Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Air Force Years 1968-72....Photos from Nha Trang

A lite dusting of snow overnight...looks like it made the roads and city streets a bit slippery, but no school delays that I know of....youngest son Hal, called from near Harrisburg, PA, last night...guess he came down with some sort of hives before he left Dayton yesterday on a work trip to central Pennsylvania...said early this morning the blotches were gone but he was stuck with the itching, but had a day long meeting, so didn't want any Benedril to take the itching away, it might make him tired..I know all about "hives" from the allergic reaction I had to fresh crab meat nearly 40 years ago...nasty case, and my love for fresh Blue Crabs came to a end....don't touch the stuff these days.

Nick and I got together last night, planning our trip to the Chicago area to deliver Sam's furniture and other stuff...we will pack the stuff up and put in the truck bed Saturday, and head out early Sunday, coming back Monday afternoon....

Nha Trang in Photos.....1969

Before I head to Tan Son Nhut and begin that phase of my Air Force experience, I thought I would spend a couple of days attaching some photographs of Nha Trang during my time there....some of the photos are mine, others are from Bill Morgan and my late NCOIC Phil Lange, who between them took hundreds of  snapshots, put them on slides, and they survived well...after Phil passed away, his son Paul sent me many photos and Bill sent me a CD of many of his and Phil's views.  So here we go....some I can describe others, not so much:

Phil Lange behind the desk at the Airport first view of LE at Nha Trang.
The V100 of SAT at the 14th SPS HQ....
Transportation of sorts at Nha Trang in 1969....I am pretty sure outside the lights of the tourist trap at Nha Trang, things have not changed much for the locals...
The outdoor Movie House, located across from our living quarters....plenty of first run shows were played almost every night....
The BBQ Pit next to Bailey's Speakeasy....Party Time
Phil Lange, Captain Bailey, and the First Louie enjoying a good Cigar at the Speakeasy...
"Little George" the 14th SPS Mascot of sorts...George used to hang around our gate shacks and posts, until one afternoon he accidentally put an M16 round through the roof of one of the shacks...nobody was hurt, but that put an end to George hanging on posts.

More Photos and one last look at Nha Trang in the next installment before I head to Tan Son Nhut...

back later>>>>

2 comments: said...

Love the old Econoline...brings back memories of Keesler AFB!

PRH said...

We didn't have many on base....but there were a few and some Dodge Power Wagons in Blue as well...

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...