Friday, August 20, 2021

One More Grand Lake Eagle...

Woke up at 4AM and couldn't get back to sleep, that is rare for me, especially since I put in a pedestrian 4 hours at Honda from 6-10 last night...but wide awake I was...I looked out my bedroom window and it appear clear as a bell with the near full moon.  So up I got, made a pot of fresh coffee...and prepared to head out to the lake and take some Sunrise Photos...Well Hell!

As I prepared to leave...BOOM!  The Fog started to roll in ... again!!!  

Since I was awake anyway and the fog was hit and miss...I drove the 6 miles or so to Windy Point on the south side...the Sun did push through the fog and haze, and I snapped some shots, although I have not went through those yet...because towards the end of my planned shoot, some Juvenile Eagles began to sit on the rocks and then some began to fly about...40 shots into the haze, I got a couple of "fair shots" nothing great...but as I was preparing to leave, this guy decided to fly right over my and another photographer's heads...BOOM AGAIN!

That is my "Photo of the Day"  

back later>>>>


Thursday, August 19, 2021

More Grand Lake Eagles and Pelicans...


Patricia is in Wisconsin until early next week, spending time with her step mother and her family in general...Me, with a weekend visit from Daughter Anissa, and the Dog and Cats, are at our own devices...

Went to bed early Tuesday with plans on getting up early to do a photo shoot at and along Grand Lake...No Luck!  I was up, well before sunrise, but  the fog took out any chance of getting around to shoot landscapes, sunrises, or birds, so I set it for this morning...Clouds again, so I slept in until about 7 and figured not much Sunrise Photo Ops, but maybe I could get a bird or two with the camera...haze but no thick fog greeted me when I arrived at my old haunt on the  southside at Windy Point...

Snapped a few weak sunrise shots, and then waited...finally a few large White Pelicans, along with a few Juvenile Eagles came flying in and by...The White Pelicans differ from their more common cousin, the Brown or Yellow Pelican by size, the White are at least 30% larger...after stopping by here in their new migration path a few years ago, they now, at least some, make Grand Lake their home around 9 months a year, skipping December through February, before making their way back when the ice melts off the lake.

The American Eagles now number around 100 along and near the lake...many, like those photographed here, are the younger 4 or 5 years old or less, and are sans White Heads, which appear around their 5th birthday...these guys were the young ones...

Photography in the Haze, and Clouds, sometimes requires a bit of trickery ...filters or programs to get a better effect...and those are noted here:

The bottom one here is my favorite of the morning, a South Bound Eagle...flying away from, just got the Real View ... 👀😎

Monday, August 16, 2021

Arrest Joe Biden Now...For Murder and Crimes against Humanity in Afghanistan...

For any Liberal/Progressive/Leftist Shit for Brains, that stop by...why do you continue to support this useless, evil, Demented Son of a Bitch, named Joe Biden? 

Is your misguided hate for Trump that entrenched?...Biden and his Administration, which he is hardly in charge of, is ushering in the end of our Republic at Warp Speed...Inflation, no longer in charge of our own energy, the Mild Phony Virus and it's Variants, pushed by lies and the media {one and the same}, is just the beginning, and now there is this outright deserting of American Civilians, via letting them stay while the Taliban ran wild...

So Lefties, Screw you and the Biden/Harris Disaster:

Murder in the Middle East via Joe Biden 

Back with more pleasant subjects later...

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Favorite Sunrise/Sunset Photos


So I lied...I promised to post more Sepia Photos on my "Next Post", but will do that later as I sift through the thousands I have I will post my favorite {some} Sunrise and Sunset Photos I have snapped over the decades, but mostly newer {past decade} photos...

Many are from Grand Lake here in Western Ohio, others from Southwest Florida and the Keys over my visits back to my childhood home, Venice, and other locations down that way: 

Photos:  Top Sunset off Venice Beach Florida in October 2019 following a Thunderstorm...Bottom:  Misty Morning pre Sunrise off Windy Point, Grand Lake, Ohio, in 2015.

