WTF? My page views have been up since the OHSAA witch hunt but for folks in the old Soviet Union to be checking me out, must mean that the long winter has already began over there....hope the comrades are enjoying my rants...
The Weasels Continue to Peak Out from their Hideouts...
While the large variety of fellow officials and umpires continue to show support and backing for the issues with the OHSAA and me, a few, some I am not surprised out of, and others by their silence on the issue, speaks volumes...but hey, it's their opinions and that is there right, as I told one, I know who has my back, it's those I have to watch my back, because of, that concern me.
Officiating, much like my days in Radio Broadcasting, is a profession{in Officiating/Umpiring it's not really a profession, but a lightly paid "hobby"} that you always have to watch your back while working. Sure you have pals, and back slappers, plenty of good folks, and more than a few back stabbers, that would throw their own Mothers under the bus if they thought it would gain them some higher level of work.
Thank God, I've never been like that...and likely one reason, despite my skill{yea tooting my own bugle} and votes in baseball umpiring and my radio news work, that I never moved to a high level...sure I did well in both, they were however, Part Time Gigs, nothing more. The 20 years in Environmental Health work is a different story, while I did my job and attained the highest local level one could reach...I never did or felt the need to "Kiss Ass" to move up that ladder...and I never had to back stab or bad mouth anybody to gain the heights I reached in any endeavor. That is one weakness that I may have...just to damn honest for my own good...and I am damn glad I have gone that route. I thank God for the breaks given...but that doesn't mean a bit of Karma shoved up some of these clowns backsides, won't bring a smile to my face.
Now that the issues with the OHSAA are now in the rear view mirror{yes, the legal issues will remain and be played out, but I am done with them on the fields and basketball floors} I can set my sights to the next battle...perhaps.
The VSPA...

However, the group has become a vast shell of it's original purpose of "taking care of our own" The Air Force Cops who served in Vietnam and Thailand during that is now a bloated organization that allows one man to rule with an iron fist...a sort of mini Benito Mussolini, who rules the group as "El Presidente" for life, while a small group of his minions follow faithfully in his shadow...and if you step out of line, you have his wrath...
This group, much like the bean counters at OHSAA if funded via the pockets of the members/working stiffs...the Dues each collect are used in part to rule over and keep them in line...
That is where I stand with this Life Member #575 I'll have more to say about this...
back later^^^^ I just noted this is post #1600 on this back to July 2007, damn over 10 years of ranting and getting **it off my chest!
Photos= The view Map showing the Dark Green as locations of the most hits I get on this blog...and Russia has moved a bit ahead of the USA in total over the past weeks posting....working at Van Wert a few years back, and the logo of the VSPA
Looking forward to the next installment .I like you have been a Life member for years of VSPA .If it hadnt been for VSPA I wouldnt have been able to have hooked back up with my year long bud at Phan Rang and gotten to know some great guys like you ,.Saying that though its very dis heartening to see what VSPA has become .Actually it pisses me off but the dictator for lifes crew has spoken .If they want to spend their money following him around and kissing his ass thats ok,we have other ways now of keeping in touch . Keep on keeping on brother .sam
Yep Big Sam, the tools that follow SG around and kiss his Royal Ass are like those poor officials/umpires that feel the need to suck up to Beau Rugg and his Lackeys, because they lack the skill and quality to move up without major ass kissing....they are the lowest of the bottom feeders, while the rest of us choose to make or break ourselves through our actions and words, and let the chips fall where they may.
Welcome Home!
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