Thursday, October 5, 2017

OHSAA vs PRH "The Ban Hammer" part #4

I wanted to make it official, although I have known since Monday, that the "suspension" was coming down from those locked in their Ivory Tower at the Ohio High School Athletic Association.

My old play by play buddy from 35 and more years ago at WCSM Radio is covering the entire story, correspondents, and issues on his Internet Sports Outlet:

State Line Sports Network

In addition to my blog writings,  Dave is covering this story and by connection,  I was featured in a story earlier this year:

Good Ol Boy System

Little did I realize at this time that it would come down to this:

SL Sports Legal Options

and finally the Ban Hammer that followed:


I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this, just a little.  And I especially enjoy the backing I am getting from my fellow officials, crew mates, and especially fellow Umpires and school Athletic Directors.

I will leave you with this for today...lot's of reading to digest today, so I will let you get at it....

back later{probably tomorrow} with the next installment!



Todd Steinbrunner said...

I've had the opportunity to coach in many games you've officiated in both high school baseball and youth football. You've always called the games fair and treated both coaches and players with respect. This is total BS, youth athletics are the ones losing here. I hope you win this appeal. Completely ridiculous.

PRH said...

Thanks Todd...coming from guys I coached way back when and worked with when they were coaching, means a lot. This is not about me, or me ever working a OHSAA contest again, it's about the arbitrary abuse of power by the Ohio School Athletic Association, against officials, players, and schools, while lining their own collective pockets and handing out power and favors, like lollipops to those that toe the line.

Thanks again for you support and words.

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...