Is America Finished?
A simple question, with no simple answer....but by the looks of it, I would answer "Yes" least the America I grew up in.

The Democrat Party is now what Joe McCarthy, D-Wisconsin, told us what they were back in the late 1940s and early to mid 50s...."Reds", Communists, them what you will. Tail Gunner Joe was right, and they are now in charge. From the public schools, at all levels, to the universities, the courts, and the halls of Congress in Washington DC. The GOP? Well the Grand Ol' Party is not much better, look at the sad sack of national Candidates they put out....people the press and left call "Far Right Extremists"...really?, Really? Mitt Romney, John McCain, the Bush Gang, Bob Dole???? Far Right? Give me a freaking break....moderates at best, liberals closer to it.....yes indeed, our founding fathers, if watching from where, if anyplace, they can view the good ol' USA, have to be shaking their heads in anger and disbelief, to see what the country they gave their blood, sweat, and lives for has become. It's not coming back folks, at least without Revolution.....
I'm to old to worry much about it....Hell, the Obama Care Death Panels will take care of me before things change for the better...if they ever do.
How can the Republic be saved you might ask, short of bloodshed? I don't have the answer, although a peaceful succession might be called for....let the Left have New England, the Rust Belt of Michigan, Ohio, Illinois,Minnesota, ect....and the Left Coast of California, Oregon, and Washington State....real Ameicans keep the rest. Let's see how the elites and the lazy survive without the rest of us.....move the Capital of the New United States to Texas, split the Military, and tell the Liberal States of Amerika to pound sand. Do I think that will happen? Probably not anytime soon, but eventually we will split. Even if "Real Amerians", those being Conservative, Christian, right leaning Jews, Libertarians, and Atheists, where abortion and perversion are frowned on still make up a large percentage of the population...sure we are out numbered by the numbskulls, and those that worship Obama and American Idols, but we are in the multi-million and still are the working class that actually don't covet "Free Stuff" and the Nanny State.
But the question I asked was "Is America, as we knew it{and the Founding Fathers planned} Finished"? Without Question that answer is YES.....we have been taken over from within.....let the Revolution begin.
back later>>>>
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