Monday, January 23, 2017

2017 The Best Laid Plans

I had planned on working on this blog more in 2017...things in the Blog World have slowed since I began this one back in 2007... and many of the folks I started with have either passed...Sarge Charlie, Buck Pennington, and others, or simply quit or slowed down to a crawl...that is just the way it is, social media has changed and Twitter and Facebook are now King, and have been for the better part of the past decade.

But I will keep this alive, if for no other reason, when I pass on, the words and photos of PRH will still be floating around in Cyber~Space...and the Grandsons and their offspring, if any, might be able to see what a reactionary ass, Grandpa was.

The Changing of the Guard...

First Off...Thank God Obama, his "Wookie" and Company are out of our White House...a long miserable Anti American 8 years is behind us...Trump?  I'm not sure what he will do to improve things...but hopefully he can slow the destruction of the US Republic that the Kenyan has been pushing with the help of the Marxist Media.  I'm not a Trump "True Believer" but I like the way he bashes the Media and Establishment at every turn...hopefully he won't change...the screams of agony from the left is always a joy to hear.

Crazy Weather....

On average, in this part of the world, January 21st is the coldest day of the year....the peak, things, once again on average, get a bit warmer each day between now and July 21st....that average took a beating this past weekend.

Saturday the 21st we saw a High of 63 and yesterday it was up to 64 and neither day saw any rain and various amounts of, it's colder and back to wet ... although 45, the predicted high, is still a dozen degrees warmer than average.  "Man~Made Global Warming"?  Sorry Al Gore Fans...that was and still is...Total Bullshit...the earth and climate do change, but "Man" has not a Gawd Damn thing to do with was happening long before we stepped foot on Planet Earth, thanks to God. 

And don't bother arguing with me....because I know more than 99% of you about it...that comes from education and having a brain that I use....without the help of a bias media, and the Fake Science Hucksters that push the BS for money, power, and control, over the rest of us.

Big Bend 2017...

I did get the TW200 Dual Sport out for a quick ride on Saturday and a 15 mile "Shake Down" ride yesterday...the Yamaha is running great and hopefully will be good to go come February 27th when I head for Southwest Texas along the Rio Grande...that is still in the plans, but turning 68 in less than 2 months, who really knows  what kind of plans are going to be fulfilled...I'm just thankful that I have had the last 2 years of riding around the country, from Moab, Big Bend, the Upper Great Lakes, West Virginia, and Southern Indiana, as well as locally, on numerous Dual Sport Rides, without's been fun getting back in the saddle.


Yea, I know, I've still got a couple of looks back at last year....and I will get to them eventually, God and Time Willing!

Back Later>>>

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Welcome to 2017 with the Fox on Ice

Been tough getting off the snide and finishing up my look back at 2016....a couple more segments to go, but I will get it done...Just not today!

Before we received a late December/New Year Warm~Up  {which is now gone and replaced with lite snow and wind chills in the Zero Range} ...I did get out to Grand Lake to take my Garden Variety Sunrise/Sunset shots over the lake, at various locations...

On December 28th I was walking out along the Windy Point Jetty, waiting for the first specks of Sun to rise above the eastern lake, when I saw a shadow run out on the frozen lake about 100 or more yards off I readied the Sony, without a proper lens for wildlife,{after all I was taking sunrise photos}...I pushed the internal zoom to it's max and snapped a few shots of the visitor, a wily Red Fox, who had joined me to watch nature's awaking....

I will return, sooner rather than later, for pats 3 and 4 looking back at 2016

Yep, I'm still alive...

Winter, at least when you get my age (76 in 9 days}, SUCKS. So here we are over 2 months into the 'New' year and this is my first po...