacy of New York City and New Jersey, both pre and post Hurricane Sandy.  I look at the fools, like that Hot Air Hebrew named Bloomberg, who rules NY City like some kind of mini dictator, or that fat toad Chris Christie, who is all into kissing Obama's ebony ass, just to get some "free stuff" from the Federal Government...aka The Working Taxpayers of America...F**k those guys and those that think like and support them.

Yes, the election comes up Tuesday, I have already voted....and I hope Romney wins, but don't think for a minute things are going to change....we have a divided Republic, and divided we will remain.  You can blame 24/7 news, you can blame the right wing....but make no mistake the blame for this division rests squarely on the shoulders of the left and their lap dog media.  The game changed in 2000, when Fat Al Gore and his lawyers tried to steal the close fought election of that year, the Supreme Court finally stopped that attempt and the left has never forgiven the nation...they never will.

Most liberals, progressives, Democrats, are clueless, they are frankly, for the most part, too stupid to think beyond their next paycheck or next Government handout...sure there are the intelligent evil ones, and the naive ones like the youth and college kids, but the core are STUPID.  They love "free stuff" and they love the Nanny State and cradle to grave handouts.  So, is this election the most important in our history?  No, that came back in 2000, and election that divided the country for the foreseeable future, an election the left tried to steal, when they couldn't, George Soros and the left wing media, gave us Barack Obama.  A half black nitwit, origins unknown, likely born in Kenyan, but produced and put forth by a radical Anti-American Nazi, named Soros....and that is how we got to 2012.

The liberal media and academia love to talk about how uniformed and unintelligent Conservatives are....let's make it perfectly clear, I sat behind a News Desk for years, then I spent 20 years working in the Environmental/Public Health Field, both were loaded with far left "thinkers", who frankly did little thinking at all.  Most got their "walking orders" from the radicals in far left academia, and trust me, those people aren't the brightest bulbs in the proverbial box.

Divided we stand, at least for now....the question is not if we fall, but when we will fall.   Yes Mitt Romney is better than Barack Obama, but make no mistake things will continue into the abyss we face, regardless of which is elected, because frankly nobody is willing to make the hard choices....of course it's easy for me to rant, Hell I'm nearing 64 next years old, I'm retired or at least semi so, but that doesn't stop me from worrying about the future for my kids, especially my handicapped 33 year old daughter, or my soon to be 1 year old grandson...sure the boys are college graduates and have good futures likely ahead of them, the wife will have a secure retirement, but those will all go out the window, if this train wreck of an out of control government isn't stopped.....and stopped soon.

More on Monday>>>>>

Photos-A collection taken in the pre-dawn hours this morning.....along the west side of Grand Lake St. Marys, The Celina Side.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

After the Storm....

The sun is shining, finally, after a bout of "Sandy" over the past few days, which brought rain, colder temperatures, wind, and a bit of snow....looking ahead the extended forecast doesn't look all that good, nothing major as far as storms, but the temperatures will be cool for the next 10 days or so, and below normal for the early November period.

Nearly 4 weeks out from my foot injury on that rainy night on a Paulding football field, my ankle and left foot are still somewhat swollen and not anywhere near back to normal...but now just over three weeks away from my first basketball game, I believe it's coming along well enough to make my opening game at Ottawa on November 24th...but the next couple of weeks will decide that for sure, one way or the other.

With the election just five days away the results come next Tuesday evening are still very much up in the air...although Mitt Romney has taken a small lead anything can happen, and with the main stream media totally in the tank for Barack Obama, they will do anything they can to get their Kenyan Messiah re-elected...the son of a bitch might be a Marxist, with no college records and no live Birth Certificate, but he is their Marxist, and like the media and academia, out to destroy this Republic...sadly nearly have the voting public is as stupid or gullible enough to buy what the Kenyan Snake Oil Salesman is peddling. 

I've said on many occasions that politics is a filthy rotten game, and one that splits up families and friends....this election of 2012 is the worst I've seen and Democrats in general and Liberals in particular are the ones driving the nation apart....all led by a half witted gay bath house queen from Chicago{or Kenya}by the name of Barry Soetoro, aka: Barack Obama.  Hopefully Tuesday will bring the end to his reign, but whether Mitt Romney is elected or Obama remains in office, this nation will remain divided and on the verge of Civil War...thanks to the left and their lap dogs in the main stream media.

It's now going on five months since oldest son Sam graduated from The Ohio State University, and even with a Bachelor of Science degree in Actuarial Science, a highly prized degree, he has struggled on the job front, despite working his way though OSU and finishing up in four years with a better than 3.0 average...the Obama job market remains tight, but Sam has maintained his job with OSU.Com and the Big Ten Network and continues to officiate three high school sports. 

However it now appears things might be breaking Sam's way..........

He is currently in Texas, interviewing for a major Actuarial job with one of the nation's largest insurance companies....meanwhile while he interviews with them, he received an offer from another company in Columbus for an underwriting position.  Underwriting isn't being an Actuary, and the pay isn't as great, but it does give him a fall back if appears however than Texas might well be in his future....either way it seems that things are looking up for him, and we are thankful for that.  He also has several other opportunities in the future, but right now the Texas job looks best for what he would like to do in the near future.

So that is the way November begins....hopefully in the next week, Obama will be defeated and Sam will have his new job lined up.....

back later>>>>

Photos-top Grandson Kasyn and me, with the "K-man" decked out in his Halloween Monster outfit, and Sam and me back in June at his OSU Graduation, hopefully the years spent at Ohio State are about to pay off with a job with a major insurance company.

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...