Monday, October 30, 2017

The Drums Grow Louder....Sports Officials Fighting Back.

It appears than more officials/umpires are getting sick and tired of the BS being handed down by the various State Athletic Associations....if the Bean Counters think things are bad now, in terms of officials getting the Hell out of High School Sports Officiating, let them keep up with their Heavy Handed BS and watch the numbers hit "Critical Mass"

Football Officials Walk Off after Protest

With numbers of officials at all sports at the High School and lower levels and now with the Political Correct Bean Counters in charge of the State Associations and trying to run officials lives not only on, but also off the playing fields and courts, things are only going to get worse for the OHSAA and other State Associations.

Last year when our crew was first informed that we were to do "nothing" to any protesting Little Bastards that disrespected the Flag on National Anthem...we three Vietnam Veterans on the Crew were a bit pissed, but decided between ourselves that regardless...we would not do anything as ordered against them for their disrespect....however, we also decided that in all likelihood that they would eventually be served with a couple of "Unsportsmanlike Conduct" penalty flags, sometime during the contest...which would result in an ejection and suspension....well we didn't have to worry, the kids in our area are not the type to knee for the Anthem or Flag, so it never became an issue with us.

Now, there are more than a few gutless officials that don't have the stones to stand up and be counted...but the majority of the ones I know and work with are getting sick and tired of the BS being shoved down their throats by the OHSAA, and it appears others throughout the nation are feeling likewise.

That in itself is a Good Thing

back later>>>>

Photo-Me {far right} Jeff and Mick at a Parkway JV game a couple of years back

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