Pissing off knee jerk Liberals has always been a favorite pastime of mine....they are such childish fools...especially those blinded by political correctness or an adoring love for the half witted half breed, currently the resident Grifter in the White House....the newest batch seems to have latched on to the self proclaimed Indian Princess, Elizabeth "Lezzie" Warren, the plagerizing Junior Senator from the foul state of Taxyer2shits....they always, being of weak souls and minds, seem to latch on to the worst of idols....
Here on this Saturday morning I posted on my facebook page three things to say in front of or to a "Progressive" to set their hair on fire....remember, leftists kooks only like Free Speech and Thought if it agrees with their sick and perverted view of the world....i.e. "Gays are Normal"{not}, Blacks cannot be Racist{they are among the worst in many cases, Jesse Jackass, Man~Chelle Obama, Witless Al Sharpton, are just a few examples}...here are the little ditties that I posted this morning:
George Armstrong Custer was and is an American Hero....Any thinking person, White, Red, or whatever, if they don't read revisionist history can find that out for themselves...let's face it, when one of your chief distractors was a President, General, and a first rate drunk, U.S. Grant, you must have been OK. Mind you, I doubt if I would have enjoyed serving under Custer...in my four years of Air Force service, I did my best to drive guys like him nuts...and frankly I did a damn good job of it. Having said that however, his goals were worthwhile, and thus why the American Left hates him so. Note I said he was an American Hero...probably not so much for those that cannot handle their "Firewater"...
Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy was right about Communist in the US Government...this kind of statement when said to a gutless Liberal{and yes they are all gutless, especially the White Male versions}will surely make their Head Explode....something that would be a joy to witness. McCarthy, the Junior Senator from Wisconsin was spot on with his observations, forget what Marxist tools like Edward R, Murrow had to say back in the days...they hated him, because he was ruthless in his pursuit of the Reds in Government.
Joe McCarthy Was an American Hero!
truth...current Liberals and Media are mostly Rock Solid Communists and thus the hate, even thought few can even tell you what he was doing, remains today....
Ronald Reagan was the Greatest President of our Lifetime....In my case that would be from Truman through the Kenyan/Chicago Bath House Queen in office today...In my view, this is a no brainer...look at what we have been saddled with since WWII. If truth be known, Truman would be second on my list{after all he bombed the
Japs and saved millions of lives, and returned home without fanfare or Secret Service protection}...he had many faults and made many mistakes, but compared to LBJ, Clinton, Carter, The Bushes, and even Ike, he was second to Reagan. Number 3 on the list has to be JFK, only because by today's standards he is a flaming Right Wing Nut, he the only other good one out of the turds that have occupied the White House since the end of the War in 1945...Ronald Reagan didn't have to do much to rank #1....Flush the Rest.
There you have it...a few statements to piss off your favorite Liberal Friend or Family Member....you know? Get them foaming at the mouth, ranting, raving, screaming, and red in the face bursting a blood vessel in their warped brain mad....It is great sport....