Friday, April 10, 2009

The Obama Apology/Treason Tour Wrap-Up

We received plenty of sunshine, albeit still cool weather, for Wednesday/Thursday...Garry and I went to New Haven, Indiana, a Fort Wayne east berg Wednesday afternoon for a game that had been moved due to a wet outfield from Wayne Trace. The purple Bulldogs have a great facility and the field was in excellent condition. Yesterday I headed to the Ohio/Indiana line city of Fort Recovery to umpire the plate for the home standing Indians against Union City, Indiana. A quick contest which saw the Fort's ace shut down UC...16 batters faced, no walks, 2 hits, and 13 strike outs. The Fort jumped out 7-0 in the first inning, and finished the 10-0 win in 5 innings by scoring 2 to end it in the bottom of the 5th.

No games today due to Good Friday, there would not have been any locally anyway, another hard rain hit overnight, and the steady cold drizzle continues at this hour. Tomorrow oldest son Sam and I are at Wayne Trace again, this for a double header, but wet fields could shut that down, if the weather cancels that, Sam will head to Zanesville to be with his OSU-Lima Barons teammates to take on OU-Zanesville....balancing work(umpiring), classes, and baseball(playing) for the Barons, has become juggle work for Sam...but he still is riding along with a 3.9 GPA in his Actuarial Science major.

Sunday is our turn to host the family for Easter....sister Marty with her husband Pat, and 2 of their daughters with husbands, and Molly and Aaron's first child will be here, our first chance to see Lilly, who was born a few hours before my 60th Birthday on March 15th. Mike has left for Florida, where he will bring home mom for the summer, but not before they hit the Sanibel condo until the first of May.

Speaking of old buddy Tom left his horse training job in Florida and returned home to train them up north until November or December....he stopped by and we grabbed a bite to eat. After my game last night we along with Nick, hooked up at Smedley's Irish pub for a couple of rounds, where we were joined by Garry and Paul for a couple more. Tom stayed at Nick's last night and stopped by the house this morning before heading north to Angola to stay with his sister, until the spring training for horses begins May 1st near Dreshler, Ohio.

The Obama Non-Reality Tour

Our asshole of a fearful leader and his lovely wife Queen Michelle Antoinette Obama returned to the states a couple of days ago...and the reverberations are still flowing across the non-left wing news media, the lap dog left continues to ignore the rookie-in-chief's faults..."What Faults?" they say.

In addition to bowing down to the King of Saudi Arabia, Barry managed to insult his country(well we all know he really isn't American, but let's pretend, he was born here, and not in Africa), and make apology for winning WW2, digging Europe out of that same war, saying Islam is not our enemy{of course maybe it was white Christians who flew those planes into the Twin Towers, right Barry?}, and insulting the American troops and laws for everything from GITMO to really not winning the War on Terror.

As one of the Radio Talkers said this morning...."This Obama Administration has all the looks of a 2nd Jimmy Carter Administration" I had my "Worst Presidents of my life time" post back when The Messiah was installed as the potente'

I may have to upgrade that from Carter being the worst President of my life to Barry Soetoro being the worst....even Jimmy the Weasel may not be able to hold the crown of this imbecile.

A couple of hints for our Arsehole-in-Chief:

Dear Barry: American Presidents don't bow to anybody, especially the ruling ragheaded sons a bitches, that torture women and slaughter 3000 citzens of the world by flying planes into buildings.

You don't go on foreign soil and trash your country in front of spineless bastards unable to fend for themselves without our Military.

You don't trash the men who served as Presidents before you, even if you disagree with their policies. Especially you don't trash dead Presidents like Harry Truman, for bombing the shit out of the Japs(yes that's what we called them back then) thus saving thousands of American GI's lives, and probably hundreds of thousands of citizens.

So, you sorry big eared dufus son of a Kansas _____, what most thinking Americans want you to do, is shut the Hell up, quit bashing this country and it's people, and serve out the remainder of your illegal Presidency, and do so without destroying the you and your worshippers have a clue? I think not!

With no due respect


I had to get that off my chest, and hate to do so in the religious holiday season....I wish you all a Happy Easter, and I ask God to forgive me for my angry rants towards this treasonous criminal that is infecting the White House.

back later>>>>

Photos-The King of America bows down to his Islamic Lords....and Jesus on the Cross, the real thing we all should be concentrating on this Easter season.


Sarge Charlie said...

come on Pat, by now you know that was not a bow, he just bent over to shake hands, sounds good to me.

best wishes for you and yours on easter.

PRH said...

Either shake hands or pick up a quarter the Sheik threw his way...right Sarge :) ???

He is evil in a $3000 Suit.

AmPowerBlog said...

Treason Tour! You're the best Pat. Have a great Easter!

Larry said...

Pat, your frustrated sentiments in this post were also well-covered by Mr. Krauthammer yesterday. Perhaps you read that since GuyK linked to it. Just wanted to alert you and your readers.
And have a glorious Easter with that fine family.

Mr. Grey Ghost said...

President OBOWma looked like an idiot there and the White House denial was even more pathetic.

PRH said...


Great one Grey

Anonymous said...

You're a real piece of work. If Obama does nothing else, at least he's got the likes of you totally gutted. Mission accomplished!

I'm surprised the cross you posted for Easter wasn't burning. Racist.

PRH said...

Look, look, it the world famous Anon, from Taos, New Mexico(didn't think I could figure that out, did you?), throwing out the "Racist" are so sweet. Nothing racist about calling your Obamanation what he is, a Marxist. Now, before you crawl back in or under your trailer(after all that's all they have in Taos) why don't you drop dead?

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