Saturday, December 18, 2021

Winding Down 2021


Since I got back from Florida on Halloween Night, the last 6 or 7 weeks have not only flown by, they have been filled with many ups and downs.  The older you get {73 in March, if I survive that long} the crazier and quicker moving life goes...

In November I returned to doing some part time Security Work at Honda, basically to refill my "Fun Money" that I spent in Florida, a couple thousand would take care of that and I worked enough right up until Thanksgiving week to make the "refill", that way I would be set for the planned Dual Sport Motorcycle Rides in 2022 to Moab and other adventures...

My old radio buddy, who I got his first gig some 40 years ago, from Cleveland, now living with his family in Louisville, KY, came to visit for 3 days.  Andy is now the Senior VP and Political Liaison for AMAC, the Conservative alternative to the Biden Obama Loving Leftist Group AARP...Patricia and I are among the 3 million and growing members.

AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens  

Anyway it was a nice 3 day get together and we rehashed some old times and  looked ahead.  Andy is "Vaxxed" while Patricia and I are not...and when Andy was leaving on Tuesday before Thanksgiving, I noticed that I had a slight cold and scratchy throat...BANG, by Wednesday I was sleeping a bunch, by Friday, Patricia was doing likewise...COVID?  Probably, but no way in Hell I'm becoming a "Stat" for the Leftist Ghouls at the CDC and Fauci/Biden.  By Saturday I was recovering, Patricia took the Ivermectin that she had ordered over the Internet, and after 3 days of sleeping, she recovered quickly...There you have that.  Vaxxed son Sam, and the rest of the Unvaxxed family members were in and out over Thanksgiving Weekend.  Some had already had COVID some not...nobody in our family, besides Patricia and me, came down with it on this round...HOWEVER!  Vaxxed or not, Andy calls me a week later, after spending a few days at his inlaws in Cleveland, and Vaxxed Andy has the COVID...he recovered within the week.

There you have it...Vaxxed or Not, that stuff is around and you are likely to eventually get it...take some precautions and you, if no underlying issues, will likely be fine.  IMO it was no worse than any cold or Bronchitis that I have had over the years ...

Enter December:  As we were recovering from that we headed into mid December...I get a call from youngest sister down in Naples, that Mom at 97 has tumbled out of her bed and crashed, busting her head open.  Mentally alert, she seems to be recovering, after a few days, but they have moved her from sister's house to a rehad facility, perhaps for a month??  We will wait that out, the other sister flew down and they can deal with that...I'll be ready to head down if needed.

Then just like that we were looking forward to oldest son Sam's 40th birthday on the 17th and Patricia and my 45th Wedding Anniversary on the following today, that would be today, the 18th.  However in the meantime we received a couple of crushing notes.  My good friend and fellow Vietnam Sky Cop, Wayne Dezarn died of a sudden Heart Attack on Thursday the 16th...Wayne was one of the original 5 that started the Dayton Vietnam Sky Cop Reunion back in 2007, there are now 3 of in the Dayton area are pending.  Then last night we received word that Patricia's Sister in Law, Sandy Callies, had passed after a long battle with cancer...Sandy dies on Sam's Birthday and the day before our wedding anniversary, in which she was Matron of Honor back in December 1976...

December has always been a month filled in my clan with Weddings, Births, Deaths, and December 2021, half way through, is no different...add that to the fact that that crazy demented son of a bitch, Joe Biden and his Puppet Masters are trying to refire the bullshit COVID scare, and it appears that 2022 is going to be one "interesting" year...IF we, and I, survive the last two weeks of 2021

Back Later>>>

Photos-Me{right} and my good friend Wayne Dezarn at one of our frozen Dayton Vietnam Reunions, before we moved them to April back in 2013...Andy and his wife Amy during a Fox News interview concerning the effects of Obamacare on everyday citizens...Patricia and I on our wedding day 12/18/1976 at her hometown, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin...and Sam and his broadcast partner, back in his Ohio State days broadcasting a women's OSU Basketball Game...

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Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...