The others?  Various Sunrise, Sunsets, from locations at Venice, Florida, Grand Lake, Ohio, Coldwater Creek Mercer County, Celina, Ohio, Naples, Florida, Islamorada, in the Florida Keys, and Key West...dates from 1986 through 2019.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Sepia World


I'm a big fan of Photography...lucky for me most of the work I have done, and even shown, has been since the invent of Digital Photography, some 25+ years ago...I started in the "Film Era" but realized that I just wasn't that good at the art and was pissing good money away for my hobby.  Then along came the Digital Camera and wife bought me a Sony Mavia fd-85...I believe she purchased it for Christmas 1998.
At that time I thought it was the greatest thing since Slice Bread, and used it and it's Floppy Disc Format for a decade, until I realized that the smaller "Point and Shoot" cameras were becoming far and away better...and I used those for another 4 or 5 years, before graduating into a new set of cameras and lens options. I still have the FD85 and a somewhat newer Sony FD91 today, sitting in the basement with other older cameras in my aging collection.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still too damn cheap to spend a fortune on Cameras, Lens, and Equipment, but I do have a serviceable collection of equipment, and although I'm no expert, I have come to realize, you can overcome your lack of "quality" equipment by being a good  photographer.  Great/expensive equipment is like putting lipstick and high fashion dresses on Hillary Clinton,  "Man~Chelle" Obama, or Nancy's just covering up the ugly, and poor quality.

Anyway the reason I bring this up today of my favorite mediums is Sepia Photography...and in today's Digital World there are several ways to go about shooting Sepia Photos.  The preferred way it to set your Camera on Sepiatone and fire away, the other is to use a cheap program {yes I am cheap}and change your black and white or color, old and new, photos to Sepia...scanning the real old photos of the 1950s and before, is a way as well.

So after all of that stuff, I was trying to get around to showing some of my personal photos from over the years, that I have  turned into Sepia, or shot in Sepiatone to begin with...

Here they are:  Some as old as 1983, scanned off film, others as new as this day...or at least "Sepiafied" today...enjoy..

And I will have more Sepia in the next post {whenever I choose to post} 👀😎

Friday, August 6, 2021

The Pushing of the Poison Continues...

Garbage In...The Vacs, like the masks, like the BS from the Media, and Left about Covid and the dangers, are pure Bullshit!


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

More COVID and Variant "Delta" in Bullshit!

 Google, Fakebook, the Twits on Twitter, have lock stepped in line with Demented Joe, the far left, and Mainstream Media, in pushing the so called "Delta" Variant mutation of the common flu like Virus know as COVID 19...

It's all Bullshit folks.  First off, yes I am a retired Biology/Environmental Health I know it all?  Hardly, but more so than most.  The media doesn't want you to know any real facts, other than the garbage they push your way, everyday 24/7, yes this includes the darling of the Conservatives, Fox News.

The China Virus or whatever you want to call this lab in Wuhan produced "virus" is real, but not nearly as deadly as the scare and fear mongers in DC and the Press would have you believe.  Hell my now 97 year old mother got the gawd damn stuff while in assisted living or as it should be renamed "Assisted Dying?,  last year...thankfully she is out and living in south Florida with youngest sister and doing fine...

The 600,000 plus they are saying died "from COVID" is a lie...perhaps 600,000 have died "with" COVID, but even that is questionable...and the new "Wildly Spreading" Delta is no worse on people than the damn Common Cold...

If you don't realize this is a con job by now, you probably never will...and the "Poison Jabs" they are asking you to receive, is even a bigger lie...Don't Buy It, and if you have already received the first or even 2nd Jab, don't get another, or for Gawd's Sake, don't receive a Boosters.  Fear is a terrible thing, being sucker enough to believe this contrived Bullshit, is worse.

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...