Saturday, October 28, 2017

{More} Corrupton and Selective Enforcement from the OHSAA

For all that read or have read this blog over the past month, there can be little doubt of my disdain and total dislike for the Bean Counters and those in charge, without accountability, at the Ohio High School Athletic Association....

Am I obsessed?  Hardly, but if they thought I was just some low educated stiff that would accept their totally arbitrary and unjust "suspension" they of course don't know me or my history of fighting "big shots"...whether it was in the Air Force, my radio bropadcasting days, or my years in Public/Environmental Health work, fighting the honchos at the Ohio EPA or state Health Department...I have done no backing down...and at 68 1/2 years on this planet, I am not about to start now.  Sure I will retire from all officiating, for the most part, but I will not be silent on the corruption and crapola dished out by the likes of Beau Rugg, Dan Ross, and other "Bean Counters" and self appointed "Power Rangers" at the OHSAA.

Here is a Letter to the Editor comment posted from another source yesterday...I believe the author is spot on in his assessment: 

OHSAA Officials needed
This article appeared in a early bird patter report. The OHSAA has become a point of contention with many whom are close to the organization. From the ou...tside, it appears that the state official’s association has become a fiefdom of cronies and minimally effective leaders in their supposed areas of expertise. Losing officials has been explained as a changing of the guard (age, etc.), however, there our two sides to every story. Kangaroo Courts are not an unbiased venue where sound judgments have been found to prevail. However, it now appears that high school officials are not judged on their work on the field of play but also on their social media point of view and political status. The OHSAA has a dwindling number of officials and have exacerbated the condition by using social media and political status to measure and to drive otherwise competent officials from the game a thwarting young officials wanting to enter the avocation. Building your hierarchy of fundamental foolishness and taking positions against civil liberties and first amendment rights does not bode well for retention and or growth of an organization looking people. A long hard look into your inner Sanctum looks to be in order and
would do the OHSAA a bit of good.


And it's not only officiating....

The corruption and heavy handed dealings of the OHSAA are not only in regards to officiating, but in how punishment is handed out, or in this case not handed out....which led to one school getting a break it didn't deserve while another gets the short end of the stick....yes, the school getting the hose job by the bean counters is my own Alma Mater ...  but regardless, I would have stuck up for any school getting screwed by Ross and Company:  Thus this article from today:

OHSAA and it's Selective Enforcement

It doesn't or should not matter that the "prize" for getting that 8th spot would/will be a date with top ranked Trotwood~Madison, the result is one school that plays by the rules{Celina} gets screwed, while the other, a team using ineligible player{s} gets a basically free pass, for a stiff fine, of course.

Corrupt is the first name of the Ohio High School Athletic Association:

back later>>>>

below: Me working the Elida D4 District in 2013...

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