Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Buzz

Growing up in south Flordia{Venice} in the 1950s and early 60s, I usually wore a Buzz Cut Hair Style, at least during the Summer Months, especially since my childhood hero, Mickey Mantle, also wore the Buzz during the Yankees summer baseball season....that all changed during my high school years back in Ohio when the Beatles came along....although I never wore it extremely long until my post Air Force days in the 1970s.  Since those days I usually have it cut about once a month, and kept it fairly long, but mostly above the ears...

The last time I received a Buzz Cut was basic training, free of charge, from the US Air Force at Amarillo, AFB, Texas in June of 1968....I made it a point as an Air Force Cop to wear it as long as possible after that, just to piss off the brass and lifers....I was written up more than one time for refusing to get it cut to what they thought was the proper length...."F*ck Em" was my motto, for my four year tour, including my time in Vietnam.

After motorcycle riding in the desert in Moab, Utah, and the surrounding desert mountains back in March, I knew, wearing a helmet, most times while riding, I would need to get rid of the hair for awhile...at least during my proposed Great Lake Dual Sport Motorcycle Adventure coming up in late July and into early August...the only question was "When do I pull the Trigger"?

This morning was time....so I headed off to my barber of 35 years, George, and asked him to the dirty deed....He sez "Really, are you sure"....it's time I sez, it will grow back, no baldness in my family, either side....

So after 47 years I have the Air Force Basic Training Look....a lot more gray stubble on the melon, to go with the 60 pounds since 1968.....135 when I entered basic training and the 195 pounds of today....

Here Ya Go:

Before and After, After

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Tale of Two Flags...

One designed to appease the "Queer Nation" of fags, perverts, dykes, child molesters, and pedophiles, is approved by the media, White House, Liberals, and gutless faux Conservatives with no spine:

The Rainbow or as I call it the "RainBlow Flag"....

The other the Confederate Battle Flag is called Racist by the usual suspect...the foreign born piece of dung in the White House, and Black Racist'/Poverty Pimps, and the Media, Liberals, and RINOs who want to curry favor from those groups{yea, like that is going to work}...Here is a message, the far left is never going to like you, unless you turn Democrate and admit having an affair with the same sex, or a goat...the at least the Radical Islamics will like you...

The Confederate Battle Flag....

I'm neither a queer or a member of the collection of perverts who wrap themselves in the Rainbow Flag...neither am I a son of the South....even though I grew up in south Florida, I was born in Ohio and all the immediate members of my family that I know of {16 at least} fought and some died for the Union....

However only 1 of those two flags deserved respect, and it's not the cute little faggot flag:  Don't like that or agree, ask me how little I freaking care:

back later:

Yep, I'm still alive...

Winter, at least when you get my age (76 in 9 days}, SUCKS. So here we are over 2 months into the 'New' year and this is my first po...