Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Avoiding the "Fiscal Cliff" with Smoke and Mirrors...

Or perhaps I should title this, "Avoiding the Fiscal Cliff, by Blowing Smoke Up America's Ass"....for that is what happened overnight, as my Congressman{for just one more day} Speaker John Boehner let the left get their package voted on...something you know Harry Reid would have never let happen in the Senate.  So the Fiscal Cliff avoidance package passed, with only 85 votes from the GOP, sadly Boehner, my new Congressman, Bob Latta, and even VP Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan, voted for this joke of a bill....So, just like we knew they would, the GOP Moderates caved, and let the Democrats have their way....

Sure, the tax rates won't go up, unless you make $400,000 or $450,000 as a family.."Screw the Rich", right?  Problem is, those that are really "Rich" know how to avoid the increases....and I don't blame them one damn bit.  And of course, if you are thinking that your taxes won't go up?  Guess Again!  If you pay into Social Security, you will still see a 2% increase in those...and just think, if you are under 50 you likely will never see a dime...Is this Country Great, or What?

But of course take a look at those spending cuts in the bill....$17 Trillion in Debt and they are cutting back $15.....Billion!  What a freaking joke...a Few Billion in Cuts and a Few Trillion in Debt...makes perfect sense to about you?  Meanwhile, once the bill is signed, Obammy the Wonder Boy will jet back to Hawaii to vacation with the First Beast and their little kiddies on your $7 Million in tax dollars....aren't you proud that a family that, if not for his EEO hire, would be on the streets and welfare?

So on this second day of the new year, we have avoided the "Fiscal Cliff"{no such thing of course}, and with new spending and new taxes, the gutless in DC will "Kick the Can Down the Road" this once great Republic resembles nothing that our forefathers had envisioned.

back later>>>>

Photos-Obammy and Boehner, doing to America what have brought upon oursleves....

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 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...