Thursday, June 20, 2024

Another Summer is Here and an Old Friend passes...


Yeah, it's been since February, so thought I would post a quickie...

Been spending most of the Spring, first day of Summer is today, chasing around with youngest son and middle grandson at their travel baseball games and tournament...

Just a quick note, and old friend and riding buddy Bob Reynolds passes today at James OSU in Columbus...he lived one Hell of a life, although the last few years have been brutal with the various cancers...

On the positive side he did find Jesus Christ a couple of years back...

RIP  Bob, safe travels in the afterlife.  Photo Bob and his Hym and me at my TW200 October 2022 in Ohio's Hocking Hills...

ps:  I plan on getting back on here more as the baseball and swim seasons winds down, because at 75 I cannot afford to be looking back, the grim reaper might be gaining on me...

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