Sunday, February 8, 2015

March 2015...Heading for Moab{Utah}

As the long winter{not as cold nor as snowy as last year, at least not so far} continues, I and others from around the Midwest and Nation prepare to take our Yamaha TWs out west to the Moab Desert Region of eastern Utah.  As of last count, at least 22 of us, with the possibility of 30 or more, total have confirmed we will be riding the slow, steady, but mighty TW200s during late March out west.

Kurt, the Indiana Lawyer, his Nephew The Weasel, and my old buddy Nick, will be heading out as a foursome...while many will be tent camping in the hinterland, at least us four, plus others, will be staying at the Moab KOA Cabins just south of the city....tent camping in March, even in the Desert does not sound warm enough for me....

While Nick had originally planned on tagging along and riding a quad runner, we discovered space and cost were not in the best interest of that plan, so I finally talked him into looking at the TW, even though he had not ridden a Motorcycle in 40 years....finally after some searching, I called the Honda East folks at Toledo/Maumee, and Nick pulled the trigger on a brand new 2015, which he got a deal on that was as good or even better than the one I pulled off last March on a new 2014...

We picked it up a week ago last Wednesday, and that trip in itself was an "Adventure"...

Everything went smooth as silk on the way up, Nick made his deal, and we loaded up the silver and white 2015 and were on our way back down I-75 towards home when the adventures began....

First off a blown driver's side tire outside of Findlay....once AAA came to replace that with the spare, we headed back south, only to the weather rotted space give way less than a mile outside Bluffton...we limped into town and after a couple of stops, we found a tire shop who would put a new tire on and check the remaining damage done, and our 5 hour planned trip turned into more like 8 or 9, but we made it back to Montezuma, safe and sound, as did Nick's new we just need some riding weather before we deliver them to Kurt's before the trip west....

 Moab should be a blast...and I, and especially Nick, will see if we can handle the dirt, sand, rocks, ledges, and narrow paths of the Mounting Desert....

Less than six weeks away, and video and still photos await if we survive this latest "Adventure", now in our mid 60s.....

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